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Showing papers in "Canadian Journal of Education in 2008"

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors examined whether and how youth learned life skills through their involvement on a high school soccer team and found that players generally were producers of their own experiences that supported the development of these skills.
Abstract: In this study we examined whether and how youth learned life skills through their involvement on a high school soccer team. We collected data from fieldwork and interviews with 12 male student‐athletes and the head coach from one team. Results showed that the coach’s philosophy involved building relationships and involving student‐athletes in decision making. Issues relating to three life skills (initiative, re‐ spect, and teamwork/leadership) were identified. Although we observed little direct teaching of these life skills, we saw that players generally were producers of their own experiences that supported the development of these skills. Key words: ecological systems, positive development Les auteurs ont cherche a savoir si et comment les jeunes acquierent certaines competences de la vie courante en etant membres d’une equipe de soccer au secondaire. Les chercheurs ont collige des donnees sur le terrain et interviewe 12 eleves‐athletes de sexe masculin ainsi que l’entraineur principal d’une equipe. Les resultats indiquent que l’entraineur avait pour philosophie de favoriser l’etablissement de relations et d’impliquer les eleves‐athletes dans les prises de decision. Des problemes relies a trois competences de la vie courante (l’initiative, le respect et l’esprit d’equipe/le leadership) ont ete identifies. Bien que les auteurs aient observe que ces competences sont peu enseignees comme telles, ils ont constate que observe que ces competences sont peu enseignees comme telles, ils ont constate que les joueurs etaient les producteurs de leurs propres experiences, qui favorisaient effectivement le developpement de ces competences.Mots cles : systemes ecologiques, developpement positif

206 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined the effects of peer coaching on mathematics teaching practices and teacher beliefs about their capacity to have an impact on student learning and found that teachers implemented key strategies for effective mathematics teaching, especially in facilitating student interaction and improving the quality of tasks assigned.
Abstract: This study examined the effects of peer coaching on mathematics teaching practices and teacher beliefs about their capacity to have an impact on student learning. Twelve teachers in grades 3 and 6 participated in a brief but intensive professional development program over six months. The program focused on effective math ‐ ematics teaching strategies and peer coaching opportunities. Data sources included classroom observations, teacher self ‐ assessments, interviews, and field notes. Data were analysed using a two ‐ level qualitative coding strategy with multiple inter ‐ preters. Findings showed that teachers implemented key strategies for effective mathematics teaching, especially in facilitating student interaction and improving the quality of tasks assigned. Key words: mathematics, teaching strategies, professional development Cette etude a trait aux effets de l’enseignement mutuel en mathematiques sur les methodes pedagogiques des enseignants et leurs croyances quant a leur capacite d’avoir un impact sur l’apprentissage de leurs eleves. Douze enseignants en 3 e et 6 e annees ont participe a un programme de perfectionnement intensif sur une periode de six mois. Le programme etait axe principalement sur des strategies efficaces pour l’enseignement des mathematiques et les possibilites d’enseignement mutuel. Les sources des donnees etaient multiples : observation de la classe, auto ‐ evaluation de l’enseignant, entrevues et notes prises sur le terrain. Les donnees ont ete analysees a l’aide d’une strategie de codage qualitatif a deux niveaux avec de multiples interpretes. Les resultats indiquent que les enseignants ont mis en œuvre des strategies cles pour enseigner efficacement les mathematiques, notamment en facilitant les interactions entre les eleves et en ameliorant la qualite des tâches assignees. Mots cles : mathematiques, strategies pedagogiques, perfectionnement professionnel.

166 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article investigated the educational needs and barriers for diverse African refugee students in two inner city high schools in Manitoba and found that academic, economic, and psychosocial challenges facing these students adversely affected their ability to integrate and cope well in school, thereby significantly reducing their socio-economic opportunities.
Abstract: This study investigated the educational needs and barriers for diverse African refugee students in two inner ‐ city high schools in Manitoba. Forty African refugee students, two principals, eight teachers, four parents, and four community leaders participated in the study. Five focus groups, individual interviews, and school and classroom ob ‐ servations were used to collect data. Results revealed that academic, economic, and psychosocial challenges facing African refugee students adversely affected their abil ‐ ity to integrate and cope well in school, thereby significantly reducing their socio ‐ economic opportunities. Policy implications and urgent reform measures such as forgiveness of refugee resettlement loans and better housing in safer neighbourhoods are suggested. Key words: War ‐ affected African refugee students educational needs, educational barriers,refugee student support programs, social integration and educational suc ‐ cess. Dans cet article, l’auteure analyse les besoins en education et les difficultes des eleves refugies venant du continent africain et frequentant deux ecoles secondaires situees dans des quartiers pauvres au Manitoba. Quarante eleves africains, tous des refugies, deux directeurs d’ecole, huit enseignants, quatre parents et quatre leaders communau- taires ont participe a cette etude. Cinq groupes de discussion, des entrevues indivi- duelles et des seances d’observation dans l’ecole et en classe ont ete utilises pour re- unir les donnees. Les resultats indiquent que les defis scolaires, economiques et psy- chosociaux auxquels font face ces jeunes africains refugies affectent leur aptitude a bien s’integrer et s’adapter a l’ecole, ce qui a pour effet de reduire nettement leurs possibilites socioeconomiques. L’auteure suggere des changements au niveau des politiques ainsi que des mesures de reforme urgentes, telles l’exoneration du rem- boursement des prets consentis pour l’aide a l’etablissement des refugies et l’amelioration des conditions de logement et ce, dans des quartiers plus surs. Mots cles : besoins en education des eleves refugies provenant de pays africains en guerre, obstacles a l’education, programmes d’assistance a l’intention des eleves refu- gies, integration sociale, reussite scolaire

157 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors examined the first stages of a multi-year, Canada-wide project to reform history education through the development of classroom-based assessments, and found impediments in teachers' ap- plication of potentially difficult concepts, and their organizational resistance.
Abstract: Although historical thinking has been the subject of a substantial body of recent research, few attempts explicitly apply the results on a large scale in North America. This article, a narrative inquiry, examines the first stages of a multi-year, Canada- wide project to reform history education through the development of classroom- based assessments. The study is based on participant-observations, documents gen- erated by the project, and interviews, questionnaires, and correspondence with parti- cipants. The authors find impediments – apparently surmountable – in teachers’ ap- plication of potentially difficult concepts, and in their organizational resistance. Key words: assessment, historical thinking, history education, narrative inquiry Bien que la pensee historique ait ete recemment le sujet de nombreuses recherches, peu d’entre elles tentent explicitement d’en appliquer les resultats sur une large echelle en Amerique du Nord. Dans cet article, l’auteur decrit les premieres etapes d’un projet canadien de plusieurs annees visant a reformer les cours d’histoire en recourant a des evaluations basees sur les classes. L’etude s’appuie sur l’observation des participants, des documents generes par le projet ainsi que des entrevues, des questionnaires et de la correspondance avec les participants. Les auteurs identifient des obstacles – apparemment surmontables – a la mise en application par les enseignants de concepts potentiellement difficiles et notent leur resistance organisa- tionnelle. Mots cles : evaluation, pensee historique, cours d’histoire, recherche descriptive

91 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors found that many young women become disillusioned with physical education in their high school years, and that this disillusionment starts in early adolescence, and the following themes emerged: personal competence, a moving body is a healthy body, choice and variety for a lifetime, and an emerging sense of gender equity.
Abstract: Many young women become disillusioned with physical education in their high ‐ school years. Mounting evidence suggests that this disillusionment starts in early adolescence. This article discusses the experiences of female students in co ‐ educational, middle ‐ school, physical education classes. Focus group interviews, individual interviews, and questionnaires were used to collect data. The following themes emerged: personal competence, a moving body is a healthy body, choice and variety for a lifetime, and an emerging sense of gender equity. Results provide guid ‐ ance for the development of physical education curricula to gain and hold the interest of female, middle ‐ school students. Key words: adolescence, female, curriculum, exercise Bien des jeunes filles sont desillusionnees quant aux cours d’education physique au secondaire. Il y a de plus en plus d’indications que cette desillusion commence au debut de l’adolescence. Les auteures presentent les experiences de filles dans les cours d’education physique mixtes au secondaire. Les donnees furent colligees au moyen d’entrevues de groupe, d’entrevues individuelles et de questionnaires. Les themes suivants ont surgi : la competence personnelle, un corps en mouvement est un corps sain, choix et variete tout au long de la vie, emergence d’un sentiment d’egalite entre les sexes. Les resultats permettent d’orienter l’elaboration de programmes d’education physique qui sauront capter et maintenir l’interet des filles au secondaire. Mots cles : adolescence, filles, programme d’etudes, exercice physique

67 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors report on the implementation of global education in Canadian elementary schools and argue that more comprehensive and systematic government support for global education, and greater collaboration among ministries, NGOs, and schools is needed for Canadian children to receive an equitable, quality introduction to global citizenship.
Abstract: This article reports on the implementation of global education in Canadian elementary schools. Curriculum analysis and 76 interviews at school, ministry, and district levels revealed limited coordination among ministry, district and NGO efforts and little support for curriculum development and teacher training. In schools, fundraising for international charities is often equated with global education, while other aspects of global learning are neglected. Equating global education with fundraising raises concerns for less affluent communities. We argue that more comprehensive and systematic government support for global education, and greater collaboration among ministries, NGOs, and schools is needed for Canadian children to receive an equitable, quality introduction to global citizenship.

58 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: Vingt et al. as discussed by the authors examined how visual modes of communication provide insights into girls' perceptions of literacy, and open broader dialogues on literacy, women, and development.
Abstract: This Ugandan ‐ based study examined how visual modes of communication provide insights into girls’ perceptions of literacy, and open broader dialogues on literacy, women, and development. Twenty ‐ nine primary school girls used drawing and 15 secondary school girls used photography to depict local literacy practices in relation to their own lives and experiences. The images they captured provide a window on the interface between local and global literacy practices, and the “freedoms” (Sen, 1999) associated with literacy. Drawing and photography move beyond language to make visible the barriers that have historically marginalized and excluded girls from full participation in the development process. Key words: visual representations, literacy, girls, international development, Uganda Cette etude menee en Ouganda montre comment des modes de communication visuels permettent de mieux comprendre les perceptions qu’ont les fillettes de la litteratie et favorisent le dialogue sur la litteratie, les femmes et le developpement. Vingt ‐ neuf ecolieres du primaire et quinze du secondaire ont illustre, les premieres par des dessins, les secondes par des photos, des methodes de litteratie locales en lien avec leur propre vie et leurs propres experiences. Ces images montrent l’interface entre les methodes de litteratie locales et internationales et les « libertes » (Sen, 1999) associees a la litteratie. Au ‐ dela du langage, les dessins et les photos rendent visibles les obstacles qui ont depuis toujours marginalise les filles et les ont exclues d’une pleine participation au processus de developpement. Mots cles : representations visuelles, litteratie, filles, developpement international, Ouganda

51 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: One hundred and fifty students (average age, 10 years 7 months) were initially tested on reading, arithmetic, and academic self-perception, and one year later they were tested again this paper.
Abstract: One hundred and fifty ‐ five students (average age, 10 years 7 months) were initially tested on reading, arithmetic, and academic self ‐ perception. One year later they were tested again. Initial academic scores accounted for a large proportion of the variance in later academic scores. The children’s self ‐ perceptions of academic competence accounted for significant variance in academic performance one year later. However, neither the academic self ‐ perceptions at the beginning of the study nor changes in self ‐ perceptions over time predicted changes in academic performance. Self ‐ percep ‐ ion of academic competence cannot play a simple, causal role in academic achieve ‐ ment. Key words: self ‐ perception, competence, achievement Cent cinquante ‐ cinq eleves (âge moyen : dix ans, sept mois) ont ete examines au niveau des competences alphabetiques et mathematiques, ainsi que la perception de soi scolaire. Les resultats initiaux des examens scolaires expliquaient la plupart de la variance liee aux resultats des seconds examens. Les mesures de la perception de soi expliquaient aussi une part significative de cette variance. Cependant, ni la percep ‐ tion de soi initiale, ni les changements de perception de soi ne semblent indiquer les changements de performance scolaire. Nous constatons que la perception de soi scolaire ne peut jouer un role causal simple dans la performance scolaire. Mots cles: perception de soi, competence, performance

48 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors report on the experiences and perceptions of K-12 teachers as they engaged in a participatory action research (PAR) project, Science Across the Curriculum (SAWC), and conclude that messiness and uncertainty are inherent and necessary elements of action research.
Abstract: This article reports on the experiences and perceptions of K ‐ 12 teachers as they engaged in a participatory action research (PAR) project, Science Across the Curriculum Although the experiences and professional learning of two of the project participants are highlighted, the challenges that all participants experienced as they conceptual ‐ ized and implemented action research are also reported The author concludes that messiness and uncertainty are inherent and necessary elements of action research and that these elements need to be explicit for the benefit of those who engage in and facilitate PAR Key words: science education, teacher development, teacher inquiry Cet article presente les experiences et les perceptions d’enseignants de la maternelle au secondaire qui ont pris part a une recherche ‐ action participative (RAP), Science Across the Curriculum Ce sont surtout les experiences et l’apprentissage professionnel de deux des participants qui sont mis en lumiere, mais l’article fait egalement etat des defis auxquels ont fait face tous les participants dans la conceptualisation et la mise en œuvre de la recherche ‐ action L’auteure conclut que la desorganisation et l’incertitude sont des elements intrinseques de la recherche ‐ action et que ces elements doivent etre explicites pour le plus grand bien des personnes qui participent et animent une RAP Mots cles: recherche ‐ action participative, perfectionnement des enseignants, recherche sur les enseignants

41 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated patterns of female participation as secondary principals that have varied across contexts and changed slowly and found that complex rules of control affected the participation of women as secondary school principals.
Abstract: Our study investigated patterns of female participation as secondary principals that have varied across contexts and changed slowly. Researchers interviewed decision makers from a purposive sample of 10 urban and rural school districts in Ontario, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, gathering data from structured telephone interviews, policy documents, and statistical information. The needs of a system took precedence over those of individuals. Many participants denied that gender influenced their rotation/succession practices; however, they identified differences by gender in leadership style and aspirations. Complex rules of control affected the participation of women as secondary principals. Gender dearly affects the participation of women as secondary school principals. Key words: gender, leadership, schools Les auteurs analysent les modes de participation de directrices d'ecole secondaire, lesquels varient d'un contexte a l'autre et changent lentement. Ils ont interviewe des decideuses provenant d'un echantillon choisi a dessein de dix arrondissements scolaires urbains et ruraux en Ontario, en Nouvelle-Ecosse, en Saskatchewan et en Colombie-Britannique. Les donnees furent colligees au moyen d'entrevues telephoniques structurees, le tout complete par l'analyse de documents de politiques et de renseignements statistiques. Leurs conclusions semblent indiquer que les besoins du systeme l'emportent sur les besoins de la personne. Un grand nombre des repondantes contestaient l'idee que le fait d'etre un homme ou une femme exerce une influence sur les methodes de rotation/succession ; elles notaient par contre des differences selon les sexes pour ce qui est du style de leadership, des orientations et des aspirations. Des regles complexes de controle affectent la participation des femmes a titre de directrices d'ecole secondaire. Le sexe affecte clairement la participation des femmes en tant que directrices d'ecole secondaire. Mots cles : genre, leadership, ecoles ********** By the middle of the twentieth century in Canada, as in many other countries, the majority of teachers were women while the majority of school principals were men. There have been proportionately fewer women teaching in Canadian secondary schools as compared to men and even fewer women historically who have been appointed as principals of secondary schools, especially non-religious and/or coeducational schools. For example, in the Toronto Board of Education in 1940, only 4 of the 88 elementary principals were women (4%) and only 2 of 18 secondary principals were women (11%). By 1980, 15 of 105 elementary Toronto principals were women (14%) and 4 of 31 secondary principals were women (13%) (Reynolds, 1995). This historical trend in the participation of women in the principalship shows a modest increase over these 40 years but one could question, as we do in this article, why the rate of change was so slow, what might have been happening in other contexts, and what is the situation today. It is difficult to obtain recent statistics because numbers are often no longer available by gender; many places now combine elementary and secondary schools so that we could not see patterns only for secondary school principalships. Within the Canadian statistics that we could find, we see that across Ontario in 1998, 28 per cent of secondary principals were women and by 2000, that had risen to 44 per cent (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2002-2003). In Nova Scotia, from 1975 to 2000, the percentage of women who were school principals of either elementary or secondary schools hovered around 26 per cent (Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2002). In Saskatchewan, between 1985 and 1998, it has hovered around 17 per cent (Saskatchewan Education, 1998), and in British Columbia, while only 12 per cent of elementary and secondary principals were women in 1986, that percentage increased to 27 per cent by 1995 (British Columbia Teachers' Federation, [2006]). …

38 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a study reassessed the extent to which socio-economic background, gender, and region endure as sources of educational inequality in Canada and pointed out the continued necessity of policy to mitigate the impact of gender, class, and regional inequalities on the educational out- comes and life chances of young Canadians.
Abstract: This study reassessed the extent to which socio-economic background, gender, and region endure as sources of educational inequality in Canada. The analysis utilized the 28,000 student Canadian sample from the data set of the OECD’s 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) . Results, consistent with previous findings, highlight the uneven distribution of educational achievement in Canada along socio- economic, gender, and regional lines, and point to the continued necessity of policy to mitigate the impact of gender, class, and regional inequalities on the educational out- comes and life chances of young Canadians. Key words: social inequality, educational outcomes, educational aspirations, SES, cultural capital, PISA Dans cet article, les auteurs se demandent dans quelle mesure le statut socioeconomi- que, le sexe et la region demeurent des sources d’inegalite en matiere d’education au Canada. L’analyse repose sur l’echantillon des 28 000 eleves canadiens tire de l’ensemble de donnees du Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des eleves (PISA) de 2003 de l’OCDE. Les resultats, conformes aux conclusions anterieu- res, mettent en evidence la repartition inegale de la reussite scolaire au Canada selon le statut socioeconomique, le sexe et la region et indiquent la necessite d’attenuer l’impact du sexe, de la classe sociale et des inegalites regionales sur les resultats scolaires et les chances d’epanouissement des jeunes canadiens. Mots cles : inegalite sociale, resultats scolaires, aspirations quant aux etudes, statut socioeconomique, capital culturel, PISA

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article surveyed the literature on peace and global education in secondary schools to explore the position of peace education within the global education field and found that the nature of both PE and GLE in the school curriculum has changed.
Abstract: This study surveyed the literature on peace and global education in secondary schools to explore the position of peace education within the global education field. To create a database from Canada, the United States, and Britian, this article includes secondary studies from professional and peer-reviewed periodicals, articles in pub lished collections, monographs, and textbooks. The results demonstrate that peace education over time has occupied progressively less space. The nature of both peace and global education in the school curriculum has changed. The reduction of peace education within the global education rubric has negative consequences for everyone committed to the principles of global and peace education.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present an alternative pedagogical discourse to account for the realities of the work, which could initiate changes in professional identity formation, social relations, and economic arrangements.
Abstract: Findings in this article indicate that training programs use a key pedagogical and ideological discourse of “teachers make a difference” to motivate female early childhood education students to enter and stay in the field. However, research in the area of workforce retention maintains that many graduates are not willing to enter and stay in a workforce characterized as economically, socially, and politically marginalized, and part of a secondary labour market. This article, which presents an alternative pedagogical discourse to account for the realities of the work, could initiate changes in professional identity formation, social relations, and economic arrangements. Key words: training, workforce, marginalization retention Cet article resume les conclusions d’une recherche selon lesquelles des programmes de formation se servent d’un discours pedagogique et ideologique du slogan : « les enseignants font la difference » en vue d’inciter des etudiantes en education de la petite enfance a s’engager dans ce domaine et a y rester. Or, des recherches sur le maintien de l’effectif demontrent qu’un grand nombre de diplomees ne veulent pas entrer et a rester dans un domaine qui regroupe une main ‐ d’œuvre marginalisee economiquement, socialement et politiquement et faisant partie d’un marche secondaire de l’emploi. Cet article, qui presente un autre discours pedagogique rendant compte des realites du travail, pourrait favoriser l’introduction de changements dans la formation de l’identite professionnelle, les relations sociales et les modalites economiques. Mots cles : formation, main ‐ d’œuvre, marginalisation, maintien de l’effectif

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors examined a diverse group of 47 preteens' constructions of gender relations, masculine/feminine desires, and sexuality, using a survey, a story from the popular comic Archie, and individual interviews.
Abstract: Recent research has documented the persistence of unequal gender relations and homophobia in young people’s lives. Feminist post‐structural theories of gender and socio‐cultural theories of learning suggest educators need to understand students’ constructions of gender relations, masculine/feminine desires, and sexuality if they hope to challenge these behaviors. In this article, we examine a diverse group of 47 preteens’ constructions of gender relations, masculine/feminine desires, and sexuality, using a survey, a story from the popular comic Archie, and individual interviews. We found that although participants produced feminist and patriarchal constructions of gender relations, they constructed masculine and feminine sexuality as uniformly heterosexual.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a qualitative case study illustrates and compares the metacognitive strategies that a grade-3 female student used while reading narrative and informational texts, finding that she used markedly different strategies for each genre, resulting in comprehension difficulties while reading the inform-ational text.
Abstract: This qualitative case study illustrates and compares the metacognitive strategies that a grade ‐ 3 female student used while reading narrative and informational texts. Data were collected from interviews, observations, and videotaping of the participant ʹ s narrative and informational text oral reading sessions and examined using thematic analysis. Findings showed that she used markedly different metacognitive strategies for each genre, resulting in comprehension difficulties while reading the inform ‐ ational text. This article suggests that for students to meet the challenges of inform ‐ ational texts, they must be taught specific metacognitive strategies while working with explicit text patterns. Key words: metacognition, comprehension, text, stimulated recall, self ‐ regulation Cette etude de cas qualitative illustre et compare les strategies metacognitives utilisees par une eleve de 3 e annee en lisant des textes narratifs et informatifs. Les donnees, provenant d’entrevues, d’observations et de videos des seances de lecture a haute voix de ces textes par la participante, ont fait l’objet d’une analyse thematique. Les resultats indiquent que l’ecoliere avait recours a des strategies metacognitives nettement differentes pour chaque genre de textes, ce qui entrainait des difficultes de comprehension pour les textes informatifs. Il semble donc que, pour que les eleves soient en mesure de saisir les textes informatifs, il faut leur enseigner des strategies metacognitives particulieres tout en tenant compte de la structure explicite du texte. Mots cles : enseignement de la lecture, metacognition, comprehension, texte, rappel stimule, autocontrole.

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors explored how high school students negotiate school spaces beyond the classroom within a broader context of citizenship education and identity construction using visual hermeneutics, and found that physical and social construction of space, students' occupation and congregatation in spaces, the visual landscape of a school, and practices of school surveillance all influence the negotiation of identities and citizenship among students.
Abstract: This study explored how high school students negotiate school spaces beyond the classroom within a broader context of citizenship education and identity construction. Using visual hermeneutics, researchers worked over three years with students and staff in a large, diverse, urban, public high school. Through student-produced photographs of school space, questionnaires, interviews with staff and students, and observations of students’ use of space, researchers found that physical and social construction of space, students’ occupation and congregatation in spaces, the visual landscape of a school, and practices of school surveillance all influence the negotiation of identities and citizenship among students.

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article explored how minority students in a university access program reconciled their presence on merit through their application statements, life history interviews, weekly group sessions, and personal journal entries, and found that participants believed that by exercising agency and taking responsibility for their schooling, education will work to their benefit.
Abstract: This article explores how four minority students in a university access program reconciled their presence on merit. They shared their experiences over two years through their application statements, life history interviews, weekly group sessions, and personal journal entries. Consistent with the discourse of merit, participants believed that by exercising agency and taking responsibility for their schooling, education will work to their benefit. They reconceptualized the access program as a scholarship program and affirmed pride in being university students, with a sense of obligation to their immigrant parents and a desire to give back to their communities. Key words : immigrant youth, access programs, racism, parental expectations Les auteurs analysent comment quatre etudiants faisant partie de groupes minoritaires et participant a un programme d’acces a l’universite reconcilient leur presence au merite. Ces etudiants partagent leurs experiences par divers moyens : textes rediges lors de leurs demandes d’admission, entrevues portant sur leur histoire de vie, sessions hebdomadaires en groupe et journaux intimes. Dans le droit fil du discours sur le merite, les participants croient que s’ils prennent leur education en main, elle leur sera profitable. Ils reconceptualisent le programme d’acces comme un programme de bourse; se disant fiers d’aller a l’universite, ils se sentent redevables a l’egard de leurs parents immigrants et souhaitent faire profiter leurs communautes de leur acquis. Mots cles: jeunes immigrants, programmes d’acces, racisme, attentes des parents

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors examine the mathematics classroom experiences of students considered to be "at-risk" and suggest earlier intervention for at-risk students as well as more substantial professional development for teachers.
Abstract: To examine the mathematics classroom experiences of students considered to be “at-risk,” we conducted case studies of four students in grades 7, 8, and 9 in Northwestern Ontario. The case studies revealed that their mathematics classes offered few opportunities for active, engaging learning or activities that students experienced as being relevant. Their teachers, who generally used traditional practices, seemed reluctant or unable to adopt reform-based teaching methodologies. Based on the diversity of the observed students’ characteristics and learning needs, and the challenges these impose on classroom dynamics, we suggest earlier intervention for at-risk students as well as more substantial professional development for teachers.

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article examined the congruence between the priorities of the Manitoba government's K-S4 Education Agenda for Student Success and prior beliefs of stakeholders in a rural Manitoba school division, and the division's capacity to achieve them.
Abstract: This study examined the congruence between the priorities of the Manitoba govern ‐ ment’s Kindergarten to Senior 4 (K ‐ S4) Education Agenda for Student Success and prior ‐ ities of stakeholders in a rural Manitoba school division, and the division’s capacity to achieve them. Capacity included three components for success: Legitimization of Al ‐ ternatives, Diverse Networks, and Resource Mobilization. The findings suggest that the theoretical conceptualizations of how rural areas develop and/or thrive have yet to be refined. Many of the findings coincide with Howley’s (1997) ideas that school reform efforts tend to essentialize schooling across contexts, for reasons that do not always reflect local purposes, interests, and/or capacities. Key words: rural education, school policy, school improvement Cette etude porte sur la congruence entre les priorites du Programme d’action en education favorisant la reussite chez les eleves de la maternelle au secondaire 4 (M ‐ S4) du gouvernement du Manitoba et les priorites identifiees par des groupes d’interesses au sein d’une division scolaire rurale de la province et la capacite de cette division de les realiser. Cette capacite comprenait trois volets : la legitimation des autres options possibles, les reseaux diversifies et la mobilisation des ressources. Les resultats semblent indiquer que les conceptualisations theoriques du mode de deve ‐ loppement des regions rurales ont besoin d’etre raffinees. Bon nombre des conclu ‐ sions coincident avec les idees de Howley (1997) selon lesquelles les efforts de reforme scolaire ont tendance a essentialiser l’education pour des raisons qui ne refletent pas toujours les objectifs, les capacites et/ou les interets locaux. Mots cles : education en milieu rural, politiques scolaires, amelioration de l’ecole

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors argue that emancipation is a journey traveled by oppressed groups as they exercise their collective agency and argue that emancipatory possibilities for Maori, the Indigenous people of New Zealand, rely on structural changes that enable them to have control over resources, decision making, and meaning.
Abstract: In this article, I argue that emancipatory possibilities for Maori, the Indigenous people of New Zealand, rely on structural changes that enable them to have control over resources, decision making, and meaning, and that emancipation is a journey traveled by oppressed groups as they exercise their collective agency The 1990s development of Pangarau, the national mathematics curriculum policy in the medium of Maori, provides the context for this discussion Recent developments indicate that state structures have shifted towards giving Maori more control in curriculum writing Key words: collective agency, state structures, Indigenous curriculum development, New Zealand education, Maori education, mathematics education Dans cet article, l’auteure soutient que les possibilites d’emancipation des Maori, le peuple autochtone de la Nouvelle ‐ Zelande, reposent sur des changements structu ‐ raux qui leur permettent d’avoir la haute main sur des ressources, la prise de deci ‐ sions et l’orientation generale et que l’emancipation est un chemin parcouru par des groupes opprimes qui exercent une action collective L’elaboration dans les annees 1990 de Pangarau, la politique nationale relative a l’enseignement des mathematiques en maori, fournit le contexte de l’analyse presentee ici Des faits recents indiquent que les structures de l’Etat evoluent vers la remise d’un controle accru aux Maori pour ce qui est de l’elaboration des programmes d’etudes Mots cles : action collective, structures etatiques, elaboration de programmes d’etudes par des autochtones, education en Nouvelle ‐ Zelande, education dispensee aux Maori, enseignement des mathematiques

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors report on research with young middle and upper middle class high school girls successfully enrolled in non-traditional advanced placement (AP) courses in mathematics, science, and computer programming in a suburban school district in Midwestern USA.
Abstract: Higher levels of girls and women’s participation in targeted areas are widely apparent, particularly in affluent and middle ‐ class sites Here, we report on research with young middle and upper middle ‐ class high school girls successfully enrolled in non ‐ traditional advanced placement (AP) courses in mathematics, science, and computer programming in a suburban school district in Midwestern USA Focus group inter ‐ views with 45 of the highest achieving students in this affluent suburb revealed salient inequities and lingering impediments in the struggle for women’s equality Likewise, the limitations of gender equity politics are evident in the co ‐ opting of discourse of privilege and individualism Key words: girls’ achievement, secondary schools, girls in advanced placement study, AP classes Une presence accrue des filles dans les cours avances de mathematiques, de science et d’informatique au secondaire est manifeste, surtout dans les milieux aises aux E ‐ U et dans d’autres pays occidentaux Cette recherche quantitative, effectuee aupres de jeunes filles de classe moyenne ou superieure inscrites dans des cours de niveau avance de mathematiques, de science et d’informatique au secondaire dans un arrondissement scolaire du Midwest americain, revele des inegalites importantes et des obstacles persistants dans la lutte des femmes pour une pleine egalite, ce qui montre les limites des politiques en faveur de l’equite entre les sexes Mots cles : equite entre les sexes, filles et mathematiques avancees, cours de science, cours d’informatique, filles et science, cours de mathematiques

Journal Article
TL;DR: The intention of Performance Based Accountability (PBA) policies is to foster school changes to enhance student learning and success The influence of variation in these approaches, however, has not been empirically determined.
Abstract: The intention of Performance ‐ Based Accountability (PBA) policies is to foster school changes to enhance student learning and success The influence of variation in these approaches, however, has not been empirically determined This article employs a new conceptual framework to describe PBA models and compare them across con ‐ texts We conducted a comparative analysis, finding three kinds of PBA models exist in Canada In this article, we consider the policy ‐ level contextual differences coordi ‐ nating large ‐ scale, provincial, student testing and the use of results, using Canada as an example Key words: large ‐ scale assessment, policy, using data for decision making, standards L’intention des politiques de responsabilisation basee sur la performance (RBP) est de favoriser, au sein de l’ecole, des changements qui ameliorent l’apprentissage et le succes des eleves L’influence de la variation dans ces approches n’a pas ete deter ‐ minee de maniere empirique Dans cet article, les auteures presentent un nouveau cadre conceptuel pour decrire les modeles de RBP et les comparent dans divers con ‐ textes Leur analyse comparative leur a permis de decouvrir l’existence de trois types de modeles de RBP au Canada Prenant le Canada comme exemple, les auteures se penchent ici sur les differences contextuelles au niveau des politiques quant a la coor ‐ dination des epreuves communes provinciales et a l’utilisation des resultats Mots cles : epreuves communes, utilisation de donnees pour la prise de decisions, normes

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the intersections of middle class formation and whiteness in terms of three dimensions: practice, relationality, and maintenance are read through the intersections between middle-class formation and whiteeness.
Abstract: Since its founding in 1941 until the 1980s, “Pinecrest” School was dominated by child ‐ ren from “Baywoods,” an economically privileged and largely Jewish neighbourhood In the late 1980s, the population of the school changed to include children of immigrants in an adjacent neighbourhood, “Kerrydale” Seeking to protect their children’s cultural capital and class advantages, the Baywoods parents’ response involved the construction of fundamental difference and concerns about effects on school quality The responses were interrupted by dilemma and ambivalence They are read through the intersections of middle ‐ class formation and whiteness in terms of three dimensions: practice, relationality, and maintenance Key words: Jews, immigrants, public school, parents, exclusion, social class, ethnicity Depuis sa creation en 1941 jusque dans les annees 1990, l’ecole « Pinecrest » accueillait principalement des enfants de « Baywoods », un quartier habite par des familles a l’aise et surtout par des Juifs A la fin des annees 1980, la population de l’ecole a change a la suite de l’integration d’enfants d’immigrants provenant de « Kerrydale », un quartier voisin Cherchant a proteger le capital culturel de leurs enfants et les avantages de leur classe sociale, les parents de Baywoods ont reagi en invoquant la notion de difference fondamentale et en se preoccupant des effets possibles sur la qualite de l’ecole Dilemmes et ambivalence ont toutefois interrompu le processus Les reactions des parents sont interpretees dans le contexte du lien entre la formation de la classe moyenne et la blancheur et ce, a trois niveaux : la pratique, les relations et le maintien de la reproduction du groupe Mots cles: Juifs, immigrants, ecole publique, parents, exclusion, classe sociale, ethnicite

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article fused four philosophical conceptions of social justice in education: liberal recognition, critical recognition, liberal distribution, and critical distribution, with an analysis of equity-based initiatives articulated on the Web sites of 20 Canadian teach- ers' organizations.
Abstract: Historically teachers’ federations have been some of the major organizational sites for social justice leadership in K-12 public education Despite this history of activism, social justice teacher unionism remains a relatively underdeveloped concept This article merges four philosophical conceptions of social justice in education: liberal recognition, critical recognition, liberal distribution, and critical distribution, with an analysis of equity-based initiatives articulated on the Web sites of 20 Canadian teach- ers’ organizations The resulting framework can be used by teacher union researchers interested in generating a broader conception of social justice unionism, and teacher unionists interested in investigating their organizational practices through a social justice lens Key words : teacher activism, teacher unionism, social justice, teacher leadership Depuis toujours, les federations d’enseignants font partie des principales organisa- tions qui militent pour la justice sociale dans le secteur M-12 au sein des ecoles publi- ques En depit de cette tradition d’activisme, le syndicalisme axe sur la justice sociale chez les enseignants demeure un concept relativement peu developpe Cet article fusionne quatre conceptions philosophiques de la justice sociale en education – la reconnaissance liberale, la reconnaissance critique, la repartition liberale et la reparti- tion critique - avec une analyse de diverses initiatives axees sur l’equite sur les sites Web de vingt regroupements d’enseignants canadiens Le cadre qui en resulte peut etre utilise par des chercheurs s’interessant aux syndicats d’enseignants et voulant susciter une conception elargie du syndicalisme et de la justice sociale et par des syn- dicalistes desirant analyser leurs pratiques organisationnelles a travers la lorgnette de la justice sociale Mots cles : activisme chez les enseignants, syndicat d’enseignants, justice sociale, leadership des enseignants

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, a qualitative study explores the experiences of women administrators in high-poverty community schools, investigating four women's perspectives on work demands and the impact on their families.
Abstract: This qualitative study explores the experiences of women administrators in high ‐ poverty community schools, investigating four women’s perspectives on work demands and the impact on their families. Their work demands are related to the characteristics of impoverished communities, whereas their work resources are based on intrinsic rewards and social justice. Family demands and resources are related to the developmental stages of families, and therefore vary among the women inter ‐ viewed. The research identifies the boundary ‐ spanning demands between work and home, and the resources and strategies used by these educational leaders to manage the challenges of working in high ‐ poverty community schools. Key words: school leadership, urban education, principals, inner ‐ city schools Cette etude qualitative porte sur les experiences de directrices d’ecole dans des milieux defavorises. L’auteure analyse le point de vue de quatre femmes sur les exigences de leur travail et l’impact sur leurs familles. Les exigences de leur travail sont reliees aux caracteristiques des milieux pauvres tandis que leurs ressources professionnelles se fondent sur des recompenses intrinseques et la justice sociale. Les exigences et les ressources en matiere familiale sont liees au stade de developpement des familles et varient donc d’une repondante a l’autre. La recherche identifie les exigences quant a l’interpenetration des frontieres entre le travail et la maison ainsi que toutes les ressources et strategies utilisees par ces cadres en vue de faire face aux defis de travailler au sein d’ecoles implantees dans des milieux defavorises. Mots cles : direction d’ecole, ecole urbaine, directeurs d’ecole, ecoles dans des milieux defavorises

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a snapshot ethnography conducted in Uganda with the Agabagaya Women's Group explores how women share knowledge among themselves to support their communities and argues that although international development is often focused on women's education, imposed develop ment initiatives may actually hinder women's ability to share meaningful knowledge.
Abstract: This article describes a snapshot ethnography conducted in Uganda with the Agabagaya Women's Group. The purpose of the study was to explore how women share knowledge among themselves to support their communities. Using post development theory and Freire's critical theory as a lens, I argue that although international development is often focused on women's education, imposed develop ment initiatives may actually hinder women's ability to share meaningful knowledge. I conclude with a discussion of key points and how they relate to education within a context of development and within post-development theory.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, various aspects of homework were examined in a sample of 465 parents of first and fourth grades students in relation to family structure, parent's education and school achievement, and data were collected through self-report questionnaires during the first year of the study.
Abstract: L’etude s’interesse a certains aspects des devoirs et des lecons par l’entremise d’analyses menees a partir de regroupements de familles en fonction de la structure familiale, de la scolarite des parents et du rendement scolaire de l’enfant. L’echantillon est compose de 465 parents d’eleves de 1 re et de 4 e annees du primaire. Les donnees ont ete recueillies a l’aide de questionnaires autoadministres au cours de la premiere annee de l’etude. Les analyses de comparaison revelent que les familles non traditionnelles et que les familles dont l’enfant eprouve des difficultes scolaires sont plus rebarbatives aux devoirs et aux lecons. Ces memes familles en percoivent moins l’utilite que les autres. Les familles moins scolarisees et les familles ayant un enfant en difficulte se sentent moins competentes pour intervenir de maniere adequate dans les devoirs et les lecons. Il appert que les besoins et les limites de ces familles doivent etre pris en consideration par les enseignants dans le cadre de l’assignation des devoirs et des lecons. Mots cles : devoirs et lecons, caracteristiques familiales, participation des parents, eleves du primaire In the present study, various aspects of homework were examined in a sample of 465 parents of first and fourth grades students in relation to family structure, parent’s education and school achievement. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires during the first year of the study. Analyses show that non traditional families and families of children with learning difficulties are less willing to help with homework. Those families don’t perceive its benefits as much as other families do. Less schooling families and families of children with learning difficulties have low self-efficacy to intervene adequately in homework. Family needs and limits must be taken into consideration by teachers when assigning homework. Key words: homeworks and lessons, family characteristics, parents involvement, pupils of primary education

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors consider the educational significance of Hesse's portrayal of Knecht's death and argue that this pivotal moment in the book tells us a great deal about the process of educational transformation.
Abstract: At the end of the main part of Hermann Hesse’s classic novel The Glass Bead Game, the central character, Joseph Knecht, dies suddenly. This paper considers the educational significance of Hesse’s portrayal of Knecht’s death. I argue that this pivotal moment in the book tells us a great deal about the process of educational transformation. Close attention is paid to the theme of incompleteness as a key to understanding Knecht’s life, death and transformation in educational terms. The paper concludes with a discussion of the role played by education in serving as a bridge between death and life.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the influence of youth's family and school contexts in order to understand disparities in Canadian youth's mathematics achievement is examined using a chical linear analysis, and some of the main assumptions of social capital theory are tested using the Canadian data from the 1999 Programme for International Student Assess (PISA).
Abstract: This article examines the influence of youth’s family and school contexts in order to understand disparities in Canadian youth’s mathematics achievement Using hierar ‐ chical linear analysis, some of the main assumptions of social capital theory are tested using the Canadian data from the 1999 Programme for International Student Assess ‐ ment Findings revealed that many family ‐ school contextualized effects were not sig ‐ nificant, suggesting that researchers need to look at the conceptualization and opera ‐ tionalization of social capital Relationships between family structure and some measures of school social and were, however, found to be significant Results suggest that the similarity hypothesis needs to be further analyzed and perhaps integrated into social capital theory Key words: family, school, PISA, booster effect, double jeopardy effect, mitigating effect Dans cet article, l’auteure analyse les influences des contextes familiaux et scolaires dans lesquels les jeunes evoluent en vue de comprendre comment ces contextes creent des disparites dans les resultats qu’ils obtiennent en mathematiques Utilisant des donnees canadiennes tirees du Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des eleves (PISA) de 1999, l’auteure a teste ses hypotheses a l’aide d’une analyse lineaire hierarchique Ses resultats revelent qu’un grand nombre des effets contextualises familiaux et scolaires n’etaient pas statistiquement significatifs, ce qui donne a penser que les chercheurs doivent se pencher sur la conceptualisation et l’operationalisation du capital social Certaines relations entre la structure familiale et diverses mesures du capital social et humain dans les ecoles se sont toutefois averees significatives Les resultats semblent indiquer que l’hypothese de similarite a besoin d’etre analysee davantage et peut ‐ etre integree dans la theorie du capital social Mots cles : famille, ecole, PISA, effet stimulant, effet double obstacle, effet attenuant

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors carried out a qualitative analysis of the commitment of graduate students in preschool and primary teacher education programs, with special reference to their choice of the teaching profession, based on Marcia's identity status theory.
Abstract: L’engagement est un facteur important d’affirmation identitaire sur le plan professionnel. Dans le cadre d’une etude portant sur la construction de l’identite professionnelle d’enseignants en formation des maitres et des moyens curriculaires y contribuant, une analyse qualitative des donnees a ete effectuee en regard de l’engagement de finissantes du baccalaureat en education prescolaire et en enseignement primaire, particulierement quant au choix de la profession enseignante. Cette analyse a ete effectuee en utilisant la theorie des etats identitaires de Marcia. Les resultats proposent que l’engagement differe chez les sujets en fonction de leur etat identitaire. Des pistes sont suggerees concernant des dispositifs de formation favorisant l’engagement. Mots cles : engagement, etudiant, formation des maitres, etat identitaireCommitment is an important factor in the affirmation of professional identity. As part of a study on building professional identity in student teachers and the ways the curriculum can contribute to this process, we carried out a qualitative analysis of the commitment of graduating students in preschool and primary teacher education programs, with special reference to their choice of the teaching profession. We based our analysis on Marcia’s identity status theory. The results suggest that the subjects’ commitment varies according to their identity status and we make suggestions for teacher training programs that encourage commitment. Key words: commitment, teacher education students, identity status