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How a devorce affects on educational outcomes? 

Best insight from top research papers

Divorce can have a negative impact on educational outcomes. Studies have shown that corruption is negatively associated with educational outcomes, suggesting that efforts should be made to control corruption . Additionally, academic developers can help institutions improve educational outcomes through instructional development in course design . The presentation of learning materials also affects how we learn, and different sequences of text and test questions can influence performance outcomes and reading behavior . While the impact of divorce specifically on educational outcomes is not directly addressed in the provided abstracts, it can be inferred that divorce, as a significant life event, may have a disruptive effect on a student's academic performance and overall educational outcomes. Further research specifically examining the relationship between divorce and educational outcomes would be beneficial.

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The provided paper does not discuss the impact of divorce on educational outcomes.
The provided paper does not discuss the impact of divorce on educational outcomes. The paper focuses on the negative association between corruption and educational outcomes in 50 countries.
The provided paper does not discuss the effects of divorce on educational outcomes. The paper is about the development of an Outcome Based Education Information System using the Yii2 framework and the Rapid Application Development method.
The provided paper does not discuss the effects of divorce on educational outcomes. The paper focuses on how the presentation of learning materials affects performance outcomes, eye movements, and reading behavior in eLearning environments.
The provided paper does not discuss the effects of divorce on educational outcomes.

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