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How can technological factors of modernism affect socio cultural? 

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Technological factors of modernism can significantly impact socio-cultural aspects by influencing social practices, knowledge fields, and human behavior . The integration of digital technologies in society leads to changes in communication structures, social dynamics, and knowledge transformations, shaping a digital society with altered life patterns and values . Additionally, the development of new technologies allows for accurate documentation of cultural and historical elements, impacting the preservation and representation of cultural heritage. Technological advancements not only bring about positive changes but also introduce challenges such as digital inequality and the need to mitigate negative impacts through collaborative efforts of families, education systems, society, and the state .

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Technological factors of modernism impact socio-cultural aspects by altering communication, social structures, and societal functions, leading to a gradual transition from traditional to postindustrial societies.
Not addressed in the paper.
Technological factors of modernism can influence socio-cultural aspects by shaping intellectual capital, middle class development, and societal changes through scientific discoveries, as highlighted in the paper.
Technological factors in modernism can transform socio-cultural aspects by influencing creative processes in art and questioning techno-deterministic discourses, shaping knowledge and societal changes.

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What is the effect of the technology on society?4 answersEmerging technologies have a significant impact on society and the economy. They can enhance economic growth and efficiency by improving decision-making through data analysis, leading to the creation of new products, services, markets, and industries that boost consumer demand and generate new revenue streams. However, there are concerns about the negative effects of emerging technologies. The creation of superman-like organizations could negatively affect the economy, widen the gap between developed and developing countries, and lead to job losses. Additionally, the impact of technology on human decision-making and attitudes is being investigated, with studies showing that preferences for algorithms or humans can alter responses to advice. Furthermore, technology can accelerate businesses' ability to do more with less, leading to cost-cutting through automation and robots, but also potentially decreasing the number of consumers and creating a two-tiered society.
What are the limitations of modern technology?4 answersModern technology has limitations that hinder its optimal utilization. One limitation is the lack of standardized guidelines for troubleshooting complications faced by patients with left ventricular assist devices (LVADs). Another limitation is the reliance on drop ball/dart type circulating subs in drilling operations, which have limited cycles, are unreliable in high inclinations, and require surface intervention. Additionally, the concept of a pre-technological stage of human development is important in contrasting the overly civilized condition of the modern, highlighting the disruption caused by artificial ends in technology. In the field of education, teachers face obstacles in utilizing modern technology due to factors such as age limitations, lack of technology skills, and absence of obligations to use technology as a learning medium. Lastly, the assessment of left ventricular contractility in echocardiography is often subjective and operator-dependent, requiring a high level of clinical training and experience.
How did technological factors contribute to the rise of modernism?5 answersTechnological factors have played a significant role in the rise of modernism. The evolution of technology, especially after the industrial revolution, has led to changes in various aspects of human life, including architecture and lifestyle. Modernization, as a process associated with a specific time period and geographical location, has been driven by technological advancements. Technology has been central to the making of modernity, with the promotion and development of technology seen as a neutral and value-free process that creates progress and material wealth. Increasing reliance on technology has shaped modern societies, impacting manufacturing, services, communication, education, healthcare, and public administration. Technological power has also been seen as a valuable asset in liberal democratic societies, allowing for the potential of a more egalitarian society and the pursuit of self-interest within market economies.
What are cultural and social factor influencing technology?3 answersCultural and social factors have a significant influence on technology. Technology is not value-neutral and is embedded with cultural values and societal structures. Society shapes the form of technological artifacts, and there are social and cultural influences on the design and construction of major engineering structures. Certain forms of technology exist when conducive values and structures sustain them, and technological changes can precipitate social and value changes. Technologies shape our societies, culture, and environment, modifying patterns of human activity and influencing how we live. The power of technology reflects the values that exist in its developmental context, and cultural values determine what counts as a scientific question and direct the types of technologies developed. Technology directs human values and behaviors in predictable ways, making technologies ethically valenced.
How does technology enable social and cultural change?5 answersTechnology enables social and cultural change in various ways. It provides convenience and ease in daily interactions, driving societal culture through social change. Technology also plays a crucial role in agriculture, empowering farmers with access to market information and forecasts, helping them get fair prices for their produce and improving their economic status. The rapid development of technology has led to changes in human life patterns, making it more pragmatic and efficient, but also giving rise to negative impacts. However, the process of social change in rural areas is slower, creating a divide between urban and rural populations in terms of technology adoption and its benefits. Digital innovations and technology-based platforms have not only influenced business venturing but have also restructured social relations, impacting culture, politics, and society.

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