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How do multipath propagation, signal interference, and attenuation affect the performance of antennas in complex environments? 

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Multipath propagation, signal interference, and attenuation significantly impact antenna performance in complex environments. Multipath propagation, as studied in , , and , introduces dynamic interferences from reflections, ground bounces, and building structures, leading to signal distortion and reduced accuracy in target localization. Signal interference, as explored in , degrades vehicular communication links in multipath scenarios, affecting the bit error rate. Additionally, attenuation due to various factors like atmospheric conditions and object materials, discussed in and , causes signal strength fluctuations and increased path loss, especially at higher frequencies. These combined effects challenge antenna performance by inducing fading, data rate reduction, and unpredictable signal behavior, emphasizing the need for robust antenna designs and signal processing techniques in complex environments.

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Multipath propagation causes unpredictable signal behavior, metal objects significantly fluctuate signal strength, and higher frequencies lead to increased attenuation in complex indoor environments affecting antenna performance.
Multipath propagation causes signal reflections, interference impacts signal quality, and attenuation weakens signals, collectively affecting antenna performance in complex environments like vehicular networks with beamforming.
Multipath propagation induces signal interference and attenuation, impacting antenna performance in complex environments. The proposed algorithm mitigates these effects without requiring precise knowledge of the propagation environment.
Multipath propagation in complex environments causes frequency selective fading, leading to signal interference, intersymbol interference, and reduced data rates due to attenuation, impacting antenna performance significantly.
Multipath propagation causes signal interference and attenuation, impacting antenna performance in complex environments by increasing path loss and reducing coherence between direct and reflected signals.

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