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Do marketers struggle to find the right salesperson image in ecommerce? 

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Marketers in e-commerce face challenges in selecting the right salesperson image to enhance consumer trust and engagement. Research suggests that images significantly impact user behavior, with the selection of images affecting click-through rates . Additionally, the lack of face-to-face interactions in online shopping contributes to consumer trust issues, highlighting the importance of simulating interpersonal exchanges through images of sales personnel . Traditional marketing techniques like projective methods are used to understand consumer motivations, emphasizing the significance of visual elements in brand perception and choice . Furthermore, innovative segmentation algorithms are proposed to optimize image selection for better user engagement and segmentation accuracy in e-commerce platforms . These findings collectively indicate the complexity and importance of selecting the right salesperson image in e-commerce marketing strategies.

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Marketers can enhance initial trust in e-commerce by using images of sales personnel, as shown in the study. Selecting culturally appropriate images is crucial for optimal impact.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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