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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
21 Mar 2011
33 Citations
Thus, we consider PoX to be a readily available alternative for privacy-aware users that do not want to wait for privacy-relevant improvements to be implemented by Facebook itself.
In this chapter, I argue that the main privacy risk on Facebook is the one of “de-contextualization” of the information provided by the participants.
However, unlike prior findings in offline contexts, this study finds that comparatively optimistic Facebook users do not appear to engage in riskier privacy behaviors.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Nicky Robinson, Joseph Bonneau 
01 Oct 2014
18 Citations
We also find that users generally do not understand the way Facebook Connect permissions interact with Facebook's privacy settings.
As a result, the encryption speed of this encryption algorithm is improved effectively.
Theoretical analysis results show that the proposed encryption scheme has effective encryption and efficiencies.

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How does regulatory and policy framework pose challenge to smart grid?
5 answers
The regulatory and policy framework poses challenges to the smart grid by hindering innovation and implementation. Factors such as lacking incentives for innovation, regulatory uncertainties, and binding income frameworks act as barriers to the development and adoption of advanced smart grid solutions. Additionally, the absence of specific regulations addressing privacy concerns in smart grids can lead to consumer opposition, impacting the grid modification process. Governments play a crucial role in overcoming these barriers by designing interventions like regulatory targets, data security requirements, and renewable energy credits to facilitate grid modernization. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure the successful integration of renewable energy sources, enhance grid efficiency, and improve overall energy system resilience.
What is the behavior of employee after the decrease of CSR during COVID-19?
5 answers
Employees' behavior after a decrease in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) during COVID-19 is influenced by various factors. Research indicates that during the pandemic, organizations shifted their CSR focus towards employee-centric initiatives, impacting stakeholder salience and issue prioritization. Additionally, employees' perception of CSR practices positively correlates with their psychological capital (PsyCap), including self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism, with effective CSR policies enhancing these components. Decreases in CSR activities may lead to concerns about job security and long-term employment prospects among employees, affecting their intrinsic motivations and productivity in the workplace. Furthermore, the pandemic-induced changes in physical activity and sedentary behavior among employees highlight the importance of maintaining active lifestyles to mitigate negative effects on well-being and performance.
What is the definition of game design in serious games?
10 answers
Game design in serious games encompasses the strategic integration of game elements to create engaging, educational experiences that extend beyond mere entertainment, aiming to achieve specific learning outcomes or objectives. This design process involves the careful selection and application of game mechanics, such as tasks, scores, and level progression, to motivate and empower learners in various educational contexts, including health education, language learning, and computer programming. The design and development of serious games are grounded in instructional and experiential learning theories, ensuring that games not only captivate users but also effectively convey educational content. In the realm of serious games, game design is not solely focused on the entertainment value but rather on the educational impact, leveraging the immersive and interactive nature of games to facilitate learning and skill development. This involves a holistic design approach that considers the cultural and educational settings of the target audience, ensuring the game's relevance and effectiveness. Moreover, serious game design incorporates elements of schema theory and privacy engineering, aiming to optimize learning, motivation, and cognitive load, while also addressing privacy concerns in software development. The design process of serious games is iterative, involving analysis, design, development, and evaluation phases to refine game elements and ensure they meet educational goals. This approach is supported by empirical research and involves the participation of stakeholders, including learners, educators, and developers, to create a game that is both engaging and educational. Through this comprehensive design process, serious games serve as a powerful tool for education, training, and awareness in various domains, demonstrating the potential to transform traditional learning environments and foster a deeper understanding of complex subjects.
What are the Influential Factors on the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students. Cite some related studies.?
5 answers
Various factors influence the academic performance of Grade 10 students. Studies have shown that affective and cognitive factors play significant roles. Social media exposure, study habits, parental guidance, and teacher effectiveness are also crucial. Additionally, socio-demographic characteristics, teacher competency, learning environment, and peer relationships impact academic performance. Motivational orientation, including intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation, task value, self-efficacy, and test anxiety, can affect academic performance in subjects like Earth Science. Furthermore, students' study habits, attitudes, and learning techniques significantly correlate with their performance in Mathematics. These studies highlight the complex interplay of various factors that contribute to the academic success of Grade 10 students.
What are the current information policies in place for protecting user privacy and data security?
5 answers
Current information policies focus on safeguarding user privacy and data security in various contexts. Organizations are implementing security measures on messaging apps like WhatsApp to address privacy concerns. Smart cities rely on anonymization and encryption techniques to protect large data collections while enabling analysis. A historical perspective reveals the importance of freedom of information and data protection in balancing power dynamics in society. With the rise of IoT, concerns arise regarding privacy protection, security risks, and regulatory frameworks to preserve stakeholders' interests. Businesses struggle with privacy policies' readability, prompting research into summarization techniques to enhance user understanding and mitigate potential threats from information sharing. These diverse approaches collectively contribute to shaping robust information policies for user privacy and data security.
Can the utilization of social media and artificial intelligence in promoting resilience be effectively integrated into existing counselling practices?
5 answers
The integration of social media and artificial intelligence (AI) to promote resilience has shown promising results in various contexts. Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of digital interventions, such as online counseling courses, in enhancing psychological capital components like self-efficacy, resilience, optimism, and hope. Additionally, research highlights the use of AI and social media big data in assessing and addressing challenges faced by university towns, emphasizing the role of technology in enhancing community resilience. Furthermore, the development of empathetic artificial intelligence (EAI) has been proposed to assist users in coping with emotion regulation, a crucial aspect of resilience in serious and competitive games. Therefore, integrating social media and AI into existing counseling practices can be a valuable approach to fostering resilience and supporting individuals in managing stressors effectively.
What are the areas of citizen science ?
5 answers
Citizen science encompasses various areas such as environmental protection, biodiversity research, healthcare, and social goods. It involves non-professional individuals contributing to scientific research by collecting and analyzing data, engaging in monitoring activities, and participating in prevention programs. The practice extends to fields like sustainable development goals, technologies and health, COVID-19, cancer, public health, mental health, and biodiversity conservation. Additionally, citizen science plays a crucial role in advancing environmental protection, promoting social goods, fostering education, enhancing environmental governance, and improving data collection for conservation research. The diverse applications of citizen science underscore its significance in addressing various scientific, environmental, and societal challenges.
How does academic stress affects the Academic Performance of the students?
5 answers
Academic stress has a significant impact on students' academic performance. Research indicates that there is a complex relationship between academic stress and academic achievement.While moderate levels of stress can enhance motivation and performance, excessive stress can lead to a decline in academic outcomes. Factors such as coping skills, social support, and the ability to convert negative stress into positive stress play crucial roles in determining how stress influences academic performance. It has been found that stress can lead to academic procrastination, which in turn negatively affects academic output. Therefore, managing stress levels, maintaining a conducive study environment, and fostering optimistic thinking are recommended strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of academic stress on students' academic performance.
How are community development and community resilience connected??
5 answers
Community development and community resilience are interconnected through their shared goals and methods. Community development, with its focus on capacity building, empowerment, and networking, offers a crucial approach to enhancing community resilience. While community resilience involves coping and recovery from stressors, it also encompasses shared philosophies, cultural patterns, and emotional qualities that contribute to a community's ability to adapt and thrive in the face of challenges. Additionally, community resilience provides a framework for understanding community change and addressing it effectively, emphasizing the importance of social structures and communal resources in building resilience. Employees of nonprofit organizations play a significant role in community resilience, highlighting the need to examine their work environment and contributions to wider community resilience.
How effective are metadata-based detection methods in identifying and removing child sexual abuse material from online platforms?
5 answers
Metadata-based detection methods have shown significant effectiveness in identifying and removing child sexual abuse material (CSAM) from online platforms. By focusing on file metadata like file paths, these methods can rapidly scan and classify thousands of files, aiding law enforcement in combating CSAM distribution. However, challenges such as ethical and legal constraints in collecting and storing CSAM files for training machine learning models hinder the development of accurate computer vision-based models. Additionally, the adoption of end-to-end encryption by platforms detecting CSAM may create havens for offenders, emphasizing the need for continuous efforts in detection algorithms and legal frameworks to combat CSAM distribution effectively. Integrating multiple approaches like deep-learning algorithms with multi-modal descriptors has been highlighted as crucial for optimal CSAM detection results.
How accurate are these metadata-based detection methods in identifying and removing child sexual abuse material from online platforms?
5 answers
Metadata-based detection methods have shown promising accuracy in identifying and removing child sexual abuse material (CSAM) from online platforms. By solely utilizing file metadata like file paths, these methods can achieve high accuracy rates, such as 97% accuracy and 94% recall. Additionally, combining deep-learning algorithms with multi-modal image or video descriptors has been highlighted as an effective approach, outperforming other detection methods for unknown CSAM. However, challenges exist, such as ethical and legal constraints in collecting and storing CSAM files for training machine learning models. Moreover, the potential impact of end-to-end encryption on CSAM distribution and detection is a concern, as it may provide a haven for offenders. Overall, metadata-based detection methods, when combined with advanced algorithms, offer a powerful tool in combating CSAM online.