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Why Researcher chosen the area of Skill development in secondary level students? 

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Researchers have focused on skill development in secondary level students due to the increasing importance of preparing youth for the workforce. Employers are seeking a combination of cognitive, non-cognitive, and technical skills, emphasizing skills like communication, problem-solving, and flexibility. Studies have shown that many graduates lack essential soft skills required in the workplace, prompting initiatives like the Skills Passport tool to enhance students' awareness and documentation of their skills. Additionally, research has highlighted the significance of self-awareness skills among higher secondary-level students, indicating a need to address this aspect for better preparedness for future endeavors. By addressing skill development at the secondary level, researchers aim to bridge the gap between educational outcomes and the demands of the evolving job market.

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The researchers focused on skill development in students to address the gap in transferable skills reported by employers, aiming to enhance students' employability and readiness for the workplace.
The researchers chose to study self-awareness skills in higher secondary students to assess the current status and gender differences in self-awareness skill levels among students aged 17-19.
The researchers focused on research skills in secondary students to understand factors influencing skill development, aiming to enhance educational practices and outcomes in upper secondary and university levels.
Researchers focused on skill development in secondary students due to the increasing demand for relevant workplace skills. The study identified key skill types needed for employability, emphasizing cognitive, non-cognitive, and technical skills.
The researcher chose to develop an interactive video model for pronunciation skill in tenth grade students to enhance learning interest and effectiveness in teaching pronunciation.

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