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Who more likely to multitasking male or female? 

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Based on the available research data, the likelihood of multitasking performance between males and females varies across different paradigms. While some studies suggest that men may have an advantage in concurrent multitasking, others indicate no significant gender differences in everyday multitasking abilities. However, a study exploring the impact of multitasking efficiency found that females tend to make fewer errors than males. Additionally, there is evidence that females perform better than males in task-switching multitasking scenarios. Overall, the existing literature presents mixed findings regarding gender differences in multitasking abilities, with some studies suggesting advantages for either gender depending on the specific multitasking context being examined.

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Women are more likely to multitask household production activities, especially child care, as suggested by time-use data and potential gender differences in cognitive functioning and societal factors.
Females are more likely to multitask than males, as they outperform males in task switching multitasking, possibly due to evolutionary adaptations for gathering and caring for offspring.
Females are more likely to multitask efficiently than males, as indicated by the study. Gender differences were significant, with females making fewer errors during multitasking tasks.
Men are more likely to excel in concurrent multitasking, attributed to cognitive abilities rather than experience. Women show no significant advantage in multitasking performance based on the study.

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