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The discussion suggests that supply‐chain...
Originality/value The paper not only increases the scope and depth of research area in logistics and supply chain education but also contributes theoretically to the understanding on the curriculum of sub-degree logistics and supply chain programs.
The paper attempts to make this point by suggesting that, while supply chain management is to a degree cu...
These notions can be beneficial for academician or organizations that are involve in Supply Chain Management business.
Practical implicationsBy identifying sources of supply chain training that are currently available to help bridge this serious skill shortage, the results can serve as a guide to enterprises moving toward supply chain digitalization.
The findings have implications for supply chain design, education, and industry
However, intra-organizational ICT moderates the effect of the supply chain integration on supply chain perform...
Practical implications – This paper provides a useful tool to supply chain managers to d...

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What are challenges in modular construction?
4 answers
Challenges in modular construction include higher entry prices, lack of job experience, reduced design flexibility, program delays, skill gaps, and cultural resistance. Additionally, logistical challenges such as streamlining the supply chain for on-time delivery of components and overcoming uncertainties like those posed by events such as COVID-19 are significant hurdles. The implementation of prefabricated materials faces obstacles like initial high building costs, technical hurdles, and the unavailability of local prefabrication businesses. Furthermore, the varying sizes and design specifications of modules lead to inefficiencies in labor allocation and imbalanced production lines, necessitating the development of predictive models for process times at workstations to improve productivity and control.
How does customer orientation affects business continuity?
5 answers
Customer orientation significantly impacts business continuity by fostering long-term relationships, enhancing competitiveness, and ensuring adaptability to market demands.Customer-centric approaches, such as focusing on customer needs, creating unique value propositions, and building strong customer engagement, play a vital role in sustaining operations during disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic.A customer-oriented strategy not only improves customer satisfaction but also drives profitability and market growth, especially in industries like the alcohol sector where counter-marketing challenges exist.By prioritizing customer engagement, businesses can navigate uncertainties, make informed decisions, and ensure smoother operations, ultimately contributing to business continuity and resilience in the face of various internal and external factors.
What are the potential benefits and challenges associated with implementing blockchain technology in AI-based healthcare systems?
5 answers
Implementing blockchain technology in AI-based healthcare systems offers numerous benefits. Blockchain ensures data security, transparency, and accountability, enhancing patient trust and enabling stakeholders to track data usage. It also provides a decentralized platform for data management, safeguarding against data loss and corruption. Moreover, blockchain facilitates secure and anonymous sharing of health data for research purposes, improving interoperability and efficiency in managing complex medical procedures. However, challenges such as potential government regulations and internal concerns may hinder widespread adoption in healthcare applications. Overcoming these challenges and maximizing the benefits of blockchain technology in AI-based healthcare systems require addressing security issues, ensuring regulatory compliance, and promoting stakeholder collaboration.
What are the challenges associated with integrating technology into existing digital implementation strategies?|?
5 answers
Integrating technology into existing digital implementation strategies presents various challenges across different industries. Organizational aspects, such as the lack of digital competence and underestimated organizational development needs, alongside technical issues like system integration, hinder a smooth implementation process. In the agri-food supply chain, challenges include the availability of trained workforce, funds, and clarity on economic gains from digitalization. Additionally, the implementation of additive manufacturing requires companies to rethink conventional processes and develop standardized integration methodologies, including strategic component selection and decision support for technology adoption. Nontechnical challenges in digital public health integration encompass ethics, policy, governance, and resource gaps, while technical hurdles involve fragmented systems and workforce capacity gaps. Overcoming these challenges necessitates strategies like intersectoral collaboration, capacity building, and standardized frameworks for successful technology integration in various sectors.
How does the use of Structural Equation Model (SEM) impact the effectiveness of supply chain strategies?
4 answers
The use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in analyzing supply chain strategies has shown significant impacts on effectiveness. SEM allows for testing causal effects among variables, aiding in understanding complex relationships. Studies have revealed that SEM can determine the best fit model for Supply Chain Performance (SCP) in various industries, highlighting factors like buyer-supplier relationships, integrated information systems, and logistics performance as key influencers. Additionally, SEM has been utilized to analyze factors hindering information collaboration in the construction supply chain, emphasizing the importance of stakeholders, information technology, and external stability mechanisms in enhancing project management efficiency. Furthermore, SEM has been instrumental in assessing the adoption factors for supply chain finance in MSMEs, showcasing the role of negotiation, collaboration, and digitizing trade in improving supply chain effectiveness.
How do supply chain strategies impact the resilience of a business during disruptions and uncertainties?
4 answers
Supply chain strategies play a crucial role in enhancing business resilience during disruptions and uncertainties. Strategies such as maintaining safety stock levels, diversifying transportation modes, and collaborating with backup suppliers can bolster resilience in the cosmetics industry. Knowledge-based supply chains benefit from factors like digital technologies, agility, and green perspectives to navigate disruptions effectively. Additionally, the configurations of supply chain resilience strategies and capacities, including absorptive, reactive, and restorative capacities, are vital for achieving resilience before, during, and after disruptive events. Substituting goods within established supply chains can also increase resilience by mitigating supply deficits, as demonstrated in the US opioid distribution system analysis. These findings collectively emphasize the importance of strategic planning and adaptability in supply chain management to ensure business resilience in the face of uncertainties.
How do supply chain strategies impact the resilience of a business during disruptions and uncertainties?
4 answers
Supply chain strategies play a crucial role in enhancing business resilience during disruptions and uncertainties. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for a shift towards knowledge-based supply chains that leverage digital technologies, agility, and green perspectives. Traditional strategies like agility and surplus inventory are essential but insufficient in managing global disruptions, emphasizing the importance of combining resilience with sustainability. Implementing risk mitigation strategies and flexible models can help prepare supply chains for future crises, as seen in the proposed methodology for supply chain disruptions. Additionally, developing smart resilient frameworks with decision-making schemas can enhance supply chain resilience and competitiveness, as demonstrated in the study on demand forecast and risk inference for semiconductor distribution. Adapting to online markets and creating sustainable closed-loop supply chain networks can also aid in maintaining competitiveness and adapting to disruptions.
Why SCM in the fashion retail industry requires the rapid product cycle?
4 answers
Supply Chain Management (SCM) in the fashion retail industry necessitates a rapid product cycle due to the evolving nature of the fashion market. The industry is shifting towards faster production cycles to adapt to swiftly changing fashion trends. Fast fashion retailers like Zara and H&M have popularized short renewal cycles and limited stock quantities per style, requiring agile and responsive supply chains. The emergence of ultra-fast fashion further emphasizes the need for local manufacturing, on-demand production, and minimal inventory to meet consumer demands within days to a week, pushing traditional and fast fashion retailers to speed up their processes. Additionally, the increasing demand for greater product variety and shorter product life cycles underscores the importance of rapid product design changes, making product design a critical aspect within the supply chain.
What are the different types of collaboration behaviors observed in agri-food supply chains?
4 answers
In the agri-food supply chains (AFSC), various types of collaboration behaviors have been observed, reflecting the complexity and diversity of stakeholder interactions from farm to fork. These behaviors are crucial for enhancing performance, sustainability, and innovation within the supply chain. Firstly, collaboration in AFSC is often characterized by a relationship marketing and operations management approach, where trust and performance play significant roles in ensuring effective collaboration among stakeholders. This is further supported by the emphasis on planning and control operations as critical elements in the agri-food environment. Additionally, collaboration behaviors are influenced by firm-specific factors such as scale constraints and strategic orientations, which can impact firm performance within the supply chain. A specific type of collaboration behavior involves the tripartite evolutionary game model among farmer cooperatives, manufacturers, and retailers, focusing on strategy choices and factors affecting these choices to promote stable collaboration. Moreover, responsible agriculture supply chain management (RASCM) introduces collaboration concepts that prioritize sustainability and ethical considerations across different phases of the supply chain. Horizontal logistics collaboration (HLC) represents another distinct behavior, emphasizing the importance of collaboration types, enablers, context influence, and performance indicators, particularly in the logistics aspect of AFSCs. The strategic analysis of supply chains, especially in the context of horticultural supply chains, highlights the role of horizontal and vertical collaboration relationships in improving company performance. The literature also points to the growing attention towards HLC practices as innovative ways to enhance performance, although specific mechanisms and outcomes of such collaborations need further exploration. Supply chain innovation, facilitated by collaborative arrangements, is recognized as a vital component for sustainability and value creation within the food supply chain. Lastly, simulations of supply chain behaviors underscore the importance of collaborative decision-making scenarios among multiple stakeholders, facilitated by a multi-agent approach to represent the complexities of AFSCs. These collaboration behaviors underscore the multifaceted nature of interactions within AFSCs, highlighting the importance of trust, strategic alignment, sustainability, and innovation in fostering effective collaborations.
What Order volume of effect of delivery speed?
5 answers
The order volume is significantly impacted by delivery speed. Faster delivery promises can increase sales, profits, and value per order, as evidenced by a study on online retailers. However, split deliveries, which are often used to speed up delivery, can lead to negative customer outcomes such as increased hassle costs and environmental concerns, ultimately decreasing repeat purchases. On the other hand, incorporating unmanned aerial vehicles in delivery processes can enhance delivery speed, extend user selection ranges, and reduce traffic congestion, thereby increasing delivery efficiency. Different planning approaches in supply chain management, such as forecast- and order-focused planning, are chosen based on delivery speed requirements, showcasing the crucial role of delivery speed in shaping order volumes in manufacturing companies.
How to conduct bibiliometric analysis?
5 answers
To conduct bibliometric analysis, researchers can utilize tools like R-Studio for importing and analyzing bibliographic data, visualizing citation networks, and calculating metrics such as citation counts and h-index. The process involves pre-processing articles, extracting relevant data from databases, and employing techniques like bibliographic coupling, co-citation, and co-word analysis to identify thematic collections and trends. Researchers can also use bibliometric codes in R to conduct descriptive analyses, generate matrices of documents, and identify key themes and connections within the literature. Additionally, performance analysis can provide insights into the development and distribution of publications in a specific field, offering a comprehensive overview of the research landscape. By following systematic review methodologies and utilizing specific software for scientific mapping, researchers can effectively classify and quantitatively assess bibliographic material in various disciplines.