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This article argues that metal detectors bestow an organizational stigma to schools.
The negative association between metal detectors and urban students’ sense of safety is 13% less than what it is for students attending suburban or rural schools.
Institutions concerned about their employees' and patrons' perceptions of safety should consider installing metal detectors in their EDs.
More than half of all orthopaedic implants may be detected by metal detectors used at commercial airports.
For Amtrak, interpretation is a value-added service.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
07 Oct 1996
13 Citations
Compared with conventional hand-held detectors, much more sophisticated signal processing should be feasible, and it may be possible to reduce false alarm rates on metallic mines and nonmetallic mines with metal fuses.

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What are the strategies to manage social media body dissatisfaction?
5 answers
Adolescents employ various strategies to manage social media-induced body dissatisfaction. These include avoiding negative content, selecting positive content, critically evaluating body-related content, psychologically distancing from challenging content, and positively reframing such content. Boys tend to exhibit more positive agency over their bodies and social media use, utilizing active coping styles more frequently than girls. Additionally, research suggests that exposure to fitspiration on social media can lead to increased body dissatisfaction, especially among women. To combat this, promoting media literacy education is crucial to help individuals interpret social media content correctly and develop critical analytical skills. Implementing such educational initiatives, especially targeting adolescents, can help mitigate the negative effects of social media on body image perceptions.
What are pharmacy students' perspectives regarding the effectiveness of role-play as an educational assessment tool?
5 answers
Pharmacy students perceive role-play as an effective educational assessment tool in pharmacology education. Role-play, integrated with personal drug training, enhances students' understanding of the selection process of therapeutic drugs, improving learning effectiveness, especially for observers. The Case & Communication based approach, involving active learning through communication between students playing health professionals and patients, fosters understanding of medical treatment, patient feelings, and boosts motivation among students. Additionally, the use of interactive patient videos in role-play activities aids in practicing clinical reasoning, preferred by students for its efficiency in learning and recall. Overall, role-play proves to be a valuable tool in pharmacy education, promoting active learning, understanding of pharmacotherapy, and enhancing students' awareness and motivation in clinical pharmacology.
Is there a paper which has used observation as a main method in walkability?
5 answers
Yes, a study by Andrea Gorrini et al. utilized observation as a primary method in assessing walkability. The research focused on agent-based simulation systems to support the design of age-friendly cities, particularly examining interactions between elderly pedestrians and vehicles at zebra crossings. The study presented data from observations at a non-signalized intersection, highlighting drivers' compliance with pedestrian crossings and the potential conflicts among different agents. The findings aimed to provide insights for developing agent-based models to enhance walkability in urban environments. This study showcases the significance of using observational data to understand pedestrian-vehicle interactions and improve walkability in cities.
How do gun control laws vary between different states in the U.S.?
5 answers
Gun control laws in the U.S. vary significantly between states. Research indicates that states with stricter firearm legislation experience fewer firearm transfers, highlighting the impact of state laws on gun trafficking. Following mass shootings, public demand for gun control typically spikes but often wanes shortly after. However, in 2018, after the Parkland shooting, 26 states and DC implemented stricter gun control policies, showcasing varying state-level responses to such events. States with strict gun laws tend to have lower mortality rates from pediatric firearm-related injuries compared to states with lenient laws, emphasizing the importance of legislative measures in injury prevention. Additionally, certain state firearm laws are associated with a lower percentage of crime guns traced to in-state sources, indicating reduced access to guns in states with those laws.
How language plays a role in suicide prevention programs for college students?
10 answers
Language plays a crucial role in suicide prevention programs for college students, serving as both a tool for early detection and a medium for creating a supportive environment that encourages help-seeking behaviors. Computational language analysis of social media has been highlighted as a non-intrusive method to identify students at risk, leveraging naturally occurring language to provide valuable insights previously inaccessible to clinicians. The importance of sensitive language use is underscored by research indicating that certain phrases related to suicide are perceived as more acceptable, such as "attempted suicide" and "died by suicide," which can influence the willingness of individuals to engage in discussions about their experiences and seek help. The cultural and linguistic diversity of college campuses necessitates that suicide prevention programs are adaptable and inclusive, recognizing that students' backgrounds significantly influence their perceptions and experiences of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. This diversity extends to the effectiveness of messaging in suicide prevention campaigns, where the explicit mention of suicide in internet ads was found to increase engagement among individuals searching with high-risk keywords, suggesting that direct language may better reach those who are more acutely at risk. Moreover, the development of cross-lingual models for detecting suicidal ideation in social media posts demonstrates the potential of leveraging multilingual resources to support students who may not express themselves in English, thereby broadening the reach of prevention efforts. Integrating culturally sensitive materials, such as fotonovelas, into suicide prevention programs can also enhance awareness, reduce stigma, and promote help-seeking among diverse student populations. In summary, the role of language in suicide prevention programs for college students is multifaceted, involving the careful selection of terminology to reduce stigma, the use of computational tools to detect at-risk individuals through their language use, and the adaptation of program materials to reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of the student body.
Where does calcium channel blocker overdoses occur the most?
4 answers
Calcium channel blocker (CCB) overdoses occur most commonly in adults due to intentional suicidal poisonings, as highlighted in various studies. Adults, particularly those attempting suicide, are at a higher risk of CCB overdoses, leading to severe outcomes like mortality. The majority of CCB exposures reported to poison centers result in hospital admissions, emphasizing the severity of these overdoses. Amlodipine, a commonly prescribed CCB, was involved in a significant portion of CCB-related fatalities, further underlining the impact of these overdoses. While CCBs are widely used for various medical conditions, their narrow therapeutic index makes even minor overdoses potentially life-threatening, necessitating in-hospital treatment and close monitoring to prevent severe hypotension and bradycardia.
What is the lived experience of resilience for victims of traumatic vehicular accidents?
4 answers
The lived experience of resilience for victims of traumatic vehicular accidents involves various aspects. Victims often face challenges such as frustration over health status, struggles for independence, feelings of discrimination, neglect, and abandonment, as well as the need to maintain faith and acceptance. Studies show that traumatic episodes can lead to states of collapse, but interventions like the Theater of Lived Experience (TLE) can trigger resilience and vitality, offering a developmental perspective in adult education. Factors promoting resilience after accidents include low fear of death, physical suffering, and social disapproval, alongside love of life, courage, hope, survival beliefs, and coping strategies. Understanding the meaning of the accident experience is crucial for victims' holistic care and reshaping their mindset towards road safety.
Why are the ages typically 18 to 25 in the 3rd and 4th year of college?
5 answers
The ages of 18 to 25 are significant in the 3rd and 4th years of college due to the prevalence of risky behaviors and health concerns among young adults in this age group. Studies show that this demographic faces challenges such as smoking, mental health issues, and risky behaviors like alcohol consumption. Additionally, research indicates a correlation between high-risk credit behavior and various health issues among college students in this age range. Furthermore, drug use levels, including alcohol and cannabis, are higher among college students compared to other groups, emphasizing the importance of addressing these behaviors during the college years. Therefore, targeting interventions and support for young adults aged 18 to 25 during their college years is crucial to address these prevalent health concerns and risky behaviors.
How aware tobacco cultivators are about using protective measure during pesticides use?
5 answers
Tobacco cultivators show varying levels of awareness regarding the use of protective measures during pesticide application. Studies indicate that while some farmers use protective equipment like face-masks and gloves, others may not utilize such measures effectively. Female cultivators tend to be more health-conscious and diligent in wearing proper personal protective equipment (PPE) compared to male cultivators. Additionally, the Health Belief Model suggests that Latino farmworkers in tobacco cultivation recognize the benefits of pesticide protective behaviors in maintaining their health, although they face barriers like wetness in the field. Overall, there is a need for increased education and awareness among tobacco cultivators to ensure consistent and proper use of protective measures during pesticide application.
What are the specific academic challenges that students from solo-parent households face?
5 answers
Students from single-parent households face various academic challenges, including balancing studying and parenting responsibilities, emotional and mental adjustments, lack of quality time with parents, and struggles to meet academic obligations. These challenges can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, the pressures to look after the family, protect themselves from abuse, and reclaim their sense of agency in a patriarchal society can further impact their educational outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these challenges, highlighting the need for tailored support services, parent-friendly activities, and on-campus childcare facilities to improve the academic experiences of students from single-parent households in the UK.
What are some recent articles on comparative study of two novels?
5 answers
Recent articles on the comparative study of two novels include analyses of various aspects such as cultural displacement, intertextuality, struggles of female characters, and feminist values. One study delves into how graphic novels like Shaun Tan’s "The Arrival" and Margarita Louka’s "Foreign" convey cultural displacement. Another article explores intertextuality in novels like "Leximtari" by B. Shlink and "Praise for the Stepmother" by M.V. Llosa. Additionally, research compares the struggles of female characters in "Nayla" by Djenar Maesa Ayu and "Banāt Al-Riyādh" by Rajā' 'Abd Allāh AṢ-Ṣāni'. Furthermore, a study analyzes the similarities and differences between Ghassan Kanafani’s "All That's Left to You" and William Faulkner’s "The Sound and the Fury". Lastly, an investigation compares feminist values in Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games" and Veronica Roth's "Divergent".