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Difficulties that students face while studying? 

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Students face various difficulties while studying, including challenges in understanding Newton's Third Law of motion , coping with ADHD symptoms affecting academic performance and interpersonal skills , adapting to online learning tools and technical glitches , struggling with vocabulary learning such as connotations, idiomaticity, and pronunciation , and encountering obstacles in reading comprehension like unfamiliar vocabulary, sentence comprehension, and identifying main ideas . These difficulties range from conceptual misunderstandings in physics to practical issues with technology and language skills. Addressing these challenges requires tailored educational approaches focusing on enhancing understanding, providing support for ADHD symptoms, improving online learning experiences, implementing effective vocabulary teaching methods, and enhancing reading comprehension strategies.

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Students face difficulties in reading comprehension due to unfamiliar vocabulary, sentence and paragraph comprehension issues, understanding the text as a whole, and identifying main ideas and text structures without a dictionary.
Students face difficulties in studying vocabulary such as connotation, word choice, pronunciation, inflections, spelling, and complexity. Factors include motivation, past tense, writing, dictionary use, expression, comprehension, and lack of interest.
University students with self-reported ADHD symptoms face difficulties such as lack of routine, academic struggles, interpersonal issues, worries, and reduced self-esteem, impacting their study experience.
Students face difficulties in understanding Newton's Third Law due to misconceptions about force interactions, points of force action, unequal mass situations, and a lack of trust in the law.
Students face difficulties in online learning due to technical glitches, understanding materials, and interacting with lecturers and classmates, as highlighted in the study.

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