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Has there been an increase in teaching good modelling practices in ecology? 

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Yes, there has been an increase in teaching good modeling practices in ecology. Various studies have highlighted the importance of incorporating ecosystem simulation modeling into ecology curricula to enhance students' understanding and skills in this area . Additionally, the use of immersive virtual environments has been shown to support student engagement in modeling practices specific to ecosystem science, aligning with expert practices in the field . Furthermore, there is a growing emphasis on developing didactic models and modeling processes that promote actions for socio-ecojustice, reflecting a broader trend towards integrating sustainability and socio-political activism in educational activities . These advancements indicate a positive shift towards enhancing modeling practices in ecology education at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

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Yes, immersive virtual environments support the development of epistemologically grounded modeling practices in ecosystem science instruction, indicating an increase in teaching good modeling practices in ecology.
Yes, the Macrosystems EDDIE teaching modules significantly enhance ecology students' proficiency and confidence in working with ecosystem models, promoting systems thinking and good modeling practices in ecology education.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
15 Jul 2019
6 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Yes, the paper emphasizes teaching good modeling practices in ecology by focusing on the modeling cycle process and developing ideas rather than tools or procedures.

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How is modelling useful in science education?4 answersModelling is useful in science education as it improves student understanding of abstract concepts and processes. It has a positive impact on cognitive, affective, social, and cultural factors in learning. Modelling helps students visualize and embody abstract concepts, phenomena, or processes, making them easier to comprehend. It is considered both a tool and a method in science education, and is included in contemporary teaching approaches such as problem-based learning and project-based learning. Modelling is also beneficial in promoting metacognition and critical thinking skills among pre-service science teachers. Additionally, modelling-based teaching enhances students' understanding of the scope and limitations of models, and the importance of such learning activities in science education. Mathematical modelling, as a specific type of modelling, is particularly valuable in STEM education as it helps students analyze real-life situations using mathematical methods.
How to make ecological models useful for environmental management?5 answersTo make ecological models useful for environmental management, several key requirements should be considered. Firstly, there should be a mechanistic understanding of causality, ensuring that the models accurately represent the relationships between ecological variables and management decisions. Secondly, the model input and output should align with the specific management decision being made. Additionally, the models should be developed at appropriate spatial and temporal resolutions to capture the relevant ecological processes. Uncertainty quantification is crucial, as it allows decision-makers to understand the reliability of the model predictions. The models should also demonstrate sufficient predictive performance, providing accurate forecasts of ecosystem responses to management interventions. Finally, transparent communication of the models and their results is essential for justifying management decisions to the public. By addressing these requirements, ecological models can effectively support environmental management decisions.
What is modeling in ecology?4 answersModeling in ecology refers to the construction and analysis of mathematical models that aim to understand the complexity of ecological processes and predict how ecosystems might evolve. These models are used to estimate habitat suitability, forecast species distributions, inform decision-making in environmental protection, and assess the ecological basis of various phenomena. Ecological models can be used to study a wide range of topics, including species distribution, genetic makeup, local adaptation, gene flow, ecosystem restoration, water operations, and environmental impact assessment. They are developed through phases of conceptualization, quantification, evaluation, application, and communication, with evaluation involving techniques such as calibration, verification, validation, and review. These models are essential for understanding the mechanisms that shape the assembly and evolution of microbial communities and for studying the interactions between microbes and their environment. Overall, ecological modeling is a powerful tool that combines theory and data to improve our understanding of ecological processes and inform decision-making in various fields.

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