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Why students choose the strand of SMAW most of the time? 

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Students often choose the SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) strand due to various reasons. Research indicates that students in vocational education programs, like SMAW training, often make career choices based on factors such as job availability, good salary, and prestige . Additionally, vocational training programs, like SMAW, provide essential skills for students who may not have had the opportunity to compete in the job market otherwise . Furthermore, societal influences, family expectations, and the need for job security can also play a role in students' decisions to pursue vocational education programs like SMAW . Overall, the combination of job prospects, skill development, and societal factors contributes to students choosing the SMAW strand as a pathway towards a stable and fulfilling career.

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Not addressed in the paper.
The paper does not specifically address why students choose the SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) strand most of the time.
Students often choose the SMAW welding strand due to its practicality in preparing them for the workforce, providing essential skills for employment, self-sustainability, and deterring delinquency.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Akbar Prayuda, Fadhil Nurdin 
13 Jul 2018
3 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.

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