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Do children learn things faster than adults? 

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Children learn things faster than adults due to their more dynamic and adaptable inhibitory systems, as well as their ability to rapidly boost γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) after training . They also exhibit more changeable motor variables and internal models during the fast learning process . In terms of motor learning, children show significant differences in reaction time, movement speed, and trajectory compared to adults . However, when it comes to language learning, both children and adults show similar behavioral efficiency in using fast mapping (FM) and explicit encoding (EE) strategies . In motor sequence learning, children and adults have comparable rapid sequence learning abilities, but the specific processes underlying this learning differ with age .

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The paper does not directly answer the question of whether children learn things faster than adults. The paper focuses on motor sequence learning in children and adults, comparing their performance in a one-session task. It discusses the age-related processes involved in sequence learning but does not compare the speed of learning between children and adults.
The provided paper does not directly address the question of whether children learn things faster than adults. The paper focuses on comparing the effectiveness and mechanisms of two language learning strategies in adults.
The paper does not directly answer the question of whether children learn things faster than adults. The paper discusses the differences in learning speed-accuracy movements between children and adults, but it does not compare their overall learning abilities.
The provided paper does not directly answer the question of whether children learn things faster than adults. The paper focuses on comparing speed-accuracy movement learning strategies between children, young adults, and older adults.
Yes, according to the paper, children learn more efficiently than adults due to faster stabilization of learning with rapid GABA boosting after training.

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