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Why student using artifial intelligence? 

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Students are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) in education due to its numerous benefits. AI and neural networks offer advantages such as optimizing the learning process, providing adaptive and individualized learning experiences, increasing motivation, and enabling automatic assessment of knowledge and skills . Additionally, AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more meaningful learning activities, thus improving performance in academic and professional endeavors . Research has shown that AI in education can lead to more efficient, adaptable, and effective learning models, allowing students to adjust the pace of their courses to enhance competency . Moreover, AI applications like the Artificial Intelligence Assisted Learning system have been developed to assist students in subjects like Mathematics, providing personalized worksheets, immediate feedback, and gamification elements to enhance engagement and enjoyment .

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Students use artificial intelligence in higher education for adaptive learning, improved teaching quality, and enhanced motivation, as AI offers efficient, personalized, and effective educational models.
Students use artificial intelligence in education for improving personal experiences, processing data, enhancing task management, and potentially reducing dependency on teachers, as per student perceptions at Al Ain University.
Students use artificial intelligence for optimized learning, personalized education, practical skill acquisition through virtual simulators, and efficient remote learning, enhancing their knowledge and skills in professional disciplines.
Students use artificial intelligence to enhance teaching effectiveness through automation of tasks, freeing time for more meaningful learning experiences, as highlighted in the paper.

Related Questions

How students use AI?4 answersStudents use AI in various ways in education. They can benefit from AI-powered writing tools for tasks like text translation, spelling improvement, and text summarization. Additionally, AI can play different roles in classrooms, such as AI-tutor, AI-coach, AI-mentor, and more, offering distinct pedagogical benefits and risks. AI can help students learn with and about AI, encouraging active oversight and critical assessment of AI outputs to enhance learning outcomes while ensuring that AI serves as a supportive tool rather than a replacement. Moreover, AI can be utilized to analyze students' emotions through facial expressions, allowing for tailored approaches based on their emotional state, whether they are happy, motivated, or sad. Overall, students engage with AI tools for learning, writing assistance, emotional analysis, and various educational purposes.
Factors why students use ai?5 answersStudents use AI for various reasons, influenced by factors such as perceived usefulness, ease of use, learning motivation, and positive attitudes towards AI-based systems. AI offers advantages like automating tasks, freeing up time for meaningful learning, and providing quick and intelligent responses, making it accessible and appealing to students. Additionally, AI integration in education, particularly in second language learning, enhances writing skills development, feedback literacy, and engagement, leading to improved outcomes and positive student feedback. Factors like performance expectations, minimal threat perception, social influence, and information accessibility also play crucial roles in students' decisions to use AI coaching tools.
How can AI be used by students?5 answersAI can be used by students in various ways. It can serve as an AI-tutor, AI-coach, AI-mentor, AI-teammate, AI-tool, AI-simulator, and AI-student, each with distinct benefits and risks. These approaches aim to help students learn with and about AI, while mitigating risks such as complacency, errors, and biases. The goal is to enhance learning outcomes by challenging students to remain the "human in the loop" and ensuring that AI serves as a supportive tool rather than a replacement. In the context of second language learning, AI implementation, such as the Wordtune application, can significantly improve writing outcomes, engagement, and feedback literacy. Additionally, AI and neural networks can optimize the learning process, provide adaptive and individualized learning, increase motivation, and enable automatic assessment of knowledge and skills. They can also be used to create virtual simulators and trainers for practical skill acquisition. However, students need guidance from teachers to prevent misapplication and to develop meaningful learning strategies when using AI-powered writing tools.
What are the ways of using AI for students?5 answersAI can be used for students in various ways. One approach is through AI-assisted learning tools such as AI-tutors, AI-coaches, AI-mentors, AI-teammates, AI-tools, AI-simulators, and AI-students, each with their own benefits and risks. These approaches aim to help students learn with and about AI, while also mitigating risks such as complacency, errors, and biases. Another way is through the use of AI services like "ChatGPT" which can be used to assess student texts, find errors, suggest corrections, and generate lists of literature, enhancing motivation and bringing a futuristic element to the educational process. AI in education also enables personalized learning, intelligent tutoring systems, chatbots, automated grading, and assessment, which can lead to better student outcomes, increased efficiency, and more accurate feedback. Additionally, AI technologies like virtual and augmented reality, online learning platforms, adaptive learning, and gamification are being used to create immersive learning experiences, provide access to educational resources, and adjust learning content based on individual needs and progress.
Why student use AI?4 answersStudents use AI for various reasons in their educational journey. AI is increasingly being used in medical education to provide personalized experiences and improve outcomes, such as equipping healthcare professionals with better skills and knowledge. In programming teaching, AI-based intelligent tutors have been developed to answer students' questions and provide accurate answers and examples, which students find helpful and consider a useful tool for other courses. AI-based educational technology can effectively provide personalized support to students' problem-solving, while AI-based environments can support exploratory activities and foster motivation and skills acquisition. Additionally, some students may use AI to save their thinking cost, but research suggests that this behavior negatively affects their learning outcome.
Is AI good for students?5 answersAI has the potential to be beneficial for students. It can be used as a learning tool in classrooms, offering distinct pedagogical benefits and risks. Strategies can be implemented to mitigate risks such as complacency about AI's output, errors, and biases. These strategies promote active oversight, critical assessment of AI outputs, and complementarity of AI's capabilities with students' unique insights. Additionally, introducing AI concepts to K-12 students early on can prepare them for the future and help them succeed as workers, creators, and innovators. Designing effective AI curricula for elementary students can be achieved by incorporating real-world problem-based learning scenarios. Furthermore, undergraduate students can enhance their cognitive and critical thinking skills through research projects that utilize computer vision techniques, such as landmark recognition. Educators have a role in helping students reframe their thinking about AI, viewing it as a companion rather than an academic shortcut, and promoting literacy in AI to empower students to become resourceful clinicians.

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