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Showing papers in "Canadian Journal of Education in 2005"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors measured the relationships between teacher stress and numerous other constructs including coping, burnout, emotional responses, personality mediators, personal support, environmental structure, and background characteristics and found that the strongest association of teacher stressors exists with negatively oriented emotional responses confirming the central role of teachers coping mechanisms, personality mediation, and burnout potential according to their model of the stress cycle.
Abstract: This study provides a correlational meta ‐ analysis of 65 independently written or published studies on teacher stress between 1998 and 2003. We measured the relationships between teacher stress and numerous other constructs including coping, burnout, emotional responses, personality mediators, personal support, environmental structure, and background characteristics. A theoretical ‐ empirical model of construct relationships investigated across studies was developed and n = 2,527 correlational effect sizes were used to estimate the empirical relationships between the operationalized theoretical constructs. Results showed that the strongest association of teacher stressors exists with negatively oriented emotional responses confirming the central role of teachers’ coping mechanisms, personality mediators, and burnout potential according to our model of the stress cycle. Key words: stress, coping, teacher burn ‐ out, teacher emotional response Cette recherche fournit une meta ‐ analyse correlationnelle de 65 etudes, redigees ou publiees entre 1998 et 2003, sur le stress chez les enseignants. Les auteurs ont mesure les relations entre le stress des enseignants et de nombreux autres construits, dont l’adaptation au stress, l’epuisement professionnel, les reactions emotionnelles, les personality mediators, le soutien personnel, la structure du milieu et les antecedents. Un modele theorico ‐ empirique des relations entre les construits a ete elabore et des valeurs d’effets correlationnels de n = 2527 ont ete utilisees pour determiner les relations empiriques entre les construits theoriques operationalises. Les resultats demontrent que, pour les facteurs de stress chez les enseignants, l’association la plus importante se trouve du cote des reactions emotionnelles negatives, ce qui confirme le role cle des mecanismes d’adaptation au stress des enseignants, des personality mediators et du potentiel d’epuisement professionnel selon le modele du cycle du stress qui a ete utilise. Mots cles : stress, adaptation au stress, meta ‐ analyse, enseignants.

541 citations

Book ChapterDOI
TL;DR: In this article, Ross-Holst et al. acknowledge the importance of culture and education in the New Millennium and highlight the need to consider history, science, and values in education.
Abstract: Preface Courtney Ross-Holst Acknowledgments Globalization: Culture and Education in the New Millennium Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco and Desiree Baolian Qin-Hilliard Globalization, Growth, and Welfare in History John H. Coatsworth Globalization and Education: An Economic Perspective David E. Bloom Digital Skills, Globalization, and Education Antonio M. Battro The Fellowship of the Microchip: Global Technologies As Evocative Objects Sherry Turkle Pop Cosmopolitanism: Mapping Cultural Flows in an Age of Media Convergence Henry Jenkins Globalization in Asia: Anthropological Perspectives James L. Watson Formulating Identity in a Globalized World Carola Suarez-Orozco Imperial Feelings: Youth Culture, Citizenship, and Globalization Sunaina Maira How Education Changes: Considerations of History, Science, and Values Howard Gardner Notes on Contributors Index

313 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article examined teachers' understanding of bullying of children in their classes using semi-structured interviews and found that teachers' definitions of bullying included both direct and indirect behaviours, and several factors influenced how they characterized and responded to incidents.
Abstract: Using semi-structured interviews, we examined teachers' understanding of bullying of children in their classes. Although teachers' definitions of bullying included both direct and indirect behaviours, several factors influenced how they characterized and responded to incidents. These factors included whether the teachers viewed an incident as serious or considered a victimized child responsible, whether a child matched their assumptions about victim characteristics and behaviours, and whether they described feeling empathy for a child. The nature of the school environment and organization such as availability of systemic support in addressing bullying incidents were further factors that influenced teachers' awareness and responses.

230 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a curriculum that is anti-oppressive needs to examine the production of racial identifications, including the construction of whiteness in a Canadian context, where racism often exists in denial.
Abstract: The narrative of the Canadian prairie context is invested in intercultural relations that privilege whiteness and marginalize Aboriginal people and other racial minorities. We maintain that anti‐oppressive curriculum on the Canadian prairies must examine how racial identifications are constructed through commonplace national discourses. A curriculum that is anti‐oppressive needs to examine the production of racial identifications, including the construction of whiteness in a Canadian context, where racism often exists in denial. Without a critical race analysis, the “celebration of diversity” and other popular narratives have every possibility of reinforcing relations of domination. Key words: anti‐oppressive education, Aboriginal education, critical whiteness studies Les textes au sujet des Prairies canadiennes font surtout etat de relations interculturelles qui privilegient les Blancs et marginalisent les peuples autochtones et les autres minorites ethnoculturelles. Selon les auteures, il faut analyser le mode de construction des identites ethnoculturelles a travers les discours nationaux tres repandus. Un programme scolaire qui se veut antioppressif doit tenir compte du processus de production identitaire, notamment chez les eurocanadiens ou le racisme existe souvent, meme s’il est nie. Sans une analyse critique portant sur l’identite ethnoculturelle, la promotion de la diversite et les autres discours populaires risquent fort de renforcer les relations de domination. Mots cles : education antioppressive, education dispensee aux autochtones, etudes critiques sur les eurocanadiens.

222 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors evaluated a formal mentoring program by examining the retention rate and program satisfaction of first year university students who volunteered to participate and found that the retention rates and grade point averages (GPA) of participating students (experimental group) were higher than those for the control group, consisting of first-time students with similar programs of study and exiting secondary school averages.
Abstract: In this two ‐ year study, we evaluated a formal mentoring program by examining the retention rate and program satisfaction of first ‐ year university students who volunteered to participate. Mentors were Intermediate/Senior preservice teacher candidates, invited to take an additional credit class relating to Teacher Advisor Programs in Ontario Secondary Schools. The retention rates and grade point averages (GPA) of participating students (experimental group) were higher than those for the control group, consisting of first ‐ time students with similar programs of study and exiting secondary school averages (i.e., < 75%). In written comments, students suggested program satisfaction and noted its effectiveness. Key words: social learning theory, theory of involvement, social capital theory Dans cette etude d’une duree de deux ans, l’auteure a evalue un programme de mentorat en examinant les taux de retention et le degre de satisfaction des etudiants de 1 er cycle qui ont accepte d’y participer. Les mentors etaient des stagiaires en enseignement de niveau intermediaire ou superieur invites a prendre un cours a option associe au programme d’enseignants ‐ guides (maitres associes) dans les ecoles secondaires ontariennes. Les taux de retention et la moyenne cumulative des etudiants (groupe experimental) etaient superieurs a ceux du groupe ‐ temoin, compose d’etudiants de 1 er cycle inscrits dans des programmes d’etudes semblables et ayant eu des moyennes comparables a la fin de leurs etudes secondaires (c. ‐ a ‐ d. < 75 %). Dans leurs commentaires ecrits, les etudiants semblaient satisfaits et soulignaient l’efficacite du programme. Mots cles : theorie de l’apprentissage social, theorie de l’implication, theorie du capital social.

158 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors describe the effects on student achievement and attitudes of a Canadian school-wide, arts education approach, Learning Through the Arts ( LTTA ), which includes over 6000 students and their parents, teachers, and principals.
Abstract: In this article, we describe the effects on student achievement and attitudes of a Canadian school-wide, arts education approach, Learning Through the Arts ( LTTA ). Our sample included over 6000 students and their parents, teachers, and principals. We gathered data, both at the outset and after three years of involvement in LTTA on student achievement, student attitudes towards arts and schooling, and out-of-school activities. We found no baseline differences in achievement nor in socioeconomic status in the LTTA and control schools. At the end of three years, the grade-6 LTTA students scored significantly higher on tests of computation than students in control schools. We conclude the article with suggestions for extending this longitudinal research. Keywords: arts-based learning, arts-based schooling, engagement, arts and achievement Dans cet article, les auteures decrivent les effets sur le rendement scolaire et les attitudes des eleves du programme Apprendre par les arts (APLA) implante dans un reseau scolaire. L’echantillon regroupait plus de 6000 eleves, les parents, les enseignants et les directeurs des ecoles canadiennes participantes. Les auteurs ont collige, au debut d’implantation du programme APLA et apres une periode de trois ans d’application, des donnees sur le rendement des eleves, leurs attitudes envers les arts et l’ecole et les activites extrascolaires. Il n’y avait aucune difference de base quant au rendement ou au statut socioeconomique entre les ecoles ayant recours au programme APLA et les ecoles temoins. Au terme de l’etude de trois ans, les eleves qui ont appris avec le programme APLA ont obtenu en mathematiques des notes nettement superieures a celles des eleves des ecoles temoins. Mots cles: enseignement et apprentissage par les arts, participation, arts et rendement des eleves.

150 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: For example, the authors found that girls were more apt to display under-confidence relative to their actual mathematics achievement and to attribute mathematics failure to a lack of teachers' help than were boys.
Abstract: In this study, we tested the claim that sex differences in mathematics achievement are related to boys’ and girls’ differing achievement ‐ related beliefs. We compared the mathematics report card grades, 2001 Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) Numeracy subtest scores, performance attributions, and self ‐ efficacy of 161 British Columbian public school students’ (62 fourth ‐ graders, 99 seventh ‐ graders). Findings indicated that girls’ mathematics achievement met or exceeded that of boys and that girls’ attribution patterns were more self ‐ enhancing than those found in previous studies. However, girls were more apt to display under ‐ confidence relative to their actual mathematics achievement and to attribute mathematics failure to a lack of teachers’ help than were boys. Keywords: sex, gender, achievement, mathematics, self ‐ efficacy, attributions Les auteurs ont etudie l’affirmation selon laquelle les differences dans le rendement scolaire en mathematiques chez les garcons et les filles sont liees a leurs croyances differentes au sujet du rendement. Ils ont compare les notes en mathematiques sur les bulletins scolaires, les resultats de 2001 des sous ‐ tests de calcul de la Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA), l’attribution des facteurs contribuant au rendement et l’autoefficacite chez 161 eleves d’ecoles publiques de la Colombie ‐ Britannique (62 en 4 e annee et 99 en 7 e annee). Les resultats indiquent que le rendement en mathematiques des filles est identique ou superieur a celui des garcons et, par rapport aux resultats d’etudes anterieures, les filles attribuent davantage leur rendement a elles ‐ memes. Par contre, les filles ont plus tendance a avoir moins confiance en elles quant a leur rendement en mathematiques et a davantage attribuer leurs echecs en mathematiques a un manque d’aide de la part des enseignants que les garcons. Mots cles : genre, rendement, mathematiques, autoefficacite, attribution.

121 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors address the need for change from the traditional, technical skills model of the practicum in teacher education programs, to a practicum that has a broader educative focus.
Abstract: In this article I have addressed the need for change from the traditional, technical skills model of the practicum in teacher-education programs, to a practicum that has a broader educative focus. Following a description of the implementation of a practicum experience with an emphasis on inquiry, I consider data from a three-year study designed to examine teacher candidates’ experiences. I report on the educative elements of the practicum, outline issues that arose for those involved in the restructured practicum, and address challenges for teacher education. Keywords: practicum, teacher candidates, inquiry, program change Dans cet article, l’auteure traite de la necessite d’abandonner, dans la formation a l’enseignement, le modele traditionnel du stage axe sur les competences techniques pour adopter plutot celui d’un stage privilegiant davantage une conception d’ensemble de l’intervention educative. Apres une description de la mise en oeuvre d’un stage mettant l’accent sur la recherche, l’auteure analyse des donnees tirees d’une etude menee sur trois ans et portant sur les experiences des candidats a l’enseignement. Elle fait etat des volets educatifs du stage, presente les problemes auxquels ont ete confrontees les personnes impliquees dans la restructuration du stage et se penche sur les defis inherents a la formation a l’enseignement. Mots cles: reforme des stages, candidats a l’enseignement, enseignement axe sur la recherche, programme de formation a l’enseignement, pratique reflexive, professionnalisation de l’enseignement

104 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors studied elementary school principals' understandings and enactments of instructional leadership, and collected data through individual interviews, focus-group discussions, and in-school observations to study principals' conceptualizations of instructional leaders.
Abstract: To study elementary school principalsʹ understandings and enactments of instructional leadership, we collected data through individual interviews, focus‐ group discussions, and in‐school observations. Three categories captured principalsʹ conceptualizations of instructional leadership: curriculum expertise, formal delivery of professional development, and informal culture building. Their enactment of instructional leadership was influenced by three dimensions: their personal style, degree of coherence in agendas and initiatives, and availability of enabling structures. We anticipated the influence of personal style, but not the impact of coherence and structure, which introduces a new dimension to the literature on contextual influences impinging on individual practice Keywords: school improvement, educational leadership, professional development, school culture Pour etudier la conception et la mise en œuvre du leadership pedagogique chez des directeurs et directrices d’ecole, les auteures ont collige des donnees au moyen d’entrevues individuelles, de discussions en groupe et d’observations sur place. La conception du leadership pedagogique des directeurs et directrices d’ecole a ete analysee a l’aide de trois categories : expertise en matiere de programmes scolaires, prestation de services de perfectionnement professionnel et edification d’une culture informelle. La mise en œuvre du leadership pedagogique a ete etudiee pour sa part a l’aide de trois volets : style personnel, degre de coherence dans les calendriers et les initiatives et mise en place de structures d’incitation. Les auteures avaient prevu l’influence du style personnel, mais non l’impact de la coherence et des structures, ce qui introduit une nouvelle dimension dans la litterature au sujet des influences contextuelles sur la pratique de chacun. Mots cles : amelioration scolaire, leadership en education, perfectionnement professionnel, culture de l’ecole.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article examined the relationship between formal education and out-migration in a Canadian coastal community from the early 1960s to the late 1990s and found a geographically stable population and persistently low high-school graduation rates among those who stayed in the proximal area.
Abstract: In this article, I report on findings from a case study examining the relationship between formal education and out-migration in a Canadian coastal community from the early 1960s to the late 1990s. Although high rates of village-level out-migration were chronic, most migration trajectories were short-range. Contrary to large-scale quantitative analyses of rural depopulation, I found a geographically stable population and persistently low high-school graduation rates among those who stayed in the proximal area. In the analysis of educational attainment and migration, schools served their traditional role of sorting and selecting youth for out-migration.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, Mallette, Duke, and Mallette et al. present a list of examples of the use of metaphor analysis in reading research, including the Verbal Protocols of Reading.
Abstract: Mallette, Duke, Introduction. Barone, Case-Study Research. Stanovich, Cunningham, Inferences from Correlational Data: Exploring Associations with Reading Experience. Florio-Ruane, Morrell, Discourse Analysis: Conversation. Goldman, Wiley, Discourse Analysis: Written Text. Purcell-Gates, Ethnographic Research. Vellutino, Schatschneider, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design in Literacy Research. Reinking, Bradley, Connecting Research and Practice Using Formative and Design Experiments. Stahl, Hartman, Doing Historical Research on Literacy. Henk, McKenna, Developing Affective Instrumentation for Use in Literacy Research. Bus, van IJzendoorn, Meta-Analysis in Reading Research. Fletcher, Simos, Papanicolaou, Denton, Neuroimaging in Reading Research. Baumann, Bason, Survey Research. Pressley, Hilden, Verbal Protocols of Reading. Dressman, McCarthey, Toward a Pragmatics of Epistemology, Methodology, and Other People's Theories in Literacy Research. Duke, Mallette, Conclusion, Appendix: Alphabetical Listing of the Exemplars.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, school principals in Ontario (N=395) completed a questionnaire to document the severity of bullying, the amount of anti-bullying resources, and the variety of antibullying activities in their schools.
Abstract: Because bullying is a serious problem in Canadian schools, antibullying programs have been widely implemented to redress the problem. School principals in Ontario (N=395) completed a questionnaire to document the severity of bullying, the amount of anti‐bullying resources, and the variety of antibullying activities in their schools. Results reveal that reductions in bullying in previous years, sufficiency of resources for resolving bullying, and amounts of antibullying programming were all positively associated antibullying program outcomes. These data suggest that the investment of time, effort, and money in school‐based antibullying initiatives can lead to safer and more peaceful schools environments. Key words: bullying, primary prevention, program evaluation Comme l’intimidation est un probleme serieux dans les ecoles canadiennes, des programmes de lutte contre l’intimidation font leur apparition un peu partout. Des directeurs et directrices d’ecole en Ontario (N = 395) ont rempli un questionnaire visant a documenter la gravite du probleme, les ressources existantes et les diverses activites anti‐intimidation mises en place dans les ecoles. D’apres les resultats du questionnaire, la reduction de l’intimidation au cours des annees precedentes, la pertinence des ressources en place pour faire face aux incidents d’intimidation et le nombre de programmes de lutte contre l’intimidation etaient tous correles a l’amelioration des resultats en la matiere. Ces donnees semblent indiquer que le temps, les efforts et les fonds investis dans les initiatives anti‐intimidation contribuent a creer un climat de paix et rendre les ecoles plus securitaires. Mots cles : intimidation, prevention, evaluation de programmes.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a case study illustrates one teacher candidate's struggle to let go of a conception of knowledge as generalizable formulae that can be readily applied in practice and to become more open to practice itself as a site of learning.
Abstract: Inquiry ‐ based teacher education promotes an exploration of concrete particulars as the route to wise practice. The case study presented illustrates one teacher candidate’s struggle to let go of a conception of knowledge as generalizable formulae that can be readily applied in practice and to become more open to practice itself as a site of learning. Teacher educators can nurture such openness by helping aspiring teachers to appreciate the fragility of knowledge, the epistemological value of feeling, and the priority of the particular, in teaching. In so doing, educators recover practical wisdom as the beginning and end ‐ in ‐ view of teacher education. Key words: practical wisdom, preservice teacher education, inquiry La formation a l’enseignement axee sur la recherche favorise la prise en compte des conditions particulieres et, de ce fait, une pratique eclairee. L’etude de cas presentee dans cet article illustre les efforts d’une candidate a l’enseignement en vue de se departir d’une conception de la connaissance definie comme une formule generalisable, facilement applicable dans la pratique, et de mieux accueillir la pratique elle ‐ meme comme un lieu d’apprentissage. Les responsables de la formation a l’enseignement peuvent contribuer a cette ouverture en aidant les futurs enseignants a saisir la fragilite de la connaissance, la valeur epistemologique des sentiments et l’importance des conditions particulieres dans l’enseignement. Ce faisant, les educateurs redecouvrent la sagesse comme le debut et l’objectif a atteindre dans la formation a l’enseignement. Mots cles : sagesse pratique, formation a l’enseignement, recherche.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article found that students were more likely to develop social capital by bonding with their cohort peers than by bridging with those outside their cohorts, and that closure and stability promoted social and emotional support while interdependence and shared ideology prompted both positive and negative effects.
Abstract: In this article, we report on student teachersi perceptions of their cohort experiences. Using the lens of social capital theory, we analyzed their responses to an open-ended question on a survey and faculty membersi responses in focus groups. The structural properties of cohorts o closure, stability, interdependence, and shared ideology o facilitated the development of social capital. Closure and stability promoted social and emotional support while interdependence and shared ideology prompted both positive and negative effects. The cohort model better served some students than others. We found that students were more likely to develop social capital by bonding with their cohort peers than by bridging with those outside their cohorts.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors examined the content analysis of twenty francophone Quebec secondary school textbooks, examining how sexuality and relationships are discussed in five different subjects and found that 95 per cent of pages discussing sexuality or relationships make no reference to same sex sexuality or same sex relationships.
Abstract: Heterosexism exists throughout Canadian society, but to what degree is it present in classrooms? In this article, I explore this question through content analysis of twenty francophone Quebec secondary ‐ school textbooks, examining how sexuality and relationships are discussed in five different subjects. These texts are persistently and overwhelmingly heterosexist: 95 per cent of pages discussing sexuality or relationships make no reference to same ‐ sex sexuality or same ‐ sex relationships, and 80 per cent of references that do occur appear in a negative context. Heterosexism in textbooks is not an isolated phenomenon, however, but part of a larger process of institutionalised heterosexism and homophobia. Key words: heterosexism, textbooks, content analysis, sexuality, curriculum, gender L’heterosexisme est une donnee omnipresente dans la societe canadienne, mais qu’en est ‐ il dans les ecoles ? Dans cet article, l’auteure aborde cette question en analysant le contenu des manuels scolaires utilises pour cinq matieres distinctes dans vingt ecoles secondaires francophones du Quebec, notamment en ce qui concerne la sexualite et les relations humaines. Ces textes sont tres largement heterosexistes : dans 95 % des pages traitant de sexualite ou de relations, il n’y a aucune reference a la sexualite entre des personnes de meme sexe ou a des relations entre des personnes de meme sexe et 80 % des mentions qui y font reference sont negatives. L’hererosexisme dans les manuels scolaires n’est pas un phenomene isole et s’inscrit dans un vaste processus d’heterosexisme et d’homophobie institutionnalise. Mots cles : analyse de contenu, sexualite, programme scolaire, rapports sociaux entre les sexes.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper evaluated the effectiveness of an anti-bullying program, Project Ploughshares Puppets for Peace (Woodfine, Lubimiv, & Langlois, 1995), and found that half the students reported feeling more confident in managing bullying.
Abstract: This research evaluates the effectiveness of an anti ‐ bullying program, Project Ploughshares Puppets for Peace (Woodfine, Lubimiv, & Langlois, 1995). Students in grades 3 and 4 ( N = 129, 69 boys, 60 girls) from two public elementary schools completed a questionnaire on bullying at both pretest/post ‐ test. Although Chi ‐ square results showed no significant increase in knowledge or skills to deal with bullying, responses to open ‐ ended questions indicated that half the students reported feeling more confident in managing bullying. These results suggest that evaluations should include student perspectives on the impact of a program that extends beyond specific program goals. Key words: bullying, peer aggression, program evaluation Cette etude evalue l’efficacite du programme de lutte contre l’intimidation Puppets for Peace de Project Ploughshares (Woodfine, Lubimiv et Langlois, 1995). Des eleves de 3 e et 4 e annees ( N = 129, 69 garcons, 60 filles) de deux ecoles primaires publiques ont repondu a un questionnaire sur l’intimidation avant et apres la mise en œuvre du programme. Bien que les resultats du test chi carre n’indiquent aucune amelioration notable des connaissances et des competences susceptibles de contrer l’intimidation, les reponses aux questions ouvertes mettent en evidence que la moitie des eleves disent se sentir plus surs d’eux ‐ memes face a l’intimidation. Ces resultats semblent indiquer que les evaluations de programmes de prevention devraient inclure les points de vue des eleves sur leur impact, sachant que ces derniers depassent souvent les objectifs initiaux. Mots cles : intimidation, agression par des pairs, evaluation des programmes.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This book discusses the fundamental Competencies of Reading and three approaches to teaching that demonstrate the importance of a Balanced Approach.
Abstract: Preface and Acknowledgments. Introduction, Background, and Structure of This Book. A Brief History of Teaching Reading. Why? The Goals of Teaching Reading. What? The Fundamental Competencies of Reading. How? I: Basic Teaching and Learning Approaches. How? II: A Map of the Territory. How? III: Exemplars of a Balanced Approach. How Well? The Status of Reading Achievement and Its Teaching.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors argue for the importance of upholding the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the name of democratic principles and critique the Catholic Church's efforts to privatize queerness as it segregates being religious from being sexual.
Abstract: In 2002 Marc Hall’s principal denied him permission to take his boyfriend to his Catholic high‐school prom. In examining the politicization of the ensuing prom predicament, we critique Catholicized education and what we perceive to be the Catholic Church’s efforts to privatize queerness as it segregates being religious from being sexual. We situate this privatization as the failure of the Catholic Church to treat vulnerable queer Catholic youth with dignity and integrity as the church sets untenable limits to queer. Examining Canadian case law regarding individual rights, we argue for the importance of upholding the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the name of democratic principles. Keywords: queer youth, individual rights, institutional church rights, Catholic Church, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Supreme Court of Canada, Court judgments En 2002, le directeur de l’ecole catholique que frequentait Marc Hall lui a interdit d’etre accompagne de son petit ami au bal des finissants. En analysant le debat politique qu’a declenche cette decision, les auteurs critiquent la catholicisation de l’education et ce qu’ils considerent comme la tentative de l’Eglise catholique de privatiser l’allosexualite (« queerness ») en separant la religion de la sexualite. Selon eux, cette privatisation temoigne de l’incapacite de l’Eglise catholique de traiter avec dignite de jeunes catholiques homosexuels vulnerables en leur imposant des restrictions insoutenables. En etudiant la jurisprudence canadienne touchant aux droits de la personne, les auteurs plaident en faveur de l’importance de respecter la Charte canadienne des droits et libertes au nom des principes democratiques. Mots cles : jeunes homosexuels, droits de la personne, droits des Eglises, Eglise catholique, Charte canadienne des droits et libertes, Cour supreme du Canada, jugements de la cour.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors explored an instructor's and graduate students' reactions to their first on-line course and found that they initially felt high levels of stress, and with increasing confidence, graduate students expressed their satisfaction.
Abstract: This study explored an instructor’s and graduate students’ reactions to their first on ‐ line course. They initially felt high levels of stress. With increasing confidence, graduate students expressed their satisfaction. Most appreciated the reflection time that asynchronous dialogue provided, and learning relevant to real life that built on their professional experience. They valued the flexibility and opportunity to engage in professional development while in employment. Frustrations included the added time commitment and their hesitation to impose personal timeframes on other participants. The instructor noted the extra time commitment, and his need for technological support and professional development. Key words: distance learning, adult learners, professional development, peer interaction Cette etude porte sur les reactions d’un formateur et d’etudiants diplomes lors de leur premier cours en ligne. Au debut, ils ressentaient enormement de stress. A mesure qu’ils prenaient de l’assurance, les etudiants diplomes ont exprime leur satisfaction. La plupart aimaient le temps de reflexion fourni par le dialogue asynchrone et la pertinence du contenu par rapport a la vie reelle, ce qui leur permettait de mettre a profit leur experience professionnelle. Ils voyaient d’un bon œil la souplesse de la formule et la possibilite de se perfectionner tout en travaillant. Par contre, ils trouvaient difficile d’avoir a s’engager a fournir du temps supplementaire et hesitaient a imposer leurs horaires personnels a d’autres participants. Le formateur a note, pour sa part, l’importance du temps supplementaire requis et les exigences en matiere de soutien technologique et de perfectionnement professionnel. Mots cles : apprenants adultes, perfectionnement professionnel, enseignement en milieu rural, dialogue asynchrone.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined teachers' use of co- teaching models to support students with learning disabilities in an inclusive elementary classroom, and found that students with disabilities protected their social status in the classroom, a key factor in their decision to accept teachers' help.
Abstract: In this case study, I have examined teachers’ use of co ‐ teaching models to support students with learning disabilities in an inclusive elementary classroom. Co ‐ teachers progressed from the developmental stage of collegial growth to the compromising stage (Gately & Gately, 2001), but struggled to achieve the third stage of collaboration. Teachers used several methods to support students’ literacy: explicit prompt sheets, scaffolded mini ‐ lessons, and interactional inclusion. Classroom structures and helping routines played key roles in maintaining teachers’ availability to exceptional learners. The students with learning disabilities protected their social status in the classroom, a key factor in their decision to accept teachers’ help. Key words: collaborative practices, literacy learning, interactional inclusion, struggling learners. Dans cette etude de cas, l’auteure examine les modeles de coenseignement utilises en vue de venir en aide a des eleves du primaire ayant des difficultes d’apprentissage dans une classe inclusive. Les coenseignants ont progresse du stade initial de la collegialite au stade des compromis (Gately et Gately, 2001), mais ont eu de la difficulte a atteindre le troisieme stade, celui de la collaboration. Les enseignants ont employe plusieurs methodes pour soutenir les eleves dans leur apprentissage de la litteratie: feuilles de messages ‐ guides explicites, mini ‐ lecons avec soutien a l’apprentissage et inclusion faisant appel a des interactions. C’est principalement grâce aux structures des classes et aux methodes de soutien mises en place que les enseignants ont pu demeurer disponibles pour les eleves en difficulte. Ces eleves ont protege leur statut social en classe, ce qui a joue pour beaucoup dans leur decision d’accepter l’aide des enseignants. Mots cles : methodes de collaboration, apprentissage de la litteratie, inclusion par l’interaction, apprenants en difficulte.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article examined standards used by Canadian universities and British Columbia school districts to verify the language competence of French Immersion (FI) teachers in a time of teacher shortage, confirmed by 56 per cent of school districts surveyed.
Abstract: We examined standards used by Canadian universities and British Columbia school districts to verify the language competence of French Immersion (FI) teachers in a time of teacher shortage, confirmed by 56 per cent of school districts surveyed. Parents and Directors of Human Resources agreed on their minimum expectations about French teachers’ qualifications in FI schools. We found no guarantee for this level of teachers’ competence because of heterogeneity in universities and school districts language measures and lack of validity and reliability for many of those measures. This may result in lowering teaching quality in FI programs. Key words: teachers’ qualifications, parents’ expectations, language testing, second language, teacher shortage Nous avons examine les standards utilises par les universites canadiennes et les commissions scolaires de Colombie‐Britannique pour verifier la competence linguistique des enseignants d’immersion francaise (IF) alors qu’une penurie d’enseignants a ete confirmee par 56% des commissions scolaires interrogees. Les parents et les directeurs des ressources humaines ont des attentes minima similaires au sujet des qualifications des enseignants en IF. Cependant, le niveau de competence n’est pas garanti a cause de l’heterogeneite des mesures employees et de leur manque de validite et de fiabilite dans bien des cas. La qualite de l’enseignement dans les programmes d’IF pourrait s’en ressentir. Mots‐cles : qualifications des enseignants, tests de competence langagiere, penurie d’enseignants, attentes des parents d’eleves

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors examined group knowledge in three school boards, which they conceptualized as a phenomenon influenced by structural/political and social/relational elements and composed of affective, axiological, and cognitive dimensions.
Abstract: This study examined group knowledge in three school boards, which we conceptualised as a phenomenon influenced by structural/political and social/relational elements and composed of affective, axiological, and cognitive dimensions. Several data collection techniques were used: surveys, conversation analysis, observation, and the Critical Decision Method (CDM). Results indicate that group knowledge is strongly influenced by group communication patterns and the structural and political environment. Most importantly, the results suggests that the affective, axiological, and cognitive dimensions of group knowledge are not discrete, but interact with each other within the processes of knowledge transformation and knowledge transfer Key words: educational governance, decision ‐ making, emotion, cognition, values L’etude porte sur les connaissances du groupe au sein de trois conseils scolaires. D’apres les auteurs, il s’agit d’un phenomene influence par des elements structurels/politiques et sociaux/relationnels et regroupant des dimensions affective, axiologique et cognitive. Plusieurs techniques de collecte de donnees ont ete utilisees : sondages, analyse de conversations, observations et la Critical Decision Method (CDM). Les resultats indiquent que les connaissances du groupe sont fortement influencees par les methodes de communication dans le groupe et le contexte structurel et politique. Ces resultats semblent surtout indiquer que les dimensions affective, axiologique et cognitive des connaissances du groupe ne sont pas discretes, mais qu’elles s’influencent mutuellement au sein du processus de transformation et de transfert des connaissances. Mots cles : gouvernance en education, prise de decisions, emotion, cognition, valeurs.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss the role of out-of-classroom influence on literacy learning and diversity in the United States, focusing on language, text, and context.
Abstract: Part 1: Language, Texts, and Context Part 2: Teacher Ideologies and Motivation for Change Part 3: Students' Voices on Issues of Literacy Learning and Diversity Part 4: Out-of-Classroom Influences on Literacy Learning

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors conducted an action research study with intermediate-level language and literature students, examining meaning making as adolescents engaged in a developmental writing and performance project and found that learning through the arts provides a vehicle for students to become actively engaged in the construction of their own learning.
Abstract: I conducted an action research study with intermediate-level language and literature students, examining meaning making as adolescents engaged in a developmental writing and performance project The study was guided by theory and research highlighting the valuable role of overt student reflection to improve engagement in learning Data collection methods included interviews, teacher observations, reflective journals, and audio/videotaped performance Data analysis was iterative throughout the study, using both within-case and cross-case sampling, but drawing heavily on self-reports as authentic representations of meaning-making The findings suggest that learning through the arts provides a vehicle for students to become actively engaged in the construction of their own learning