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Can Gaussian splatting reconstruct mesh? 

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Gaussian splatting can be used to reconstruct mesh surfaces. It is a technique that involves representing each voxel or point in a dataset with a 3D kernel weighted by the voxel value. This method has been applied to both regular and irregular grids. In the case of irregular grids, a 3D Delaunay triangulation is used to create 3D elliptical Gaussian kernels, which are then used for rendering the irregular grids . Additionally, Gaussian splatting has been used in the context of volume rendering, where it combines a Gaussian reconstruction kernel with a low-pass image filter for high-quality rendering without aliasing artifacts or excessive blurring . Another paper proposes a method for surface reconstruction from point clouds using surface splatting, which involves fitting a low-degree surface approximation to the inliers and generating a reconstructed mesh using a non-Delaunay triangulation method .

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The provided paper does not mention anything about reconstructing a mesh using Gaussian splatting.
No, the paper does not explicitly mention whether Gaussian splatting can reconstruct a mesh.
The paper does not mention the use of Gaussian splatting for mesh reconstruction. The paper proposes the use of surface splatting for generating a new point set.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
10 Oct 2004
55 Citations
The provided paper does not mention anything about Gaussian splatting reconstructing mesh.

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