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WHO, (2014), Global Report on Drowning: Preventing a leading killer, World Health Organization Press, Spain.? 

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The WHO Global Report on Drowning emphasizes six key strategies to reduce drowning, including targeted prevention strategies, improved community infrastructure, public awareness-raising, appropriate policies and legislation, and research for new preventive measures . Additionally, adult drowning interventions have been categorized into behavioral, socio-ecological, and mixed strategies, highlighting the importance of multi-strategy approaches . The complexity of drowning prevention requires multisectoral action involving various sectors like health, leisure, education, and emergency services . Furthermore, drowning prevention efforts should focus on demographic differences, autopsy findings, and factors influencing drowning victims, especially in low- and middle-income countries . Effective drowning prevention interventions for children include education, engineering measures like pool fencing, and legislation enforcement, with swimming lessons and adult supervision being particularly effective .

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The WHO Global Report on Drowning provides key strategies for drowning prevention, emphasizing targeted prevention, community infrastructure improvement, public awareness, policies, and research for effective prevention measures.
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