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Showing papers in "Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical in 1974"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Mice recovered from an infection by the Bolivian strain have a high resistance against reinfection by the Y strain of T. cruzi and infects regularly several species of triatomines tested.
Abstract: Amostra de T. cruzi, mediante a inoculacao em camundongos brancos jovens, foi isolada de fezes de exemplares de T. infestans capturados em Vitichi, Bolivia e denominada amostra Bolivia. Essa amostra, que se comporta de um modo peculiar em reacoes de aglutinacao, segundo Siqueira, Ribeiro e Fernandes, em 1973, mostrou-se patogenica para camundongos, infectando 100% dos animais inoculados, quer com formas metaciclicas de triatomineos, quer com formas sanguicolas de doadores com infeccao aguda. As formas sanguicolas, em camundongos, medem 23,37 μ de comprimento total medio e tem indice nuclear de 0,94. Nos camundongos mortos durante a fase aguda os ninhos de leishmânias sao abundantes, sobretudo no coracao. A infeccao dos camundongos e grave com curto periodo prepatente, parasitemia elevada e alta taxa de letalidade. A amostra Bolivia confere, aos animais que sobrevivem, alto grau de resistencia contra reinfeccao pela amostra Y. Cultiva-se bem em meios liquidos (Warren) e difasicos (NNN) e evolui regularmente em varias especies de triatomineos testadas.

20 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The Authors consider the presence of infected domiciliated bugs in the areas investigated implies active transmlssion of T. eruzi, and vector control measures should be undertaken, in view of this species susceptibility to infection, its anthropophilic habits and its capacity to colonize rapidly and stablish high rates of infestation.
Abstract: In iHe period 1957-1971 surveys for triatominae bugs were made in 889,972 awellings among 11,045 d iffe ren t localities throughout th e State of Bahia, Brazil. 35,588 bugs were collected and among 29,156 examined, 2,354 (8%) were infected with considered to be T. cruzi. However, rates of natural infection varied from 0-100% according to species ana localities. The highest rates of natural infection were found among P. megistus in the northern littoral areas of th e State. Overall rates of infection by species were: P. megistus, 11,4%; T. infestans, 3.4%; T. brasiliensis, 3%. T. rubrofasciata were found often infected w ith T. conorhini but were not considered important as carriers of T. cruzi. The Authors consider th a t the presence of infected domiciliated bugs in the areas investigated implies active transmlssion of T. eruzi, and th a t vector control measures should be undertaken. The active spreaa of T. infestans in th e Sta te of Bahia is emphasized as a m a tte r for particular concern, in view of this species susceptibility to infection, its anthropophilic habits and its capacity to colonize rapidly and stablish high rates of infestation.

16 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: During a small outbreak of American mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in a village of the municipality of Cordeiro, state of Rio de Janeiro, fourteen cases were documented, outstanding features were the high incidence in children, the clinical evidence of lymphangitis in 40%, the tendency towards spontaneous healing in the less recent cases and the peri-domestic distribution of the cases.
Abstract: Por ocasiao de um pequeno surto de leishmaniose tegumentar americana em localidade do municipio de Cordeiro (RJ) foram documentados 14 casos. Entre os fatos que chamaram a atencao dos autores estao a alta ocorrencia em criancas (57%), a frequencia do componente linfangitico (40%), a tendencia a cicatrizacao espontânea e a distribuicao peri-domiciliar dos casos. Um inquerito pela intradermoreacao de Montenegro na area de maior concentracao de casos, realizado numa fazendo e numa escola, mostrou 17% de reacoes positivas, 17% de duvidosas e 66% de reacoes negativas, num total de 117 individuos testados. Nao foram encontrados casos antigos cicatrizados, o que sugere um foco recente. Discute-se o significado das reacoes duvidosas.

14 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Using 5 different coprological examination methods, the authors studied the prevalence of enteroparasites in an orphanage, in Londrina, Parana, Brazil and the importance of the use of "anal swab" method for the diagnosis of enterobiosis and teniasis was emphasized.
Abstract: Empregando 5 metodos de diagnostico coprologico, os autores estudam a prevalencia de enteroparasitas em um orfanato do municipio de Londrina, Parana, discutindo os resultados.

13 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Out of 2484 patients harboring S. mansoni seen in Rio de Janeiro, 1197 had been living permanently out of endemic area frorn one to 30 years, without any possibility of reinfection; 90.1% of these 1197 patients were first seen with, hepato-intestinal schistosomiasis and only 9.9% with hepatosplenic form.
Abstract: Out of 2484 patients harboring S. mansoni seen in Rio de Janeiro, 1197 had been living permanently out of endemic area frorn one to 30 years, without any possibility of reinfection; 90.1% of these 1197 patients were first seen with, hepato-intestinal schistosomiasis and only 9.9% with hepatosplenic form. 55% of thern still had S. mansoni active infection 6 years or more after they had left the endemic area and 26.5% remained infected for more than 10 years. The patients with intestinal or hepato-intestinal schistosomiasis did not develop the most severe form whether they had been treated or not, and the hepatosplenic patients had a long time to deteriorate.

12 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Hycanthone in a single dose of 3.3 mg/kg of body weight was used to treal mansoni schistosomiasis in 597 persons (83%) of the population of the endemic vilage of Canabrava, and adults are more resistant to the re-infections than younger.
Abstract: Hycanthone in a single dose of 3.3 mg/kg of body weight was used to treal mansoni schistosomiasis in 597 persons (83%) of the population of the endemic vilage of Canabrava. Ninety two patients received a 2nd course 14 months later. There was one death em the 2nd treatment. The cure rate after one stool examination was smaller after the 2ni treatment in comparison with the first one. Re-infections did not occur imediately after the treatment. Three years later the prevalence of persons passing eggs through one stool examination was 19% compared to the 46.3% before the treatment. Adults are more resistant to the re-infections than younger.

11 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a presenca de ovos de helmintos e cistos de protozoarios was found in maos, unhas e roupas das internas; objetos e pecas de banheiros coletivos e poeira de dormitorios.
Abstract: Para estabelecer os mecanismos de transmissao de enteroparasitas entre a populacao de um orfanato, os autores pesquisaram a presenca de ovos de helmintos e cistos de protozoarios nas maos, unhas e roupas das internas; nos objetos e pecas de banheiros coletivos e poeira de dormitorios. Realizaram tambem exame bacteriologico da agua que abastece a instituicao. Os resultados sao apresentados e discutidos.

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: An unusual case of chronic Chagas' disease is presented in which very intense parasitism was observed in the esophagus and in the myocardium, and Hodgkin's disease and treatment with immunosupressants were associated findings.
Abstract: An unusual case of chronic Chagas' disease is presented in which very intense parasitism was observed in the esophagus and in the myocardium. Hodgkin's disease and treatment with immunosupressants were associated findings. Emphasis is put on the rarity of the esophagic localization of leishmanial pseudocyst in the chronic Chagas' disease of the adult, on the dimensions of the pseudocyst, and on the characteristics of the amastigote forms.

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A higer sensitivity, simplicity and lower cost of Kato thick-smear technique and its possibility to preserve the S. mansoni eggs for more than 4 months have shown an aavantage for this method.
Abstract: Um estudo comparativo do metodo de sedimentacao de Lutz (Hoffman-Pons e Janer) e dos metodos quantitativos de Simoes Barbosa (FSB) e de Kato para o diagnostico e contagem de ovos de S. mansoni, em uma amostra de fezes de 211 pessoas residentes em uma area endemica para esquistossomose, revelou: 1) positividade de 50% com os metodos de Lutz e Simoes Barbosa, e de 58,1 % com o metodo de Kato para o total de amostras; 2) maior concentracao de ovos pelo metodo de Kato em relacao ao de F.S.B.; 3) o metodo de Kato modificado por Katz & cols se impoe para o diagnostico "quantitativo" da esquistossomose em inquerito de campo pela maior sensibilidade, facilidade de execucao, baixo custo, possibilidade de conservacao dos ovos de S. mansoni por longos periodos e por permitir ao investigador uma nocao aproximada da intensidade da infeccao no individuo e na populacao.

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Os resultados obtidos foram confrontados e mostraram a inexistencia of correlacao estreita entre os caracteres morfologicos, biologicos e patogenicos das diversas amostras estudadas.
Abstract: Working with ten strains of T. cruzi isolated from human cases of Chagas' Diseaze, in standard condictions, the author made a morpho-biometric and biologic studies of the strains to verify the possibiW.y of existence of relationship between their characterislics. Studies on the biometric data, pathogenicity to baby mices, infectivity to triatomines and cultivation in artificial media (Warren and N NN) mere made. The results showed no existence of relationship between the morphology and the pathogenicity of the several strains studied.

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The occurrence of Listeria in faeces was investigated in 107 samples of per sons with enteric disturbance and three strains belonged to serotype 4b against only one to type 1/2a.
Abstract: Foi pesquisada em 107 amostras de fezes procedentes de individuos com disturbios intestinais a presenca de Listeria monocytogenes. Como processo de enriquecimento, as fezes foram semeadas em caldo triptose fosfatado e mantidas a 4oC durante 1 mes. Ao findar este prazo, foram os especimes semeados em quatro meios seletivos: 1) Agar triptosado com 5 mcg/ml de Polimixina; 2) Agar triptosado com 50 cmg/ml de acido nalidixico; 3) Meio de Ralovich e cols (Agar com 5% de soro normal de cavalo, acrescido de 50 mcg/ml de acido nalidixico e 50 mcg/ml de tripaflavina (Bayer); 4) Uma modificacao do meio de Ralovich (Agar triptosado, contendo 40 mcg/ml de acido nalidixico, 50 mcg/ml de acetato de talio, 25 mcg/ml de tripaflavina e 0,3% de extrato de levedura). Para reconhecimento das colonias suspeitas nos diferentes meios, fez-se uso da tecnica de Henry. A identificacao primaria se baseou na observacao da motilidade e nas caracteristicas morfotintoriais, senao a seguir, confirmada atraves das provas bioquimicas e sorologicas. Tres amostras de Listeria monocytogenes foram isoladas, caracterizando- se duas no sorotipo 4b e uma no tipo 1/2a.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A study on nine strains of T. cruzi isolated from man, from animais and from triatomine bugs in Brazil, found that mechanical and cyclical passage from infected to healthy mice, and treatment of the infected mice with immunosuppressant drug, did not increase the blood parasitaemia or strain virulence.
Abstract: A study on nine strains of T. cruzi isolated from man, from animais and from triatomine bugs in Brazil are described. The parasites were slightly viscerotropic in white mice in six of the strains, highly viscerotropic and cardiotropic in two strains, and asymptomatic on one strain. Mechanical and cyclical passage from infected to healthy mice, and treatment of the infected mice with immunosuppressant drug, did not increase the blood parasitaemia or strain virulence. The results of biometric studies on the blood trypanosomes from each strain are also described. The various aspects on the importance of T. cruzi strain Identification are emphasized and discussed.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Mass treatment proved no to be the most important tool for controling helminthic infections, although good results were obtained during treatments; howewer the previlence of the infeciton retumed to leveis near the primitive when treatments were interrupted.
Abstract: After a brief review on various attempts to control intestinal helminthic infections in different regions, the author presents the results obtained with repeated mass treatment for ascariasis and hookworm injection in two farms in the municipality of Sumidouro, State of Rio de Janeiro, and in an orphanage in the State of Guanabara. Mass treatment proved no to be the most important tool for controling helminthic infections, although good results were obtained during treatments; howewer the previlence of the infeciton retumed to leveis near the primitive when treatments were interrupted. Sanitation and general measures regarding social and economic improvement are desirable for better and permanent results.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Data presented suggest that there seems to be no advantage in using SMZ + TMP in previously untreated patients, as compared to sulphadoxine alone, but Otherwise sulpha-resistant patients may be successfully treated with the association SMZ - TMP.
Abstract: Acentuando a necessidade da continuacao das pesquisas terapeuticas em pacientes com paracoccidioidose (blastomicose sul-americana), os autores apresentam 23 pacientes submetidos a diferentes esquemas terapeuticos, sendo 14 virgens de tratamento e 9 com uso previo de uma ou mais drogas. A associacao sulfametoxazol + trimetoprim ( SMZ + TMP) foi empregada em 5 pacientes virgens de tratamento e 9 sulfa-resistentes. Outros sete foram submetidos ao esquema classico com sulfadoxina. Os pacientes que nao responderam aos dois esquemas anteriores, com excecao de dois casos inicialmente graves, receberam anfotericina B. A avaliacao clinica, radiologica, micologica e sorologica a longo prazo nao demonstrou vantagens no emprego de SMZ + TMP em substituicao aos sulfamidicos, nos pacientes virgens de tratamento. Entretanto, a associacao SMZ + TMP parece ser uma opcao valida nos casos sulfa-resistentes, onde teria primazia, considerando-se a toxicidade e necessidade de controle em regime hospitalar da anfotericina B. Ressaltam ainda a boa tolerância clinica e laboratorial da associacao SMZ + TMP em cursos terapeuticos prolongados de ate 2 anos, quando empregadas em baixas doses de manutencao.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Nitrofurfurilidene has some efficiency in the chronic phase of Chagas' disease although less evident than in the acute form, and the authors discuss the disagreement between the xenodiagnosis and serologie results.
Abstract: Foram selecionados 25 pacientes chagasicos cronicos que apresentavam sorologia positiva e elevada parasitemia. A 15 deles, durante 120 dias, foi ministrado o Nitrofurfurilidene na dose diaria de 8 a 10 mg por quilo de peso. Aos 10 restantes deu-se placebo. No trans e pos-tratamento nao se verificaram alteracoes nas funcoes hepatica, hematopoietica ou renal de carater iatrogenico. Xenodiagnostico e provas sorologicas foram realizadas mensalmente. O xenodiagnostico, nos 15 doentes tratados, aos 60o dias da fase trans-terapeutica, mostrou-se negativo e assim se manteve durante 4 anos, periodo de tempo que durou a nossa observacao. Quanto as reacoes sorodiagnosticas o mesmo nao ocorreu, embora a partir dos 12 meses do termino do tratamento o grupo que recebeu a droga tenha passado a apresentar niveis mais baixos de anticorpos. Os A.A. comentam o desacordo entre os achados do xenodiagnostico e os das provas sorologicas e sugerem uma hipotese para justifica-lo. Concluem que, embora com menos evidencia do que nas formas agudas, o Nitrofurfurilidene revela certa eficacia na fase cronica da infeccao chagasica.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A review is presented on the different mechanisms and agents related to the, epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminths and the human susceptibility to helmintic infection.
Abstract: A review is presented on the different mechanisms and agents related to the, epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminths. Special attention is given to the fecal contamination of the soil, to the environmental factors related to the freeliving stages development and to the human susceptibility to helmintic infection.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors report the frequency of the superficial mycosis among 143 children of an orphanage in the rural arca of the State of Guanabara and emphasizes the importance of cutaneous mycoses as a public health problem.
Abstract: The authors report the frequency of the superficial mycosis among 143 children of an orphanage in the rural arca of the State of Guanabara. There were observed 21 patients with tinea pedis and 5 patients with pityriasis versicolor. All cases showed positivity by direct examination; four (19%) positive cultures were obtained from the cases of dermatophytoses and the isolated species were Trichophyton mentagraphytes and Trichophyton rubrum. The trichophytin test was made in patients with tinea pedis and 16 positive reactions developped at 48 hours. The survey emphasizes the importance of cutaneous mycoses as a public health problem and makes a comparison between the achieved data and the investigations carried out on outpatients dermatologia clinics

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors describe a set of ideas explicitas sobre re-lacoes ecologicas, including a reformationulacao dos conceitos entao vigentes sobre a orga-nizacao do world animal e vegetal e suas relacoes com o ambiente.
Abstract: As primeiras ideias explicitas sobre re­lacoes ecologicas nos vem dos gregos e, no tratado de Hipocrates sobre “Ares, Aguas e Lugares”, encontram-se os fun­damentos da Ecologia Medica.Apos a Idade Media, no inicio da Re­nascenca, as viagens de circumnavegacao revelaram ao mundo culto europeu a exis­tencia de animais, plantas e homens es­tranhos, vivendo em “habitats” distintos daqueles conhecidos no Velho Mundo. Na­turalistas viajantes acumularam descri­coes, informacoes e dados novos que, libe­rados das fantasias e triados convenien­temente, passaram a exigir a reformulacao dos conceitos entao vigentes sobre a orga­nizacao do mundo animal e vegetal e suas relacoes com o ambiente.O Renascimento introduziu profundas reformas no pensamento e na metodolo­gia de trabalho cientifico. A invencao do microscopio, no seculo XVII, permitiu des­cobrir e explorar o mundo microbiano. A teoria eelular, a sintese da materia orgâ­nica e a demonstracao, por Liebig e Wohler, do papel da heterotrofia na fisio- logia das plantas, e, em consequencia, da adubacao mineral para a agricultura, pre­pararam o caminho para a revolucao con­ceituai que se processou no seculo XIX.Na segunda metade do seculo passado, Charles Darwin e Alfred Russel Wallace (15) anunciaram os principios fundamen­tais que regem as relacoes reciprocas en­tre os organismos e o ambiente e identi­ficaram os fatores responsaveis pelo equi­librio natural e pela evolucao orgânica. Ambos tiveram a atencao despertada para o problema pela leitura de um ensaio es­crito por Malthus em 1789 (39,40). Thomas R. Malthus foi um dos pioneiros no cam­po da Demografia e da Biometria que, juntamente com a Estatistica, servem de base ao estudo da Dinâmica de Popula­coes ou Autoecologia Numerica.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Un analisis de los datos relativos a la morbilidad and mortalidad del tetano reportado en el Estado da Guanabara, en el periodo 1960-1969, concluyo sobre the existencia of un acentuado decrecimo de estos indices.
Abstract: A analise dos dados relativos a morbomortalidade do tetano registrado na Guanabara, 1960-1969, concluiu pelo acentuado decrescimo destes indices. Identificaram-se certas medidas adotadas que se relacionam a tal decrescimo. Observou-se que determinada populacao considerada de alto risco comporta-se como demanda nao-satisfeita, sendo um fator limitante ao controle do tetano.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The studies for delayed hypersenstivity indicated that 35% of patients showed an area of induration larger than 0.5 cm2, 48 hours after the intradermal injection with schistosomin, and 71% developed positive reaction when challenged with dinitrofluorobenzene.
Abstract: The amount of immunoglobulins serum and the cutaneous sensitivity to specific antigen in 19 patients with intestinal schistosomiasis were determined, as an attempt to study the incidence of delayed and imediate type of hypersensitivity. The tests were performed before and thirty, sixty and ninety days after treatment with aminonitrotiazol. The immunoglobulin levels before treatment were found to be 1,893 ± 472, 186 ± 74 and 91 ± 26 mg%, respectively for IgG, IgA and IgM; ninety days after treatment the level for IgG became normal (1,266 ± 389 mg%) and a slight increase of IgA (270 ± 89 mg%) and IgM (111 ± 31 mg%) was observed. The patients were intradermally tested with schistosomin and with anti IgE serum. The tests before treatment gave the following resulta: 1.22 ± 0.36 cm2 for schistosomin and 1.04 ± 0.25 cm2 for anti IgE. Ninety days afterwards a slight increase of the reactions was observed and the results respectively were 1.42 ± 0.65 cm2 and 1.15 ± 0.32 cm2. The studies for delayed hypersenstivity indicated that 35% of patients showed an area of induration larger than 0.5 cm2, 48 hours after the intradermal injection with schistosomin, and 71% developed positive reaction when challenged with dinitrofluorobenzene

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Os resultados mais recentes mostram que nao existe esquizogonia nas formas vsgetativas do Toxoplasma gondii, senao that as imagens interpretadas como tal, ao microscopio otico, sao o resultado of endodiogenias sucessivas em que os endozoitas formados permanecem ligados entre si pela regiao posterior.
Abstract: Neste trabalho e feita uma revisao sobre alguns aspectos biologicos do Toxoplasma gondii, principalmente sobre a ultraestrutura da forma interfasica e as modificacoes ultraestruturais que ocorrem no parasito durante o seu processo de divisao. Considera-se inicialmente o processo de divisao binaria admitindo-se, porem, a possibilidade de que as imagens interpretadas como senao de divisao binaria representem estagios da divisao por endodiogenia. Quanto a endodiogenia descrevem-se as alteracoes que ocorrem na "parasito mae" durante o processo de formacao dos dois "parasitos filhos". Este processo e semelhante no Toxoplasma gondii, Besnoitia jellisoni, Sarcocystis tenella e Frenkelia. Discute-se a possibilidade da formacao de mais de dois "parasitos filhos" por um processo de endopoligenia, bem como o processo de esquizogonia. Os resultados mais recentes mostram que nao existe esquizogonia nas formas vsgetativas do Toxoplasma gondii, senao que as imagens interpretadas como tal, ao microscopio otico, sao o resultado de endodiogenias sucessivas em que os endozoitas formados permanecem ligados entre si pela regiao posterior. A esquizogonia e, no entanto, encontrada nas formas que se desenvolvem no interior de celulas epiteliais do intestino do gato, que e o hospedeiro definitivo do Toxoplasma gondii. Discute-se o conceito de esquizogonia, comparando-o em tres protozoarios: Eimeria bovis, E. callospermophili e Plasmodium juxtanucleare, que apresentam diferencas entre si quanto ao processo de iniciacao da individualizacao dos "parasitos filhos". Refere-se a recente hipotese que considera a endodiogenia como o processo fundamental de divisao dos esporozoarlos, ocorrendo na fase final da esquizogonia. Finalmente e acentuado o papel que a microscopia eletronica aliada as modernas tecnicas de citoquimica e imunocitoquimica podera desempenhar no sentido de um melhor conhecimento da biologia do Toxoplasma gondii e da fisiopatogenia da Toxoplasmose.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The first human case of infection by Trichostrongylus sp.
Abstract: The first human case of infection by Trichostrongylus sp. occuring in Santa Maria, RS, was reported. Diagnosis was based on the morphological characteristics presented by the filarioid larvae.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The author presents a brief review on the morbidity of soil-transmitted helminths; some aspects of importance are considered, especially rearding her own experience about the morbidety of these helminths.
Abstract: O autor, apos breve revisao sobre os conceitos relativos a portador sao nos diferentes geohelmintiases, tece consideracoes sobre as manifestacoes clinicas de maior frequenca e importância em cada uma delas, destacando aspectos de casuistica pessoal.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The use of antilymphocytic serum in dogs suppressed the immune response of a vacclnated and simultaneously ALS treated animal, increased the infectivity of a virulent strain and did not induce a typical infectian-disease in 3 dogs receiving the serum and the avirulent PF strain.
Abstract: The use of antilymphocytic serum (ALS) in dogs suppressed the immune response of a vacclnated and simultaneously ALS treated animal, increased the infectivity of a virulent strain and did not induce a typical infectian-disease in 3 dogs receiving the serum and the avirulent PF strain.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A significant correlation was the finding of higher leveis of fecal fat in patients with morphological changes of the small bowel, pointing to the fecalFat as the most reliable index of malabsorption, whereas the other tests gave inconsistent results in the different groups.
Abstract: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar as manifestacoes disabsortivas produzidas por infeccao pelo Strongyloides stercoralis. Foram selecionados dois grupos de individuos, o primeiro de 40 doentes, com evidencia de infeccao pela demonstracao do parasito nas fezes ou no suco duodenal centrifugado e o segundo de 15 individuos normais, que serviram como testemunhas. Os pacientes e os testemunhas foram estudados sob o aspecto clinico (disturbios de ritmo intestinal, dispepsia, intolerância alimentar, dor epigastrica e emagrecimento), laboratorial (gordura fecal em 120 horas, taxa de excrecao de d-xilose, carotenemia, prova de sobrecarga com lactcse, etc.), radiologico (velocidade de trânsito presenca ou nao de hipersecrecao, fenomenos de floculacao, cera ou segmentacao) e histopatologico (presenca ou nao de congestao, edema, alargamento, ou diminuicao de altura das vilosidades). De posse desses dados, foram os pacientes separados em subgrupos, na tentativa de se correlacionarem os quadros clinicos e laboratoriais com as alteracoes radiologicas e histologicas na estrongiloidose intestinal. Em 25% dos pacientes as manifestacoes datavam de mais de dois anos, em 20% menos que 6 meses, tendo sido, no entanto, impossivel detectar em todos os pacientes o inicio da infeccao pelo helminto. Quanto a avaliacao laboratorial, os individuos normais excretaram, em media, 3,1 gramas de gordura fecal nas 24 horas, situando-se o grupo doente em niveis medios superiores a 5,5 g e tendo 10 pacientes perdido mais de 10 g nas 24 horas. Vale ressaltar a coexistencia de excrecao de gordura fecal alta e alteracoes morfologicas do intestino delgado. A determinacao de gordura fecal, excretada em 24 horas, mostrou-se a prova mais fiel na avaliacao de disabsorcao intestinal secundaria ao Strongyloides stercoralis. As demais provas laboratoriais nao foram significativas nos varios subgrupos considerados. Tanto a histopatologia, como a radiologia do delgado mostraram-se modificadas nos pacientes com esteatorreia, variando desde alteracoes minimas ate as mais intensas.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The schistosomicidal activity of the Hycanthone is confirmed, as well as its good tolerance, including regarding the hepatic cells, in a thousand patients suffering fromSchistosomiaasti mansoni, with 99% of cure.
Abstract: The authors report hier experiment with Hycanthone in a thousand patients suffering from schistosomiaasti mansoni, who have been treated in the Clinical Hospital of Guanabara University so far. The patients come from the endemical areas of the country, specially from northeast and southeast, being 53,9% males and 46,1% females, aged between 5 and 63. The prevailing clinicai form of the parasitosis was the hepatic-intestinal (96,%). The medicine has been applied in a single dosage, at the rate of 3 mg/kg of body weight, 33 6% in in-patients and 66,4% at the stage of ambulatorial treatment. The serum leveis of the transaminases determined for comparison before and after the use the produet, in 60 of the in-patients, did not modify, or just suffered inexpressive raising. There were no side-effects in 42,3% of the patients. In . the others, thore effects were of little and medium intemily and lasted only the first day in most cases, and consisted specially of nauseas and vomits. The parasitical cure control was performed through 4 stool examinations, at the end of 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of the medicine employment, and it has been done in 330 patients (33%), with 99% of cure. By including the rectal biopsy whenever, it was possible, by the time of the 4th stool examination, the procedure had worked out well with 97 patiens (9,7%), and among them 92 (94%), are now cured, according to that criter on. This paper confirms the schistosomicidal activity of the Hycanthone, as well as its good tolerance, including regarding the hepatic cells. The patients, however, must be carefully selected, taking into account the known counter-indications, mainly concerning the liver.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In the deposit under the finger nails of 130 children living at Nova Descoberta suburb, Natal - RN, the presence of eggs or cysts enteroparasites such as: Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichocephalus trichiurus, Enterobius vermicularis, Ancylostomidae, Entamoeba histolytica e Giardia lamblia was detected.
Abstract: Demonstramos, no deposito subungueal de 130 criancas residentes no bairro de Nova Descoberta, Natal - RN, a presenca de ovos ou cistos de enteroparasitos, tais como: Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichocephalus trichiurus, Enterobius vermicularis, Ancylostomidae, Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica e Giardia lamblia. Ao lado da demonstracao dos referidos parasitos, fizemos a correlacao entre a incidencia parasitaria e as especies encontradas no residuo que se forma sob as unhas. Dos enteroparasitos encontrados, parece ser esta a primeira referencia a ovos de ancilostomideos no deposito subungueal. Dos 130 exames realizados 16 mostraram-se positivos, com uma percentagem de 12,30%.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Foram encontradas cinco cobaias Cavia porcellus naturalmente infectadas pelo Panstrongylus megistus em area endemica para Doenca de Chagas no Estado da Bahia, Brasil, entre seis exemplares examinados.
Abstract: Foram encontradas cinco cobaias Cavia porcellus naturalmente infectadas pelo Panstrongylus megistus, em domicilio infestado pelo Panstrongylus megistus, em area endemica para Doenca de Chagas no Estado da Bahia, Brasil, entre seis exemplares examinados. Embora os Autores nao considerem a Cavia porcellus importante epidemiologicamente como reservatorio domestico da Doenca de Chagas nessa area, chamam a atencao para o fato de, por ser esse roedor altamente susceptivel a infeciar-se com o T. cruzi e excelente fonte para infectar diversas especies de triatomineos, poder em casos especiais, assumir no Brasil papel epidemiologico de destaque, como ocorre na Bolivia e no Peru.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The cycle of cytogenetical researches on the Triatominae ("Kissing bugs") since 1948, part of which has been dedicated to the cytogenetic study of the male sterility of the interspecific hybrids is dealt with.
Abstract: This paper deals wlth the cycle of cytogenetical researches on the Triatominae ("Kissing bugs") since 1948. It has been described the caryotypes and the problems of the multiple sex chromosomes, the existence in some species of the heteropycnosis of some autosomes and considered its significance in isolating mechanism in evolution. The chronology of the synthesis of DNA along the stages in the testicular tubes has been analyzed by autoradiography and cytometry. The significance of the differences in the number and relative sizes of the testicular tubules has been analyzed as taxonomic character. Part of these researches has been dedicated to the cytogenetic study of the male sterility of the interspecific hybrids.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The AA admit that the heaviness of the infection (worm burden) and the immunological conditions of each patient are the most important ones in the evolution of Schistosomiasis mansoni.
Abstract: Although Schistosomiasis mansoni is generally considered as a disease of severe prognosis, the AA attributed this notion to the fact that doctors living in big cities, farway from the endemic regions, are used to see not more than very advanced and serious cases, the only ones which come to their hospitais. Enphasizing that visits to or researches on the areas of endemicity give to the doctors a more exact idea of the morbidily of the parasitosis, they present the result of a parasitological and clinicai study performed in a small village (Tiuma) of Sao Lourenco da Mata, State of Pernambuco, Brazil; 90% of patients with intestinal form (many assymptomatic cases), 7,7% with the hepato-intestinal form, and 2,3% with the hepato-spleno-intestinal form of the disease. No one of the 220 patients had digestive hemorrhage, ascites or hepatic coma during the period of observation. A review of the possible causes of variations in the evolution of the infection ly Schistosoma mansoni was made. The AA admit that the heaviness of the infection (worm burden) and the immunological conditions of each patient are the most important ones.