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How do associative prosopagnosia work neurologically? 

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Associative prosopagnosia, a form of visual agnosia, results from brain lesions affecting face recognition. The fusiform face area (FFA) is commonly implicated in prosopagnosia. Controversies exist regarding whether unilateral lesions can cause prosopagnosia, the presence of dedicated face-processing cells, and whether it stems from memory or perceptual deficits. Prosopagnosia patients struggle to recognize familiar faces visually but can identify them through other cues like voice or context. Developmental prosopagnosia (DP) is a related condition without manifest brain injuries, possibly linked to reduced holistic face processing and mnemonic challenges. Neurologically, prosopagnosia involves disruptions in face-selective brain regions and connectivity, impacting both face and object recognition abilities.

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Associative prosopagnosia involves brain damage leading to the inability to recognize familiar faces visually, while retaining recognition through voice or other cues, distinct from perceptual or memory deficits.
Associative prosopagnosia in the brain involves lesions disrupting connections between semantic labels and visual face information, leading to the inability to recognize faces despite perceiving their structural features.
Associative prosopagnosia involves lesions, often in the fusiform face area, affecting face recognition. Models like FEBAM-SOM and BAM simulate this by categorizing faces and linking them to semantic labels.
Prosopagnosia, a form of visual associative agnosia, results from lesions in the medial occipitotemporal region, leading to the inability to recognize familiar faces. Specific neural mechanisms and laterality remain debated.

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