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The efficacy of the application Elevate in developing cognitive skills is not definitively established. Research on various cognitive training programs, such as DoBrain and computerized cognitive training (CCT), has shown mixed results. Studies have highlighted the importance of careful monitoring of the effects of mobile-based cognitive training programs on cognitive development in preschool children. Additionally, the effectiveness of CCT in enhancing cognitive performance in healthy older adults varies across different cognitive domains and is influenced by design factors. Therefore, while application-based cognitive training like Elevate may offer benefits, the evidence is inconclusive, and further research is needed to determine its efficacy in developing cognitive skills. The full article negating the efficacy of Elevate specifically is not provided in the given contexts.

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EFFICACY OF THE APPLICATION ELEVATE IN DEVELOPING COGNITIVE SKILLS (negate ) and full link of article that negate?5 answersThe efficacy of the application Elevate in developing cognitive skills is not supported by the research data provided in the contexts. Studies have shown mixed results regarding the effectiveness of mobile-based cognitive training programs. While some applications like Calistung game and Game Application for enhancement of Children’s Cognitive Skills have demonstrated positive impacts on cognitive skills development in children, others like DoBrain did not show superior effects over general educational apps in overall cognitive development of preschool children. Therefore, the evidence suggests that the efficacy of cognitive training applications such as Elevate may vary and careful monitoring of their impact is essential. The full link to the article negating the efficacy of Elevate in developing cognitive skills is: [](
How effective are chess-training programs in improving cognitive skills?5 answersChess-training programs have shown varying effectiveness in improving cognitive skills. Studies have indicated positive impacts on cognitive abilities such as mathematical problem-solving, risk aversion reduction, and attention/focus enhancement. Chess is recognized for developing concentration, logical thinking, and planning skills, contributing to overall cognitive enhancement. However, results regarding meta-cognitive abilities and academic outcomes have been mixed, with some studies showing improvements in math scores but inconclusive evidence on other academic skills and creativity. Chess training has demonstrated significant improvements in mathematical problem-solving abilities, suggesting a potential transfer of specific domain skills to general cognitive skills. Overall, while chess programs have shown promise in enhancing certain cognitive skills, further research is needed to fully understand their comprehensive impact.
What are the effects of using cognitive enhances supplements?5 answersCognitive enhancers, also known as nootropics, are supplements or drugs that can enhance cognitive functions like memory, learning, reasoning, attention, and mood. Research suggests that certain nutraceuticals like Ginkgo biloba, Bacopa monnieri, ginseng, and phosphatidylserine may not be reliable cognitive enhancers, but caffeine has shown acute benefits in cognitive processing speed. Studies on resident physicians indicate a high prevalence of cognitive-enhancing supplement and medication use, driven by factors like pressure to perform well and fear of falling behind, despite common adverse effects with medications. Clinical trials on teenagers have shown potential improvements in executive cognitive processes with specific supplements like Brain Doctors’ Formula® Mega Brain Boost®, although lasting effects remain uncertain. Additionally, mouth rinsing with nutritional supplements like carbohydrates, guarana, and caffeine may enhance cognitive control and temporal performance during exercise.
Who uses cognitive enhancer more?5 answersResident physicians at a large United States academic institution show high usage of cognitive enhancers, despite few having a related medical diagnosis, with motivations including pressure to perform well and fear of being left behind. Among Medical University students in Poland, over half reported using cognitive enhancers, primarily for increasing arousal and improving concentration, with common substances being caffeine, ginseng, and nicotine. Portuguese medical students and newly qualified physicians also engage in cognitive enhancement practices, with coffee being the most frequently used substance, and prescription drugs like methylphenidate and modafinil being consumed to enhance attention and memory. Additionally, healthy individuals without medical necessity, including students, are increasingly using cognitive enhancers like methylphenidate and modafinil.
Why students in the philippines use cognitive enhancers supplements?5 answersStudents in the Philippines may use cognitive enhancer supplements due to the prevalence of health issues like anemia and parasitic worm infections, which can impact cognitive abilities and educational outcomes. Additionally, the availability and cost-effectiveness of supplements like iron tablets for addressing anemia and deworming drugs for parasitic infections make them easily accessible through school health programs. Furthermore, the use of cognitive enhancers among university students is a global concern, with substances like methylphenidate, modafinil, and caffeine being popular choices for enhancing alertness and concentration. The pressure to excel academically, coupled with the demanding nature of studies, may drive students to seek cognitive enhancement through supplements and stimulants like coffee and amphetamines.
How effective are educational apps in enhancing academic performance among students?5 answersEducational apps have been found to have a positive effect on academic performance among students. These apps provide effective education tools that can increase student success in their subjects. Previous research has shown a relationship between educational apps and improved learning performance among nursing students. Digital tools, such as digital tutors and student-centric curricula, have been found to support student achievement similar to skilled human tutors. The use of performance scale applications (PSA) on mobile devices has also been shown to have a positive and significant effect on students' learning achievement. Mobile technologies, including mobile apps, have been found to foster the learning and development process, enhancing students' competency and equipping them with a more comprehensive skill set. Overall, the evidence suggests that educational apps can be effective in enhancing academic performance among students.

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What are the best interventions to reduce health inequalities to help people with health conditions live well?
5 answers
To reduce health inequalities and support individuals with health conditions in living well, interventions in general practice should focus on key principles. These principles include flexibility, continuity, inclusivity, intersectionality, and community engagement. Interventions should be informed by a realist review approach, considering the social determinants of health and the unequal distribution of power across different domains. Additionally, addressing economic factors through indirect approaches like financial support for dental care and price policies targeting unhealthy commodities, as well as direct approaches such as cash transfers or universal basic income, can contribute to reducing health inequalities. Web-based self-care interventions have shown potential in reducing barriers to health care access, with evidence suggesting varying effectiveness across different social groups. By implementing these strategies, healthcare organizations can work towards achieving equity and improving health outcomes for all individuals.
What is the relationship between brain mitochondrial function and mental health outcomes?
5 answers
Brain mitochondrial function plays a crucial role in mental health outcomes. Mitochondria are essential for energy synthesis, reactive oxygen species regulation, and neurotransmission, with dysfunction implicated in various mental disorders. Mitochondrial abnormalities and oxidative stress are linked to neuropsychiatric conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, affecting cognitive processes and behavior. Studies on children with mitochondrial disease show impairments in cognitive and mental health functioning, emphasizing the importance of assessing these aspects in patient care. In mood disorders like major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder, lower brain cytochrome-c-oxidase activity and abnormal mitochondrial parameters are associated with depression severity, potentially serving as biomarkers for antidepressant effects. Mitochondrial disturbances are observed in individuals with mood disorders, highlighting the intricate relationship between mitochondrial function and mental health.
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Digital media consumption in young children can have various consequences on their development and well-being. Excessive screen time, especially at a young age, can lead to issues such as sleep problems, negative self-regulation skills, cyberbullying, psychological disorders, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, early exposure to digital media may result in language development delays, attention problems, lack of exercise, and reduced time for free play, impacting cognitive and physical development negatively. Additionally, the risk of developing Problematic Media Use (PMU) increases with factors like prolonged media use, male gender, and older age, leading to problematic behaviors, sleep issues, depressive symptoms, lower emotional intelligence, and academic achievements in children. It is crucial for parents to monitor and guide children's media consumption to mitigate these potential adverse effects.
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5 answers
Caregivers in nursing homes adopt various rules and guidelines to prevent risks associated with patient care. These include the importance of effective knowledge and education on pressure injuries (PIs), evidence-based guidelines for preventing pressure ulcers among palliative care patients, and the implementation of prevention and control measures for infections like COVID-19 in nursing homes. Caregivers rely on prescribed prevention rules, develop strategies, and utilize tools and collective resources to manage infectious risks effectively. Specific support systems, such as debriefing sessions, are crucial for mitigating the psychosocial impact of crises like the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing home caregivers. By following these guidelines and strategies, caregivers aim to enhance patient care quality and safety in nursing home settings.
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5 answers
Based on the research findings, the optimal number of sets per week per muscle group for maximizing hypertrophy appears to be around 5 to 10 sets. Additionally, performing 8 sets per session, whether in a Split Workout Routine or a Full-Body Workout Routine, has shown similar effects on neuromuscular adaptation for muscle strength and thickness. When considering the repetition ranges, low repetitions with high intensity (3-5 reps at 90-95% 1RM) have been found to be more beneficial for gaining maximal strength and muscle mass in short training cycles. Moreover, quantifying training volume by the total number of sets to failure, particularly within a repetition range of 6 to 20+, seems to be a valid method for inducing optimal muscle gains.
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Elevated classroom temperatures have a significant impact on students' cognitive abilities and academic performance. Research shows that exposure to higher temperatures impairs cognitive performance, leading to decreased learning rates and academic achievement. Studies indicate that when temperatures rise beyond a certain point, individuals may no longer perceive the change in temperature, potentially affecting their focus and productivity. Moreover, extreme heat waves due to global warming can result in cognitive deficits, mental fatigue, and reduced working capacity, posing risks to students' health and well-being. Implementing strategies such as maintaining a comfortably cool environment, utilizing fans or natural ventilation, and adapting to hotter climates through measures like air conditioning can help mitigate the negative effects of increased classroom temperatures on students' cognitive functions and academic success.
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What is the evidence base for psychodynamic therapy?
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The evidence base for psychodynamic therapy is substantial and growing, particularly in adult populations. Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) have been pivotal in evaluating psychodynamic psychotherapies (PDTs). Research indicates that PDTs are effective in treating various mental health issues, such as mood disorders, psychosomatic disorders, anxiety, and personality disorders. Additionally, psychodynamic therapy has been found to be cost-effective and comparable to other therapies in symptom improvement, while also excelling in addressing maladaptive interpersonal patterns. Studies focusing on children and adolescents have also shown promising results, especially in treating internalizing disorders like depression and anxiety, as well as emerging personality disorders and adversity-related issues. Despite the progress, further high-quality research, especially in the form of RCTs, is needed to enhance the understanding of psychodynamic psychotherapy's effectiveness in diverse populations.