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Can flexible IoT walkers effectively reduce the risk of falls among seniors? 

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Flexible IoT walkers can significantly contribute to reducing the risk of falls among seniors by integrating advanced technologies that monitor and support the elderly's mobility. The development of skin-wearable electronic devices for motion sensing, as discussed by Yongkuk Lee et al., demonstrates the potential of IoT technologies in accurately detecting falls, which is crucial for preventing them among older adults . Similarly, the use of IoT for enhancing the safety of the elderly, as reviewed by Sara Dorri et al., shows that such technologies, including motion sensors, have shown promising results in ensuring the safety of this vulnerable population . The clinical validation of the G-STRIDE system, which assesses gait and balance through a 6-axis inertial measurement unit, further underscores the effectiveness of IoT devices in identifying individuals at risk of falling by analyzing walking-related metrics . Moreover, the integration of fall detection systems into smartphones using IoT methods, as implemented by Swati Sikdar et al., highlights the adaptability and accessibility of such technologies in real-life conditions, making them a practical solution for monitoring seniors . The novel approach of embedding smart devices in walking canes for detecting abnormal gait and tremors, as introduced by Marion O. Adebiyi et al., represents an innovative and non-intrusive method of early disease detection and fall prevention . Additionally, the proposal of a non-wearable IoT solution for fall detection in homes by Osvaldo Ribeiro et al. emphasizes the potential of ambient technologies in providing a safety net for the elderly without the need for active user engagement . The development of an electronic system integrated into a walking stick, as contemplated by Shaik Ahmadsaidulu et al., combines multiple functionalities, including fall detection and obstacle avoidance, offering a comprehensive tool for enhancing the mobility and safety of visually impaired and elderly individuals . The research on gait training devices by Katsushi Ogawa et al. further illustrates the role of IoT in rehabilitating gait function, thereby preventing falls by improving the physical capabilities of the elderly . The Automated Disabled People Fall Detection model developed by Mesfer Al Duhayyim, which utilizes AI and IoT for distinguishing fall events, showcases the high accuracy and potential of technology-driven solutions in fall prevention . Lastly, the wearable system proposed by Flora Amato et al., which employs sensors and neural networks for real-time movement identification and fall detection, highlights the effectiveness of portable and responsive IoT devices in mitigating fall risks among seniors . In conclusion, the integration of flexible IoT technologies, ranging from wearable devices to ambient systems and smart canes, offers a promising approach to effectively reduce the risk of falls among seniors by providing continuous monitoring, early detection of fall risks, and support for mobility and balance.

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The G-STRIDE foot-mounted inertial sensor, a flexible IoT walker, effectively assesses fall risk in seniors by measuring walking parameters correlated with clinical markers, potentially reducing falls.
Not addressed in the paper.

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