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How bacteria reach the plant root tissue? 

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Bacteria reach plant root tissues through a series of complex mechanisms involving attachment, mobility, and colonization. Initially, the attachment of bacteria to root surfaces is a crucial step preceding colonization and subsequent infection of plants . This attachment process is governed by molecular mechanisms that are common across various agriculturally important microbial species, forming a biphasic model of root attachment . Bacteria exploit the pore space in soil to move collectively towards plant roots, where they interact with the root tip before forming biofilms on mature root zones . Microfluidic platforms have enabled the visualization and quantification of spatial dynamics during the early stages of plant development, showing that beneficial bacteria can cover 1-2% of the root's surface, influencing root development based on bacterial species and concentrations .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Rachel M. Wheatley, Philip S. Poole 
64 Citations
Bacteria reach plant root tissue through a biphasic model involving initial reversible attachment followed by strong irreversible binding, facilitated by extracellular fibrils, cellulose, and specific attachment factors.
Beneficial bacteria reach plant root tissue through distinct associations, with YR343 preferring newly developed root tissue while CF313 displays a uniform distribution less affected by spatial variations.
Ralstonia solanacearum, a plant pathogenic bacterium causing bacterial wilt, invades plant roots through soil contact, initiating infection. The process involves mutual recognition, defense mechanisms, pathogen virulence, and root development alterations.
Bacteria are guided to different root cell types using optical trapping in transparent soil, allowing for study of attachment mechanisms and biofilm formation in the rhizosphere.
Bacteria reach plant roots by exploiting soil pore space, moving collectively towards root tips before forming biofilms on mature root zones, as revealed by novel microscopy and mathematical models.

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