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How can eggshell be an alternative calcium supplement for dogs? 

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Eggshell can be an alternative calcium supplement for dogs due to its high calcium content and bioavailability . Eggshell is rich in calcium carbonate, comprising more than 90% of its weight, making it a valuable source of calcium . Studies have shown that eggshell powder (ESP) can improve bone mineral density and promote remineralization of teeth enamel . It has also been found to be effective in clearing urinary stones . Additionally, eggshell is a low-cost and easily accessible source of calcium, making it a suitable option for individuals who cannot afford calcium-rich foods or expensive calcium supplements . The calcium in eggshell can be extracted through various techniques, such as electric discharge assisted mechanical milling and high intensity pulsed electric field . Incorporating eggshell powder into dog food or using it as a supplement can help fulfill the calcium requirements of dogs in a cost-effective manner .

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The provided paper does not mention anything about using eggshell as an alternative calcium supplement for dogs.
The provided paper does not specifically mention eggshell as an alternative calcium supplement for dogs.
The provided paper does not mention anything about using eggshell as a calcium supplement for dogs.
The provided paper is about using eggshell as a calcium source in mink diets. It does not provide information about using eggshell as a calcium supplement for dogs.
The provided paper does not mention anything about eggshell as an alternative calcium supplement for dogs.

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What is the Chemical composition of eggshells?5 answersThe chemical composition of eggshells typically includes calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and organic matter. Specifically, the composition of chicken eggshells consists of calcium carbonate (94%), magnesium carbonate (1%), calcium phosphate (1%), and organic elements (4%). Additionally, eggshells are rich in calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. The presence of these components makes eggshells a potential source of nutrients and a suitable material for various applications, such as soil improvement, organic-mineral fertilizers, and even as a natural filler in food waste products. Furthermore, eggshells have been explored for their adsorption capabilities, particularly in removing heavy metals and dyes from aqueous solutions.
How can eggshell be used as an additive in concrete?4 answersEggshell can be used as an additive in concrete to improve its properties and promote sustainability. The addition of eggshell powder to the cement system can enhance the mechanical properties and durability effects of the concrete. Eggshell powder has high amounts of calcium, making it a suitable partial replacement for cement in construction materials. Studies have shown that a 10-15% replacement of cement with eggshell powder can result in comparable strength development to control concrete. The use of eggshell powder in concrete can also improve its transport qualities. Furthermore, eggshell powder can be used as a stabilizer for soil and brick, improving their mechanical properties. The optimal dosage of eggshell powder for concrete modification is around 10%. Overall, the utilization of eggshell powder in concrete offers a cost-effective and sustainable solution for the construction industry.
What is the local literature about eggshell?4 answersThe local literature about eggshell includes studies on its potential as a value-added product for biomedical and industrial applications, such as eggshell membrane separation methods. There is also research on the structure and function of eggshells, enabled by advances in technology. Additionally, there is exploration of using eggshell biowaste from the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry as a precursor for energy storage, specifically as an electrode material for supercapacitors. However, there is no specific mention of local literature about eggshell in the context of brown eggs or shell pigmentation.
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How eggshell can be replacement to traditional bricks. foreign study?5 answersEggshell can be used as a replacement for traditional bricks in construction. Several studies have investigated the use of eggshell waste as a raw material in soil-cement bricks, showing that it can be used as a partial replacement for Portland cement, resulting in bricks with excellent technical properties. Eggshell can also be added to earthenware clay compounds to make fire clay bricks, improving their physical-mechanical-thermal properties and making them suitable for construction and thermal insulation. Additionally, eggshell powder can be used as a replacement for cement in concrete, with experimental results showing that it does not significantly affect the compressive strength of the concrete. However, it should be noted that using eggshell as a partial replacement for sand in cement mortar can lead to a decrease in compressive strength. Overall, these foreign studies demonstrate the potential of eggshell as a low-cost and sustainable alternative material for traditional bricks in construction.

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