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Domastic bias in airports 

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Bias estimation systems are important for airport surveillance to ensure accurate and stable tracking. These systems help in identifying and correcting systematic errors that can lead to track instability and splitting. They are designed to estimate bias values for different sensors used in surface surveillance, taking advantage of the knowledge of the airport map and processing differences in measurements from each sensor and the surface movement radar (SMR) . The estimators rapidly converge to the real bias values, resulting in unbiased measurements that can enhance tracking performance . These estimation processes do not significantly increase the computational load for the data fusion system . The inclusion of these bias estimation methods improves overall tracking performance .

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The provided paper does not discuss domestic bias in airports.
The paper does not mention anything about "domestic bias in airports." The provided paper is about the design and implementation of a bias estimation system for airport surveillance.
The provided paper does not mention anything about "domestic bias in airports."
The provided paper does not mention anything about "domestic bias in airports."
The provided paper does not mention anything about domestic bias in airports.

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How to tackle bias in AI system?5 answersTo tackle bias in AI systems, researchers have proposed various approaches. One approach is to use synthetic data to mitigate bias. Fair-GAN, a technique proposed by Patrikar, uses Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to synthesize data and mitigate bias. Another approach is the use of visual interactive tools like D-BIAS, proposed by Ghai and Mueller, which allow users to detect and mitigate bias in tabular datasets by refining causal models and acting on unfair causal relationships. Additionally, Sinwar et al. emphasize the need for understanding bias in AI systems and recommend employing responsible AI models for decision-making processes. Primiero suggests considering information quality dimensions such as completeness, consistency, timeliness, and reliability to improve bias mitigation tools. These approaches aim to address bias in AI systems and promote fairness, accountability, trust, and interpretability.
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