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How do italian firm internationalize? 

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Italian firms internationalize through various strategies, leveraging factors like big data utilization, productivity enhancements, and market proximity. Research shows that Italian firms, especially SMEs, have increasingly entered foreign markets by utilizing big data managed internally or by specialized consulting firms, with different benefits based on firm size . During the 2008 crisis aftermath, Italian firms with foreign units focused on market proximity, leading to increased productivity and profitability compared to non-internationalized firms . The internationalization process during the financial crisis period of 2007–2010 saw Italian firms moving towards more complex forms of internationalization, positively impacting labor productivity and overall performance . These findings underscore the importance of diversification across products and markets, even in challenging times, to maintain competitiveness and profitability in the global market.

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Italian firms internationalize by establishing foreign units primarily for market proximity. They are more productive and profitable than non-internationalized firms, with a 15% productivity gap compared to exporters.
Open accessPosted Content
Riccardo Cristadoro, Leandro D'Aurizio 
2 Citations
Italian firms internationalize by establishing foreign productive units, mainly in advanced countries for market proximity and in developing countries for cost efficiency. Multinationals are more productive and profitable.
Italian firms internationalize by moving towards more complex forms during crises, positively impacting productivity. Diversifying products and markets is crucial for competitiveness and profitability, even in challenging times.
Italian firms internationalize through e-commerce, with big data playing a crucial role. Small firms benefit more from specialized consulting firms, while large firms benefit from internal staff, maximizing benefits through collaboration.
Italian firms internationalize by investing in foreign markets, leveraging delocalization to enhance competitiveness, focusing on niche products with global reach, and integrating intangible elements like e-commerce for success.

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