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How can educators influence what is taught and learned at the primary level/? 

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Educators at the primary level can influence what is taught and learned through various means. They can enhance their professional learning by reflecting on their daily experiences, which can lead to improved pedagogical practices focused on supporting students' psychological needs and creating a safe learning environment. Additionally, providing opportunities for primary school teachers to participate in professional development programs can enhance their competence in planning, implementing, and assessing teaching practices. Teachers' own learning experiences as students and adults significantly impact their teaching strategies and approaches, influencing the development of children's learning strategies. By continuously developing their teaching competence, educators can adapt to the evolving needs of students in the rapidly changing global and social landscape.

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Educators can influence what is taught and learned at the primary level by utilizing their own learning experiences to develop and implement effective teaching strategies and techniques.
Open accessBook
M. Carroll, Margaret McCulloch 
21 Aug 2018
7 Citations
Educators can influence primary education through models of teaching, planning, social-emotional contexts, collaborative and interdisciplinary learning, creating challenge, assessment, global citizenship, spiritual development, creativity, digital learning, transitions, and leadership roles.
Educators can influence what is taught and learned at the primary level by enhancing their teaching competence through dynamic interactive workshops and partnerships, as highlighted in the study.
Educators can influence what is taught and learned at the primary level by utilizing narratives from their day-to-day work to enhance professional learning and tailor teaching approaches to individual contexts.
Primary educators influence teaching and learning by focusing on pupils' psychological needs, creating a safe learning environment, and promoting their development and learning in pedagogical practices.

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