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From our experience of large-scale English-Hindi MT, we are convinced that fluency and fidelity in the Hindi output get an order of magnitude facelift if accurate case markers and suffixes are produced.
In this paper we propose an OCR for printed Hindi text in Devanagari script, using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which improves its efficiency.
During simulations and evaluation, the accuracy up to 91.30% is achieved, which is significantly better in comparison to other existing approaches for Hindi parts of speech tagging.
Considering the complexities of Hindi characters, the technique shows an impressive result using a Multilayer Perceptron MLP based classifier.
Using spoken captions collected in English and Hindi, we show that the same model architecture can be successfully applied to both languages.

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How to do narrative literature review?
4 answers
Conducting a narrative literature review involves a series of structured steps designed to synthesize and interpret a body of literature on a specific topic. Initially, it's essential to establish a clear rationale for choosing a narrative review approach, which is particularly useful for exploring broad topics, synthesizing diverse research findings, and offering new insights or theoretical contributions to a field. The process begins with framing a research question that aligns with the goals of a narrative review, targeting a wide overview rather than a narrow evidence synthesis. The scope and boundaries of the review should be clearly defined, including key terms and concepts, to guide the literature search and selection process. This involves selecting databases and formulating search strategies that are iterative, allowing for the inclusion of a wide range of sources, such as peer-reviewed articles, grey literature, and seminal works, to capture the depth and breadth of the topic. Inclusion and exclusion criteria must be justified, reflecting the review's scope and ensuring a manageable and relevant body of literature is examined. The narrative review's flexibility allows for changes in these criteria as the review progresses, accommodating new insights and directions that emerge from the literature. Analysis and interpretation in narrative reviews are iterative processes, where themes and patterns are identified and synthesized to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. This requires reflexivity, acknowledging how the reviewers' perspectives may influence the interpretation of findings. Finally, the review should culminate in a coherent synthesis that not only summarizes the current state of knowledge but also identifies gaps in the literature and suggests directions for future research. This approach enables the narrative review to contribute meaningfully to the understanding of complex or under-researched topics.
How does the choice of erosion and boundary extraction techniques impact the accuracy of image processing results?
5 answers
The choice of erosion and boundary extraction techniques significantly impacts the accuracy of image processing results. Different techniques like Canny, Prewitt, Sobel, and proposed algorithms have been explored for boundary detection, with the proposed algorithm showing better results in peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Additionally, the accuracy of boundary extraction in microwave mammography plays a crucial role in the reconstruction accuracy of inverse scattering algorithms like the distorted born iterative method (DBIM). Moreover, boundary extraction methods based on complex network analysis have been shown to effectively represent geometric features of contour graphics, impacting classification accuracy and CPU costs in image shape analysis. These findings highlight the importance of selecting appropriate erosion and boundary extraction techniques to enhance the accuracy of image processing outcomes.
What is stopword removal in text mining?
5 answers
Stopword removal in text mining is a crucial preprocessing step aimed at eliminating common words that do not add significant value to the analysis. These words, known as stop words, include terms like 'a', 'the', and 'is', which are typically excluded from indexing and search processes in Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. By removing stop words, the size of the corpus can be reduced by 35-45%, leading to enhanced efficiency and accuracy in text mining tasks. Various techniques have been developed for stopword removal, such as using predefined lists or algorithms like Term Based Random Sampling. Additionally, stopword removal aids in reducing the dimensionality of the feature space, improving computational efficiency, and enhancing the performance of classification systems in text mining applications.
What are the advantages of online shopping for consumers?
4 answers
Online shopping offers numerous advantages for consumers. Firstly, it provides benefits such as discounts, easy returns, payment on delivery, and order cancellation flexibility, which attract consumers, especially the youth who are tech-savvy. Additionally, factors like website aesthetics, accessibility, trust, price offerings, security, delivery, and product quality positively influence consumers' purchase decisions in the digital shopping realm. Moreover, online shopping advantages significantly impact consumer buying behavior, with convenience, reward systems, cashback offers, and product comparisons playing crucial roles in influencing consumers to purchase more online, particularly in the case of healthy food products. Lastly, the perception of usefulness and product quality are key factors affecting consumers' decisions to shop online, along with the influence of reference groups in guiding online purchasing choices.
Why does RAG retrieval augmented generation fail?
5 answers
RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) fails due to its limitation of being trained and explored solely with a Wikipedia-based knowledge base, hindering its optimization for specialized domains like healthcare and news. This restriction prevents RAG from effectively adapting to domain-specific knowledge bases, impacting its performance in diverse contexts. To address this issue, an extension called RAG-end2end has been proposed, enabling joint training of the retriever and generator components for domain adaptation in Open-Domain Question Answering (ODQA) tasks. By updating all components of the external knowledge base during training and injecting more domain-specific knowledge through an auxiliary training signal, RAG-end2end significantly improves performance across various domains, showcasing the importance of domain adaptation in enhancing retrieval-augmented generation models.
What is Support Vector Machine?
4 answers
A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a powerful machine learning model used for classification and regression tasks. SVMs are based on statistical learning theory and convex optimization, drawing optimal boundaries in multidimensional space to separate different classes or predict continuous outcomes. They excel in various domains like bioinformatics, text categorization, and computer vision. SVMs maximize the minimum distance between data points and the decision boundary, even allowing for soft margins when data points are not perfectly separable. This technique has become increasingly popular for tasks like pattern recognition, regression estimation, and function approximation, making it a versatile tool in the field of machine learning.
什麼是 Image Segmentation?
5 answers
Image segmentation is the process of dividing a digital image into distinct regions or objects based on different techniques. This division simplifies image analysis by reducing complexity and enhancing the understanding of the content. It plays a vital role in various fields such as computer vision, image compression, object detection, medical imaging, and more. Techniques like thresholding, region growing, edge detection, and active contours are commonly used for image segmentation. The segmentation can be based on properties like pixel values, intensity, texture, and shape, allowing for detailed analysis and processing of images. Additionally, image segmentation methods can involve neural networks, artificial intelligence algorithms, and feature vectors to classify and segment objects within images.
Coordinates of study area located in south africa ?
5 answers
The study areas in South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland were georeferenced using museum specimens to develop distributional maps of modern rodent genera. Additionally, a pilot study aimed at automated settlement mapping in South Africa, focusing on areas like Gauteng, Durban, Rustenburg, and Limpopo province. Furthermore, a mammal species list was compiled for the Sandveld Nature Reserve in the central interior of South Africa, highlighting the distribution and diversity of small mammals within the reserve. The study on settleable dust samples near asbestos mine dumps in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, identified two monitoring sites located about 20 km from Mbombela, the provincial capital. These contexts collectively provide insights into various geographical locations within South Africa where different research studies were conducted.
How does the proficiency of muscle memory impact the efficiency of typing on a typewriter?
5 answers
Proficiency in muscle memory significantly influences typing efficiency on a typewriter. Studies have shown that practice, favorable equipment, proper working conditions, and preferred speed play crucial roles. Additionally, learning a motor skill like typewriting induces changes in brain electrical patterns, indicating adaptation of the sensory-motor cortex. Moreover, the arrangement of Chinese characters in the tray bed of a Chinese typewriter, known as "Radiating style," enhances typing speed through personalized distribution, highlighting the importance of tray bed settings in Chinese natural language processing. Therefore, muscle memory proficiency, coupled with optimal learning conditions and ergonomic setups, is pivotal for enhancing typing efficiency on a typewriter.
What is required on an invoice document?
5 answers
An invoice document typically requires essential information for payment processing and transaction verification. This includes recording invoice data, generating and printing the invoice, applying a memory element for automated payment processing. To extract key fields from invoices, methods like sequence labeling using neural networks are employed, balancing data requirements and performance. In the event of default, invoices play a crucial role in providing proof of transactions, detailing goods, quantities, and amounts involved in buying and selling transactions. Systems for invoice field detection and parsing involve steps like character extraction, image analysis, layout examination, field detection using machine learning, and parsing based on content information. A Conceptual Model based on a semantic network aids in labeling physical rectangles on invoices to construct a Document Model for each invoice class, facilitating invoice understanding and classification.
How does the regulation of a product impact consumer safety and well-being?
5 answers
Regulations play a crucial role in safeguarding consumer safety and well-being. They help in ensuring transparency regarding product ingredients and potential risks. Regulatory actions, such as product withdrawals or changes in indications, impact consumer access and usage patterns, influencing health outcomes. For instance, the regulation of disposable lighters significantly reduced injuries among children, demonstrating the positive impact of safety regulations on specific target populations and broader age groups. However, unintended consequences like therapeutic switching due to regulatory actions can have unforeseen health implications, emphasizing the importance of evaluating both intended and unintended impacts of regulations on consumer health. Overall, effective regulations enhance consumer awareness, product safety, and contribute to improved well-being.