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How common is Childhood apraxia of speech in patients with autism? 

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Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a common comorbidity in patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) . Studies have shown that a subset of children with ASD also have speech sound disorders (SSDs), including CAS . The prevalence of CAS in children with ASD is significant, with over 95% of children with CAS having comorbid expressive language impairment . Comorbid conditions such as intellectual disability, receptive language impairment, and nonspeech apraxia are associated with more severe forms of CAS in children with ASD . However, the presence of comorbid autism spectrum disorder does not increase the likelihood of severe CAS in children with ASD . These findings highlight the importance of considering CAS in the assessment and treatment of children with ASD, particularly those with low verbal ability . Further research is needed to better understand the relationship between ASD and CAS and to develop appropriate assessment and treatment methods for this population .

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The paper does not provide information on the prevalence or frequency of Childhood Apraxia of Speech in patients with autism.
The paper states that 33.6% of children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) had comorbid autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
The paper does not provide information on the prevalence of Childhood apraxia of speech in patients with autism.
The paper does not provide information on the prevalence or frequency of Childhood apraxia of speech in patients with autism.
The paper does not provide information on the prevalence or frequency of Childhood apraxia of speech in patients with autism.

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