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Why is there new incivility that emerged during the election at during the pandemic? 

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The emergence of new incivility during elections amid the pandemic can be attributed to various factors. The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted electoral processes, leading to increased scrutiny and criticism of political figures and institutions. The public's concerns over health protocols, neutrality of state civil apparatus, and political actions have fueled impoliteness and attacks towards politicians. Additionally, the polarized and politicized scientific debates during the pandemic have contributed to a culture of anger and incivility, further influencing public discourse and reactions towards political events. These combined factors have created a breeding ground for heightened incivility during elections, as individuals express their frustrations and opinions in response to the challenging circumstances posed by the pandemic.

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New incivility emerged during the election amid the pandemic due to violations of health protocols by election officials and voters, and breaches of neutrality by some state civil servants.
Not addressed in the paper.
The new incivility during the pandemic and election emerged due to users focusing on Giuliani's political actions rather than his humanity, leading to impoliteness based on political engagement.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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