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"A survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample." who cited this? 

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The statement "A survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample" was not directly cited in the provided contexts. However, the contexts collectively provide insights into survey sampling, emphasizing the importance of random selection methods, survey design principles, and the purpose of surveys in studying various aspects of society. Survey sampling involves selecting a part of the population for statistical inference, with the need for a stochastic background based on random selection procedures . Sample surveys are commonly used in educational and health research to investigate various topics, such as academic performance, societal views about education, and health issues in the community . The design of sample surveys aims to generalize results from a sample to a population of interest, highlighting the significance of methodological advances in survey studies .

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Open accessBook ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2011
132 Citations
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