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How can social media effect business management? 

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Social media plays a crucial role in business management by impacting various aspects such as crisis awareness, communication, collaboration, customer relationship management (CRM), and marketing strategies. Social media enhances crisis awareness by providing real-time information and motivating action during crises . It facilitates effective communication and collaboration with customers, employees, and stakeholders, leading to increased innovation and productivity . Moreover, social media marketing engagement efforts mediate the relationship between CRM and business performance, improving firm performance through online engagement activities . Additionally, social media usage positively influences business performance in industries like tourism by increasing customer reach and enhancing marketing strategies . Overall, leveraging social media effectively can significantly impact business management across various domains.

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Social media can positively impact business performance by enhancing marketing strategies, reaching consumers efficiently, and improving overall business outcomes, as evidenced in the Turkish travel agency case study.
Social media can enhance business performance by mediating the relationship between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and business outcomes, as shown in an emerging market context.
Social media impacts business management by influencing marketing communication, consumer engagement, digital influencers, sales processes, and organizational communication activities, as highlighted in the research papers.
Social media impacts crisis awareness, which in turn influences the implementation of Business Continuity Management (BCM) and sustainable performance in companies, as shown in the study.
Social media enhances business management by improving communication, collaboration, innovation, productivity, and customer insights, but requires mitigation of mental health risks among employees.

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