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Cannot afford import technologies 

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Developing countries, particularly those with limited resources, often struggle to afford imported technologies. However, importing technology is seen as essential for industrialization and economic progress. Without access to advanced technology from developed countries, developing nations may find it difficult to modernize their economies and compete on a global scale . While importing technology can provide immediate benefits, there is a risk of perpetually depending on foreign technology if local capabilities are not developed . The effectiveness and efficiency of technology transfer and management also play a crucial role in maximizing the benefits of imported technology . In some cases, constraints such as financial limitations and embargoes can limit the extent of technology imports . Therefore, developing countries need to carefully consider the appropriateness of the technology selected and explore opportunities for indigenous development to reduce reliance on imported technology .

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The paper does not mention anything about the affordability of import technologies for the Indian Navy. The paper focuses on the Indian Navy's emphasis on indigenous submarine construction and the potential for indigenous manufacture of equipment.
The paper mentions that the limitation on Soviet purchasing imposed by the Soviet hard-currency balance of payments has been a binding constraint on total imports since 1955. This suggests that the Soviet Union may not be able to afford certain technology imports due to financial constraints.
The paper does not mention anything about countries not being able to afford imported technologies.
The paper does not mention anything about countries not being able to afford imported technologies.
The paper does not provide information about the affordability of importing technologies.

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