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How do I change my Social Security number on unemployment? 

Answers from top 6 papers

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Papers (6)Insight
First, our historical overview suggests that young unemployment issues have not motivated social security reforms and that changes in provisions are not endogenous.
It is also shown that lagged changes in the number of social assistance recipients do not predict changes in rates of unemployment in the short term.
Journal ArticleDOI
Sarah Wilson, G.M. Walker 
01 May 1993-Public Health
238 Citations
Maintaining financial security, providing proactive health care and retraining for re-employment can all reduce the impact of unemployment on health.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
06 Jan 2013
13 Citations
Using unemployment insurance records and social security labor histories, we provide evidence of the impacts of recent changes in the unemployment insurance system of Uruguay.
establish a link between unemployment and emotional well-being and show how particular social characteristics interact with the detrimental effects of experiencing spells of unemployment.
The third section of the paper concludes that the role of social security policy is at present essentially reactive rather than proactive; that it does little to address the likely need for labour of certain kinds in the 1990s; and that efforts to address the problem of long term unemployment through social security policy have been largely misdirected.

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4 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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