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Why recognition and restoration of garden is important? 

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Recognition and restoration of gardens are crucial due to their historical, cultural, and environmental significance. Historical gardens serve as valuable heritage sites, reflecting the artistic styles, societal values, and historical periods in which they were created. They provide insights into past civilizations and are essential for heritage conservation and tourism promotion. Restoration efforts help preserve these gardens, preventing the loss of their unique features and historical evidence. Additionally, gardens contribute to urban green infrastructure, offering ecosystem services and enhancing public well-being. Recognizing and restoring gardens involve a holistic approach, considering historical, botanical, and compositional elements to ensure sustainable management and maintenance for future generations.

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Recognition and restoration of gardens are crucial due to climate changes, neglect, and historical events impacting vegetation. Understanding diachronic transformations aids in sustainable solutions for garden preservation.
Recognition and restoration of historical gardens are crucial as they hold social, cultural, and political historical evidence, representing culture, style, and originality, contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage.
Recognition and restoration of gardens are crucial for heritage conservation, tourism, and public appreciation. Sustainable management ensures long-term preservation of historic garden landscapes.
Recognition and restoration of gardens like Zuoyin Garden are important to preserve unique cultural heritage, inspire conservation efforts, and expand research on Huizhou garden culture in southern China.
Recognition and restoration of gardens are crucial to preserve historical and botanical values, address critical issues like invasive species, and provide ecosystem services for community well-being in urban areas.

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How can the existing preservation strategies for the garden suburbs be improved in response to emerging challenges?5 answersExisting preservation strategies for garden suburbs can be improved in response to emerging challenges by implementing innovative approaches and technologies. One approach is to monitor the weathering steel structures used in these suburbs using in situ electrochemical techniques, such as Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). This technique allows for the assessment of corrosion in metallic structures exposed outdoors, providing valuable information for maintenance and preservation efforts. Additionally, incorporating open structures that accommodate evolving knowledge can help address scalability and adaptability challenges. This shift from closed-systems approaches to open structures would allow for the integration of new preservation methods and strategies as they emerge. Furthermore, a focus on sustainability is crucial, with considerations such as permeable surfaces, tree canopy cover, and energy and water conservation playing a significant role in improving preservation strategies for garden suburbs. By addressing these challenges and incorporating innovative approaches, the preservation of garden suburbs can be enhanced for long-term sustainability and resilience.
How garden impacts life in cities?3 answersUrban gardens have a significant impact on life in cities. They provide opportunities for physical activity and the consumption of homegrown fruits and vegetables, which can contribute to improved health and well-being. Urban gardens also have the potential to reduce stress levels and improve social cohesion, creating cohesive communities involved with their living environment. Moreover, urban gardens can combat the loss of green space in cities, providing everyday nature experiences and increasing knowledge and appreciation of biodiversity and the environment. They can also contribute to urban climate planning by regulating microclimates, reducing urban heat island effects, and buffering urban floods. Additionally, private gardens in urban areas can support urban biodiversity and provide cultural ecosystem services, such as social bonds, recreation, and relaxation. Overall, urban gardens play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life in cities by promoting physical and mental well-being, fostering social connections, and contributing to urban sustainability and resilience.

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