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How common are derailments? 

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Derailments are a significant issue in various sectors. In Europe, there are approximately 500 derailments annually, with about 300 involving freight wagons . These derailments have substantial financial and societal impacts, costing the EU27 Member States over 200 million Euros per year . Furthermore, derailments are not limited to railways; they also occur in organizations, leading to the derailment of managerial careers. As many as 50% of leadership careers end in failure due to incompetence or derailment, with causes including workplace dynamics, personal factors, and dark-side personality traits . Understanding the dynamics and causes of derailment is crucial for prevention, as derailed managers often have impressive track records before encountering issues . Therefore, efforts to prevent and mitigate derailments through advanced technologies and monitoring systems are essential for enhancing safety and reducing the frequency of such incidents .

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Derailment is a common phenomenon in organizations, as highlighted in the paper. It can be prevented through understanding its dynamics, causes, and taking appropriate actions.
Over 500 freight train derailments occur annually in the EU, costing over 200 million Euros, emphasizing the significance of reducing derailments due to their frequency and impact.
An estimated 500 open line freight train derailments occur annually in Europe, highlighting the significant impact and importance of monitoring technologies in preventing and reducing derailments.
Open accessJournal Article
1 Citations
On average, there are 500 derailments annually in Europe, with 300 involving freight wagons. The push for zero tolerance of derailments is emphasized due to available technology.

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