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How do I get an app out of productivity on my Iphone? 

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The findings from this work reveal an opportunity for online app developers to generate new insights regarding cognition and productivity.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
14 Nov 2016
23 Citations
The feedback is useful for app developers to get a better understanding of where their app stands in the competition.
on the present study showed that sprint performance can be evaluated in a valid and reliable way using a novel iPhone app.
Message framing moderates the effect of app type on perceived usefulness of the app.
Our novel contribution shows how, by influencing coordination costs, the previously invisible interplay between app decision rights and app microarchitecture shapes an app’s platform desertion.

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What is the architectural style of the house represented in the drawing?
5 answers
The architectural style of the house represented in the drawing is diverse and innovative, showcasing a blend of architects' visions and design phases. Architectural drawings are not merely seen as representations but as mediums of expression and communication, pointing towards future architectural conditions. The representation of houses in drawings articulates the boundary between public and private spaces, generating a dialectic between inside and outside, and connecting the collective with the individual. The research on Carlo Scarpa's Casa Ottolenghi emphasizes the development of design ideas through historical interpretation, critical analysis, and the use of informatics, highlighting the significance of drawing as a form of expression in architecture.
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How does retention achieve efficient learning for students/?
5 answers
Retention aids in achieving efficient learning for students by stabilizing memory and enhancing long-term retention. Active recall testing and spaced repetition techniques have been identified as effective methods to improve academic efficiency and knowledge retention. Studies suggest that distributed practice and practice testing are the most effective learning techniques for undergraduate students, promoting long-term retention, while techniques like rereading, highlighting, and summarization are less effective. Optimal review schedules, based on memory models like ACT-R and MCM, have been proposed to enhance long-term retention by strategically spacing out study sessions. By leveraging these techniques and strategies, students can enhance their learning effectiveness, stabilize memory, and improve their long-term retention of information, ultimately leading to more efficient learning outcomes.
How does retention achieve efficient learning for students?
4 answers
Retention aids in achieving efficient learning for students by stabilizing memory and enhancing long-term retention. Active recall testing and spaced repetition techniques have been identified as effective methods to improve academic efficiency and knowledge retention. Studies suggest that spaced study schedules, such as reviewing material from previous weeks and focusing on material with predicted memory strength closest to a threshold, significantly benefit long-term retention. Additionally, utilizing more efficient learning techniques like metacognition can lead to improved academic outcomes, particularly for below-average students. By implementing these strategies, students can better commit information to long-term memory, optimize study schedules, and enhance their overall learning effectiveness, ultimately fostering efficient learning outcomes.
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5 answers
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5 answers
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What are the current living conditions in cemeteries in the Philippines?
5 answers
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5 answers
Students often struggle with time management due to various factors such as academic stress, disorganization, and inadequate prioritization of tasks. This struggle can lead to increased stress, poor performance, and even major decisions like switching majors. Additionally, the lack of effective strategies targeting students' activity participation may stem from a lack of understanding of how enjoyment influences participation in school activities. Enjoyment plays a crucial role in student participation, as it is linked to intrinsic motivation and the desire to continue engaging in activities that bring pleasure and fun. Therefore, addressing time management issues and enhancing enjoyment in school activities are essential for improving students' overall academic experience and performance.
How does Neural Collaborative Filtering work in recommendation engines?
4 answers
Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) in recommendation engines combines neural networks with collaborative filtering techniques. Unlike traditional matrix decomposition methods, NCF uses multi-layer perceptrons to enhance user-item interaction modeling. To address timing issues on the user side, a collaborative filtering model based on deep neural network fusion of user sequences has been proposed, incorporating recurrent neural networks to capture user behavior over time. Additionally, the use of graph convolutional neural networks (GCN) has gained popularity in recommendation systems for learning embedding representations on graph structures. However, existing GCN-based models often overlook the impact of higher-order neighbors and user opinions on recommendation results, leading to the development of enhanced algorithms like MPECFG that leverage meta-paths to improve the accuracy of node embedding learning.
What are the advantages and limitations of using Neural Collaborative Filtering for product recommendations?
5 answers
Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) offers advantages such as improved recommendation accuracy by capturing user preferences and product characteristics effectively. However, NCF models can face limitations like high computational requirements and training time due to the utilization of various dataset variables. To address these challenges, researchers have proposed enhancements to NCF models. For instance, a novel approach called Causal Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering (CNGCF) incorporates causal modeling to generate more robust recommendations by explicitly encoding causal effects between nodes. Additionally, an improved Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering technique combines content-based filtering with collaborative filtering to reduce processing time and enhance recommendation quality, outperforming traditional graph convolutional neural networks. These advancements aim to overcome limitations and enhance the effectiveness of Neural Collaborative Filtering for product recommendations.
How does the efficiency of irrigation systems vary based on crop type and soil properties?
5 answers
The efficiency of irrigation systems varies based on crop type and soil properties. Different irrigation systems, such as subsurface drip, surface drip, and furrow irrigation, impact soil physical properties and crop yield differently. Subsurface drip irrigation showed superior results in soil moisture content, bulk density, and plant height for cotton crops. In contrast, a study on furrow irrigation highlighted the importance of furrow compaction for maximizing water use efficiency in different soil types. Additionally, optimal irrigation strategies, like GET-OPTIS, considering soil and crop characteristics, significantly influence water-use efficiency and crop yield. Implementing advanced systems like DRLIC, which uses deep reinforcement learning, can further enhance irrigation efficiency by predicting future soil moisture loss and achieving water savings of up to 9.52% compared to traditional methods.