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Preventing shilling attacks in online recommender systems

Several metrics for analyzing rating patterns of malicious users are proposed and an algorithm for protecting recommender systems against shilling attacks is evaluated that can be employed for monitoring user ratings and removing shilling attacker profiles from the process of computing recommendations, thus maintaining the high quality of the recommendations.
Collaborative filtering techniques have been successfully employed in recommender systems in order to help users deal with information overload by making high quality personalized recommendations. However, such systems have been shown to be vulnerable to attacks in which malicious users with carefully chosen profiles are inserted into the system in order to push the predictions of some targeted items. In this paper we propose several metrics for analyzing rating patterns of malicious users and evaluate their potential for detecting such shilling attacks. Building upon these results, we propose and evaluate an algorithm for protecting recommender systems against shilling attacks. The algorithm can be employed for monitoring user ratings and removing shilling attacker profiles from the process of computing recommendations, thus maintaining the high quality of the recommendations.

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Preventing Shilling Attacks in Online Recommender
Paul-Alexandru Chirita
L3S Research Center
University of Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Wolfgang Nejdl
L3S Research Center
University of Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Cristian Zamfir
L3S Research Center
University of Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Collaborative filtering techniques have been successfully em-
ployed in recommender systems in order to help users deal
with information overload by making high quality person-
alized recommendations. However, such systems have been
shown to be vulnerable to attacks in which malicious users
with carefully chosen profiles are inserted into the system
in order to push the predictions of some targeted items. In
this paper we propose several metrics for analyzing rating
patterns of malicious users and evaluate their potential for
detecting such shilling attacks. Bui ldi ng upon these results,
we propose and evaluate an algorithm for protecting rec-
ommender systems against shilling attacks. The algorithm
can be employed for monitoring user ratings and remov-
ing shilling attacker profiles from the process of computing
recommendations, thus maintaining the high quality of the
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information
Search and Retrieval; H.3.4 [Information Storage and
Retrieval]: Systems and Software; H.3.5 [Information
Storage and Retrieval]: Online Information Services
General Terms
Algorithms, Experimentation, Performance
Web applications, Recommender systems, Collaborative fil-
tering, Shilling attacks
Recommender systems based on collaborative filtering play
an increasing role in filtering information in an overloaded
information system. They are not only helping users find
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee.
WIDM’05, November 5, 2005, Bremen, Germany.
Copyright 2005 ACM 1-59593-194-5/05/0011 ...$5.00.
relevant items, but are also beneficial to companies produc-
ing items by increasing both selling rate and cross-sales.
Currently, there are quite several commercial recommender
systems used in e-commerce
[5], movie
and music recom-
[14], etc., as well as some research oriented ones
(see, for example, PocketLens [6], or ClickStream CF [3]),
and even governmental ones (such as NASA’s service for
recommendation of related technical reports [7]). In such
a collaborative filtering based recommender system, users
build profiles by rating certain items, and obtain p ers onal-
ized recommendations for other, uknown items, based on the
correlation betwe en their ratings and those of other users.
The most popular types of algorithms for collaborative
filtering (CF) are user-based and item-based:
1. User-based algorithms build for each user a neighbor-
ho od of users with similar opinions (i.e., ratings) in the
system. Ratings from these users are then employed
to generate recommendations for the target user.
2. Item-based algorithms compute a set of similar items
for each item and use these similarities to compute
Unfortunately, since good ratings promise a good selling
rate, these sy stems are prone to manipulation from produc-
ers or malicious users. Examples of manipulation have been
outlined in [4] and include attacks from popular systems
like Amazon and eBay. Recent research has shown that
most popular algorithms employed in current CF applica-
tions can be rather easily manipulated through biased pro-
files [4]. More s pecifically, this can be achieved by introduc-
ing fake user profil es that highly rate a set of target items,
and then rate other items, in such a way that they become
similar to many profiles of regular users. The desired result
is known as a shilling attack and consists of either increasing
(push attack) or lowering (nuke attack) the ratings of some
target items.
Attacks on recommender systems can affect the quality of
the prediction for many users, resulting in decreasing over-
all user satisfaction with the system. Such threats may cost
users’ time and money and pose a serious challenge to the
recommender system administrators, who have to manually
discover the shilling attacke rs. This vulnerability of recom-
mender systems is even more severe if we think it actually
extends to any personalized information system in which an

attacker can introduce fake profiles in order to increase the
general interest for a set of target resources.
Based on the above observation that shilling attackers use
synthetic profiles
, in this paper we i nvestigate the use of
statistical metrics to reveal rating patterns of shilling attack-
ers. We experimentally evaluate these metrics for existing
zero-knowledge shilling attacks and propose an algorithm
that makes use of them to detect and i solate shilling attack-
ers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm
that effectively detects the most general attacks on recom-
mender systems [4].
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In Section
2 we introduce the most popular CF algorithms and outline
existing work on developing and guarding against attacks
on recommender systems. In Se ction 3 we define several
statistical metrics, which could be utilized to identify rat-
ing patterns of shilling attackers, and then we empirically
analyze each of them in Section 4. In Section 5 we propose
an algorithm, which detects shilling attackers by exploiting
these metrics. Finally, we show how it could be integrated
into an web-based recommender systems in Section 6, and
conclude with a summary and future work in Section 7.
2.1 Common CF Algorithms
User-based collaborative filtering. The most popular
collaborative filtering algorithm is the kNN-based algorithm.
Data is represented as a user × item matrix, with an entry
(u,i) representing either the rating user u gave to item i, if
she rated it, or null otherwise. Similarity between users is
then computed using the Pearson correlation [11]:
where I is the set of items users i and j both rated, R
is the rating user i gave to item k, and
is the average
rating of user i. Finally, predictions for user i and item a
are computed using the k-nearest neighbors formula below:
Item-based collaborative filtering. Another popular
CF algorithm is based on the item-item similarity [13]. Here,
items are thought of as two vectors in the |users| multidi-
mensional space, and the similarity between items i and j
can be computed using the cosine-based sim ilari ty:
Sim(i, j) =
i ·
i k · k
j k
Then, the prediction for an item is computed using a
weighted average of user’s ratings R
, weighed by the sim-
ilarity score:
all similar items,a
Sim(i, a)
all similar items,a
|sim(i, a)|
This is in fact reasonable, since no large-scale success could
be achieved by manually inspecting items and rating them
as a regular user would.
2.2 Identifying and Detecting Shilling Attacks
While there is a lot of work in the field of developing
collaborative filtering algorithms, only recently some papers
have concentrated on deve loping shilling attack models [9,
12] and on benchmarking the robustness of recommender
systems against shilling attacks [4, 8].
Lam and Riedl [4] introduce the Random Bot and the
Average Bot types of shilling attacks and evaluates their ef-
fectiveness in promoting the target items by computing the
prediction shift and expected Top-N occupancy for these
items in both user-based and item-based collaborative fil-
tering env ironm ents.
A Random Bot attacker rates all the items in the system
with the mean 3.6 out of 5 and a 1.1 deviation. The intuition
behind this is that making random ratings within a certain
average interval will allow the attacker to have a high influ-
ence in making predictions for other users. Depending on
the objective of the attack, the i tems in the target set are
rated with the minimum rating (for nuke attack) or maxi-
mum rating (for push attack). An Average Bot attacker is
more effective but requires knowledge of the average rating
for each item in the system. Each Average Bot attacker
rates the items outside the target set randomly, following a
normal distribution with a mean equal to the ave rage rating
for that item, thus becoming more similar to the real users
than the Random Bot.
In [12] several other attack models are develop ed, under
the assumption that the attacker has some knowledge about
the ratings of the other users. We think that such knowledge
is hard to obtain, if not impossible in a real world sys tem.
Another disadvantage of this approach is that the ratings in-
tro duced by an attacker are algorithm dependent. Finally,
the detection of the attackers is not addressed in the paper.
In fact, the only work that partially tackles this challenge
is [15]. There, a spreadi ng similarity algorithm is develop e d
in order to detect groups of very similar shilling attackers.
While this is indeed a first step, it only applies to a simpli-
fied attack scenario, whereas our algorithm applies to more
general and powerful attack.
We think that zero-knowledge attacks such as the Ran-
dom Bot are particularly interesting, si nce for the other at-
tacks, recommender systems administrators could increase
the privacy of user profiles using cryptographic means [6, 10,
2], thus falling back to the zero-knowledge ones. In general,
the more insight a recommender system offers about its rat-
ings, the more susceptible to attack it is, allowing powerful
low cost (in terms of number of fake profiles) attacks to be
mounted on the system.
3.1 Introduction
We have argued that shilling attacks could be very nox-
ious to CF systems. Now, could we define an algorithm
independent approach, which protects against these attacks
by mining the rating patterns from the users database? We
consider the answer to be positive. This section will lay the
foundation towards such an approach, presenting first the
statistical metrics that could be utilized to analyze user rat-
ings, and then a na¨ıve algorithm exploiting them. We will
then complete our attack detection scheme in Section 5.

3.2 Metrics
In [1], a number of algorithm independent qualitative fac-
tors are used in analyzing the influence of a user on a rec-
ommender system. While the goal of [1] was not related to
attacks at all, we think some of these factors could be use-
ful in analyzing patterns for the fake profiles introduced by
the different types of shilling attacks. More specifically, we
found the following metrics suitable to address our problem
of detecting shill ing attacks:
1. Number of Prediction-Differences (NPD)
NPD is defined for each user as the number of net pre-
diction changes in the system after her removal from
the system.
2. Standard Deviation in User’s Ratings
This m etric represents the degree in which a rating
given by a user to an item differs from her average
3. Degree of Agreement with Other Users
The degree of agreement is i n fact the average dev ia-
tion in a user’s ratings from the average rating of each
item: 1/k
|, where R
is the rating
user i gave to item a and
is the average rating of
item a.
4. Degree of Similarity with Top Neighbors
As stated by its name, this metric describes the av-
erage similarity weight w ith the Top-K neighbors of a
user. It uses the following formula:
As we will see from Section 4 these metrics provide a useful
insight into detecting shilling attackers, but are not sufficient
for identifying attackers, as they output quite a few false
positives. Therefore, we also defined a new measure, Rating
Deviation from Mean Agreement (RDMA). Intuitively, this
can be seen as the measure of the deviation of agreement
with other users on a set of target items, combined with
the inverse rating frequency for these items. RDMA can be
computed in the following way:
where N
is the number of items user j rated, r
is the
rating given by user j to item i, NR
is the overall number
of ratings in the system given to item i. Alternatively, one
could also compute the number of ratings and the average
rating using only a subset of users, thus giving a local view
to our measure. We will discuss these variants in Section 5.
Since shilling attacks usually try to push items with low
ratings, the users mounting such an attack will also have a
high RDMA, because for the target items, the numerator of
each term (the difference from the average rating) will be
high, whereas the denominator (the number of predictions)
will be low; thus the overall term will be high
, and the
attackers will be simply removed from the computation of
Users with very special tastes might also have a high
RDMA value though. This is one of the reasons that de-
termined us to seek a more complex algorithm for shilling
attacks detection. The outcome will be presented in Section
3.3 Basic Algorithm for Detecting Shilling
Considering the fact that attackers should have a high
influence in the system in order to effectively promote the
target items, we want the metrics in Section 3.2 to reveal
distinctive features in the rating patterns. Attackers should
therefore have very high values for NPD, Average Similarity,
Degree of agreement with other users, and RDMA, as well
as a very low value for Standard Deviation in User Ratings.
The following algorithm detects shilling attackers based on
these expectations:
Algorithm 1. Basic algorithm for detecting shilling attackers.
01. Let MetricsLow=Standard Deviation in Ratings and
MetricsHigh= NPD, Degree of agreement,
Average Similarity, RDMA
02. for each m in MetricsHigh and MetricsLow
03. for each user u
04. compute m(u)
05. for each user u
06. if u has high values in MetricsHigh
and very low values in MetricsLow
then u is a shilling attacker
In lines 2-4, the algorithm computes for each user the
values for all statistical metrics, and then in lines 5-6 de-
cides, based on her assessed probability of being an attacker,
whether her profile will be discarded from the computation
of recommendations or not.
4.1 Attack Scenario
An attack consists of a group of profil es that are intro-
duced into the system in order to push the ratings of a set of
target items. The target items are usually unpopular items
(low average rating) that are not rated by many users
. Our
experiments are conducted using the Random Bot shilling
attack. In [4], the number of attacker profiles re aches alm ost
1% of the total number of users. The cost of an attack can
be estimated as a function of the number of profiles that
have to be introduced in the system. Usually, intro duci ng
more than 1% f ake profiles can be considered infeasible, but
we will go up to 3% attacker profiles. For implementing the
experiments we used the open source MultiLens
tive filtering platform.
We have evaluated the patterns from section 3 for databases
without any attackers and with 3% Random Bot attackers.
The target items set is composed of three randomly selected
items that have a low average rating, as well as a small
number of ratings.
In our exp eri ments we have used the MovieLens database
containing 100,000 movie ratings for 1682 items from 943
users. For the attack scenario we introduced 30 additional
users, which were Random Bot attackers with the same tar-
get items set. All users have rated at least 20 movies, with
Popular items are already recommended by the system to
some extent, and are therefore rated by a larger numb er of
users. Thus, making them even more popular would usually
imply a too costly effort from the attackers. We further
discuss on thi s choice in Section 5.2.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Figure 1: NPD without attackers
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
NPD with random bots
NPD for normal users
NPD for attackers
Figure 2: NPD for a database with attackers
ratings between 1 and 5. The Random Bot attackers rated
the items i n the system as explained in Section 2.
Our experiments show that all the patterns studi ed are
relevant in exposing behavior of the attackers. The values
for the patterns studied are either high, or almost the same
(with a small deviation) for most of attackers, but a few
regular users can also be considered attackers if we use only
one of these patterns to detect attackers. The rest of this
section discusses each of the patterns in detail.
4.2 Using Rating Patterns to Detect Shilling
NPD. As discussed in [1], NPD shows a power-law distri-
bution, most of the users having very low NPD, while only
a few are having a very high NPD. This appli es for both
the database with and without attackers. Figure 1 presents
the NPD values for the database without attackers. After
having introduced the attackers (Figure 2), they will slightly
decrease for the regular users, leaving the top NPD value to
the malicious users. This is because the attackers are very
similar to many users and removing them from the neigh-
borhood of a user would result in prediction changes for all
these users. However, we notice that they also overlap with
the top 0.3% of the normal users.
Standard Deviation in User’s Ratings. Random Bot
attackers give random ratings within a relatively small inter-
val, centered around 3.6. This distribution of ratings makes
them outstanding from the database, because they are the
only “users” having the Standard Deviation in Ratings close
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Standard agreement
Standard agreement for the database without the RandomBots
Figure 3: Degree of Agreement for a da taba se with-
out attackers
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Standard agreement
Standard agreement for the database with the RandomBots
Figure 4: Degree of agreement for a database with
attackers. Notice that the variation of the degree of
agreement for the attackers is very small (Attackers
have user IDs between 944 and 973).
to 0. Most users have a greater entropy in ratings and some-
times give extreme ratings like the minimum rating. How-
ever, some small percent of users have a small Standard
Deviation in Ratings, so that attackers could disguise their
behavior by i ncreasi ng the entropy in their ratings and thus
escaping detection using this pattern. Still, avoiding de-
tection by increasing entropy will also decrease the power of
attack, as it will decrease the attacker’s similarity with other
users in the system. Therefore, we conclude that analyzing
this pattern for shilling attacks can be useful, as i t will force
malicious users to disguise their attacks, thus reducing the
overall impact of the attack on the entire system.
Degree of Agreement With Similar Users. We have
computed this metric using the top-25 similar users from the
neighborhood formation phase of user-based collaborative
filtering. In spite of the fact that attackers make random
ratings, an interesting pattern we discovered was that they
had al most the same value for this metric (Figures 3 and 4).
Even though other regular users could also have very similar
values, one could use the results from analyzing this pattern
in order to reduce the false positives output by the attacker
detection algorithm.
Average Similarity with Top Neighbors. The av-
erage similarity was also computed over each user’s top-25
neighbors. We discovered that it resembles NPD: it has a

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Average Similarity
Average Similarity for a database without attackers
Average Similarity
Figure 5: Average Similarity without attackers
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Average Similarity
Average Similarity for a database with attackers
Average Similarity for normalusers
Average Similarity for attackers
Figure 6: Average Similarity with attackers
power law distribution and the values for the attackers over-
lap for some small set of users (Figures 5 and 6). While NPD
exhibits scalability issues, computing the average similarity
for each user is much faster, and thus preferable. More,
selecting users that have a greater value than 1/2 of the
maximum average similarity in the system, would include
all the attackers in the output. Therefore, we chose to use
this metric along with RDMA in our improved algorithm
from Section 5.
RDMA. For a database without attackers, very few users
had a high normalized RDMA, which was promisive, since
we exp ected the attackers (once introduced) to have a very
high RDMA. However, RDMA was high for the attackers
only for a small attack size. Once we increased the attack
size to 3%, several normal users had bigger RDMA than
the attackers. This is partially because an attack of such a
large size is enough to radically increase the average rating
for the target items, so that regular users who rated these
items with the minimum rating get in this case an increased
RDMA. Generally, when the attackers give a rating centered
around 3.6 to the items outside the target set, users that
only expressed extreme like (the maximum rating) or utter
dislike (the minimum rating) have an increased RDMA for
a large-scale attack.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
RDMA without attackers
Figure 7: RDMA without attackers
0 200 400 600 800 1000
RDMA with attackers
RDMA for attackers
RDMA for normal users
Figure 8: RDMA with attackers
5.1 Description
When computing RDMA, we can use only a subset of the
total users for computing the Average Rating and Number of
Predictions for e ach of the items. For the database without
any attackers, this results in very few users (2, in our exper-
iments) having high RDMA so that removing them from the
database will not affect the quality of the recommendations.
In the following, we describe an improved two step algo-
rithm, which exploits the above mentioned idea: we first
compute the average similarity with the top neighbors for
all users and then select for computing RDMA only those
users that have an average similarity smaller than 1/2 of
the maximum average similarity in the system. We then as-
sociate with each value of RDMA a function that evaluates
the probability that the respective user is a shilling attacker.
The algorithm i s depicted below.
Algorithm 2. Enhanced Algorithm for Detecting Shilling Attackers.
01. for each user
02. Compute Average Similarity using
the Pearson Correlation
03. max = the maximum Avera ge Similarity
in the system
04. for each item
05. Compute the average rating and the number
of ratings using user’s u profile if
Av erage Similarity(u) < max/2

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Q1. What have the authors contributed in "Preventing shilling attacks in online recommender systems" ?

In this paper the authors propose several metrics for analyzing rating patterns of malicious users and evaluate their potential for detecting such shilling attacks. Building upon these results, the authors propose and evaluate an algorithm for protecting recommender systems against shilling attacks. 

Since the probability for regular users is almost 0, and for attackers is almost 1, the effect of using this modification in a user-based collaborative filtering algorithm is to practically filter out malicious users from making recommendations, while reducing the influence of users with special preferences. 

The most popular types of algorithms for collaborative filtering (CF) are user-based and item-based:1. User-based algorithms build for each user a neighborhood of users with similar opinions (i.e., ratings) in the system. 

The only overhead for the recommender system would be to take the shilling probability into account when computing the recommendation list. 

The intuition behind this is that making random ratings within a certain average interval will allow the attacker to have a high influence in making predictions for other users. 

The authors think that zero-knowledge attacks such as the Random Bot are particularly interesting, since for the other attacks, recommender systems administrators could increase the privacy of user profiles using cryptographic means [6, 10, 2], thus falling back to the zero-knowledge ones. 

when the attackers give a rating centered around 3.6 to the items outside the target set, users that only expressed extreme like (the maximum rating) or utter dislike (the minimum rating) have an increased RDMA for a large-scale attack. 

This is partially because an attack of such a large size is enough to radically increase the average rating for the target items, so that regular users who rated these items with the minimum rating get in this case an increased RDMA. 

In an on-line web based recommender system, the authors can provide the user with an additional button to be pressed foractivating protection against shilling attackers. 

attackers in a collaborative filtering based recommender system should not necessarily be perceived as malicious by the other users, since the process of giving ratings to items is mostly a question of taste. 

Lines 8-12 assign a 0 shilling probability for users having less than the average RDMA and use function f to compute the shilling probability for the other users.