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How discrimination affects based on gender, race, and culture impacts individuals? 

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Discrimination based on gender, race, and culture significantly impacts individuals by affecting their job satisfaction, performance, mental health, and overall well-being. Studies show that discrimination leads to negative outcomes such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, physical and psychological consequences, and limits opportunities for vulnerable groups like women and ethnic minorities. The intersectionality of gendered racism further exacerbates discriminatory experiences by reinforcing stereotypes and biases related to race, gender, and ethnicity. In workplaces, discrimination, particularly race-based, has been found to have detrimental effects on job attitudes and performance. Overall, discrimination based on gender, race, and culture not only hinders individual development and success but also perpetuates societal inequalities and injustices.

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Discrimination based on gender, race, and culture can lead to vulnerabilities like forced labor and human trafficking, particularly affecting women and children, violating fundamental human rights.
Gender, age, and race-based discrimination negatively impact job satisfaction and performance of employees. In the pharmaceutical industry of Thailand, race-based discrimination was found to be prevalent.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2022
Discrimination based on gender, race, and culture impacts individuals through intersecting stereotypes, limited data availability, and the need for disaggregated data for comprehensive analysis and understanding.
Discrimination based on gender, race, and culture negatively impacts individuals' job attitudes, psychological well-being, physical health, and work-related outcomes, as supported by recent literature.

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