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How competition stimulates innovation in the power industry? 

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Competition plays a crucial role in stimulating innovation in the power industry. Research indicates that firms reduce innovation activities when maintaining market power through mechanisms like "pay-for-delay" agreements . In the wind power sector, increased global competition drives a focus on frugal innovation and cost reduction strategies, promoting industry development and learning . However, the liberalized European power industry has seen limited progress towards a more competitive market structure, hindering innovation due to corporate growth strategies . In the energy market, competition drives power plant operators and manufacturers to innovate in response to price demands, with advancements in coal-fired and gas turbine power plants shaping the market evolution . Overall, competition fosters innovation by exerting pressure for efficiency, encouraging technological disruption, and enhancing market power dynamics .

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Competition in the power industry promotes innovation by exerting pressure on costs, encouraging efficient production organization, and fostering technological disruption through Schumpeterian hypothesis.
Competition in the EU power industry drives innovation by influencing corporate strategies, market structure, and technology diffusion, as observed in the study on liberalization impacts.
Market power reduces innovation incentives in firms using "pay-for-delay" agreements to hinder competition. Legal restrictions on such practices can increase innovation activities in response to competitive entry.
Open accessProceedings Article
E. Dubslaff, K. Riedle 
01 Jan 2002
2 Citations
Competition in the power industry drives innovation by pushing power plant operators and manufacturers to develop new technologies to meet market demands for efficient and cost-effective electricity production.
Increased global competition in the wind power sector drives frugal innovation and cost reduction strategies, fostering efficiency improvements and smart specialisation, particularly in emerging countries like Brazil, China, and India.

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