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1.What is the prevalence of Schistosomiasis among women delivered at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital? 

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The prevalence of Schistosomiasis among women delivered at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital is not mentioned in the provided abstracts.

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The provided paper does not mention any specific data or information about the prevalence of Schistosomiasis among women delivered at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital.
The prevalence of Schistosomiasis among women delivered at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital is not mentioned in the provided paper.
The provided paper does not mention anything about the prevalence of Schistosomiasis among women delivered at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital.
The provided paper does not mention anything about women delivered at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital.
The provided paper does not mention anything about women delivered at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital.

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What are the most prevalent parasitic infections in West Africa?5 answersThe most prevalent parasitic infections in West Africa include intestinal protozoan parasites (IPPs) and soil-transmitted helminths (STH). Studies have shown that IPPs, such as E. histolytica/dispar and Giardia spp., have a prevalence of 25.8% among African school children, especially in northern and western Africa. On the other hand, STH infections like hookworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, and Trichuris trichiura are common in West Africa, with hookworm having an average prevalence of 17.14% and A. lumbricoides at 5.35% in Benin. Additionally, trypanosomes have been found to have a high prevalence in tsetse wild populations in West African countries, causing sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in livestock. These parasitic infections pose significant public health challenges in the region, emphasizing the need for effective control measures.
2.What are the most common species of Schistosoma diagnosed among pregnant women?4 answersThe most common species of Schistosoma diagnosed among pregnant women are S. mansoni and S. haematobium. These two species were found in multiple studies conducted in different countries. In one study conducted in Cameroon, S. mansoni was the most prevalent species, with an infection rate of 28.01% among pregnant women. Another study conducted in Madagascar also found a high prevalence of schistosomiasis among pregnant women, with S. mansoni being the only species detected. These findings highlight the importance of addressing schistosomiasis in pregnant women and implementing preventive measures to reduce the disease burden.
What are the predictors of Schistosomiasis among perinatal women?4 answersPredictors of Schistosomiasis among perinatal women include maternal age, education, marital status, religion, household drinking water source, latrine availability, study region, and season. Occupation is also associated with infection, with artisans having the highest risk. Contact with water and water usage patterns, such as fetching and multipurpose water usage, are significant predictors of Schistosomiasis. However, awareness about waterborne diseases does not show a significant association with infection. These findings suggest that socio-demographic factors, water contact activities, and occupation play a role in the burden of Schistosomiasis among perinatal women. Health education and the provision of clean water supply should be integrated into control strategies to reduce transmission in endemic areas.
What is the prevalence of schistosomaisis in ghana?4 answersThe prevalence of schistosomiasis in Ghana varies across different regions and populations. In the Ashanti region, the prevalence of enteric helminth infections in Ghanaian children was found to be low, with an overall prevalence of 3.8%. In the Greater Accra region, the prevalence of urinary and intestinal schistosomiasis among rice farmers was 19.3% and 2% respectively. In the Asuogyaman District, the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis was 10.4%. Among basic school children in the Akyemansa district, the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis was 10.32%. Overall, schistosomiasis remains highly endemic in Ghana, despite ongoing control efforts.
What is the prevalence of Schistosomiasis worldwide?5 answersSchistosomiasis is a widespread parasitic infection affecting humans, with the most common species being Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, and Schistosoma haematobium. It is endemic in more than 70 countries, with an estimated 229 million people worldwide affected by the disease. The highest prevalence of schistosomiasis is found in Africa, where 92% of the affected population resides. The prevalence rates vary in different regions, with studies reporting rates of 4.84%, 34.6%, and 11.4%in specific populations. The disease is primarily transmitted through contact with fresh water, and risk factors include activities such as swimming, bathing, and fetching water from contaminated sources. The diagnosis of schistosomiasis is typically done by detecting eggs in urine or stool samples. Mass treatment with praziquantel is the recommended strategy for reducing the burden of the disease. Efforts to prevent schistosomiasis include water pollution control and eradication of snails, which act as intermediate hosts for the parasite.
What is the standard ingestion rate of the African giant snail per day in Nigeria?5 answersThe standard ingestion rate of the African giant snail per day in Nigeria is not mentioned in the abstracts provided.

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