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Are there observational measurements of the star formation rate in brightest cluster galaxies ? 

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Observational measurements of the star formation rate (SFR) in brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) have been conducted. The CLASH X-ray selected sample of 20 galaxy clusters includes BCGs with significant SFRs, as inferred from photometric estimates of UV and Hα+[\ion{N}{2}] emission . These measurements are supplemented with fluxes measured from spectra obtained with the SOAR telescope . Mid-IR spectra also show indications of star formation in BCGs . The incidence of emission-line BCGs in X-ray selected clusters is higher than in optically-selected clusters . Additionally, a study on the relation between SFR and the luminosity of the brightest star cluster in a galaxy provides further evidence of star formation in BCGs .

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Yes, the paper discusses observational measurements of the star formation rate in brightest cluster galaxies using archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging and data from the literature.
Yes, the CLASH X-ray selected sample of 20 galaxy clusters includes ten brightest cluster galaxies with significant star formation rates.
Yes, recent studies have shown indications of star formation in brightest cluster galaxies based on mid-IR spectra and UV and Hα surveys.
Yes, mid-IR spectra show indications of star formation in a sample of 9 brightest cluster galaxies.
Yes, the CLASH X-ray selected sample of 20 galaxy clusters includes ten brightest cluster galaxies with significant star formation rates.

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