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How do deaf children learn language and communication skills? 

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Deaf children often face challenges in language acquisition due to limited exposure to language from birth. Research suggests that early language intervention is crucial for deaf children's cognitive and language development. Efforts to provide quality language input, both spoken and signed, from an early age can optimize language development. Deaf children raised in multilingual environments can achieve linguistic competency in multiple spoken languages and develop cognitive abilities comparable to hearing peers. Games like CopyCat, utilizing American Sign Language (ASL) communication, have shown to improve language skills and working memory in deaf children. Overall, the key lies in early exposure to language, whether signed or spoken, to support deaf children in developing strong language and communication skills.

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Deaf children, especially those born to hearing parents, struggle with language due to limited access. Using ASL recognition technology like CopyCat can enhance their language skills and working memory.
Deaf children learn language through exposure to quality input early in life. A bimodal bilingual approach, incorporating both signed and spoken language, can optimize their language development.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Annemarie Le Roux, Marga Stander 
21 Sep 2021-Per Linguam
3 Citations
Deaf children of hearing parents often face language delays. Early language intervention, including learning Sign Language, significantly improves their language and cognitive development, enhancing communication skills.
Deaf children can enhance language skills, particularly in expressive writing, through media like Learning Card Series. This aids in sentence formation, vocabulary expansion, and time/place descriptions.

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