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Can i have this paper New insights in improving sustainability in meat production: opportunities and challenges? 

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New insights in improving sustainability in meat production: opportunities and challenges are discussed in the provided abstracts. The meat industry is facing pressure to improve animal welfare, reduce microbiological risks, and decrease the use of antibiotics . The advent of cell-based meat (CBM) and plant-based meat (PBM) alternatives can provide more sustainable options and improve global health outcomes . However, there are challenges in the production, development, and marketing of these products that may hinder their potential benefits . The increasing global demand for meat and dairy products is putting a strain on resources and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions . Finding methods to improve the sustainability of livestock production, such as using underutilized crops or insects as alternative animal feeds, is crucial . Additionally, there is a need to consider the social and economic sustainability of livestock systems, as well as the impact on biodiversity and animal welfare . Improving livestock productivity can have positive sustainability implications, but consumer acceptance of modern practices and technologies is a challenge .

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Papers (4)Insight
The paper "New insights in improving sustainability in meat production: opportunities and challenges" is not mentioned in the provided paper. The provided paper is about the need to improve the sustainability of global meat and milk production.
The provided paper is titled "Opinion paper: Are we on the right track toward livestock sector sustainability?" and does not discuss the paper "New insights in improving sustainability in meat production: opportunities and challenges."
The paper "New insights in improving sustainability in meat production: opportunities and challenges" is not provided. The provided paper is about the potential of cell and plant-based meat alternatives to improve global health outcomes.
The paper "New insights in improving sustainability in meat production: opportunities and challenges" is not available in the provided text. The provided paper is about the challenges and future of cultivated meat.

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