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How adhd affects humour? 

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ADHD can impact humor comprehension due to its effects on cognitive and affective functions. Patients with schizophrenia, a condition with cognitive impairments similar to ADHD, show difficulties in understanding humor, linked to psychopathology symptoms and cognitive deficits . Brain lesions, particularly in the right frontal lobe, can impair humor perception . Brain-damaged patients, including those with aphasia, exhibit impaired ability to detect humor, indicating the interplay of cognitive and affective states in humor appreciation . Therefore, individuals with ADHD may struggle with humor comprehension due to cognitive and affective challenges associated with the disorder, affecting their ability to perceive and appreciate humor effectively.

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ADHD impacts humor comprehension by causing difficulties in understanding sarcasm and irony due to challenges in processing affective prosody and non-literal language, leading to literal interpretations and humor comprehension deficits.
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