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How do quantum key distribution protocols work in the context of smart grid communication security? 

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Quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols provide secure communication in smart grid systems. These protocols use the principles of quantum mechanics to generate a secret shared key between two participants, even in the presence of a computationally unlimited adversary. The security of QKD protocols is ensured within certain security levels, taking into account finite-key length effects. Different protocols, such as BB84, measurement-device-independent, and twin-field QKD, have been investigated to understand the relationship between key generation rate and security parameters. QKD can be used to improve the security of critical infrastructure, including future distributed energy resources, by authenticating machine-to-machine communications in smart grid systems. The feasibility of using QKD in smart grid communications has been demonstrated on a deployed electric utility fiber network . The automation and intelligence of quantum key distribution can provide accurate data protection for various power services, constructing a precise and secure data protection mechanism based on quantum keys .

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The provided paper does not specifically discuss the use of quantum key distribution protocols in the context of smart grid communication security.
The paper describes the first use of quantum key distribution (QKD) keys in the authentication of smart grid communications, improving the security of critical infrastructure.
The paper proposes a method for quantum key distribution in smart grid communication. It describes a system that uses quantum secure communication and 5G hard slicing private network to update and distribute quantum keys for data protection in power services. The method replaces the traditional update method and enables automation and intelligence in key distribution. However, the specific details of how quantum key distribution protocols work in this context are not mentioned in the paper.
The paper proposes a method for quantum key distribution in smart grid communication. It describes a system that uses quantum secure communication and 5G hard slicing private network to update and distribute quantum keys for data protection in power services. The method involves self-evolution of keys through synchronization between sender and receiver using short-length random quantities transmitted in the quantum channel. The paper also discusses key reading modes, interface protocols, and key management methods for power distribution service terminals. However, it does not provide detailed information on how quantum key distribution protocols work in the context of smart grid communication security.
The provided paper does not specifically discuss the use of quantum key distribution protocols in the context of smart grid communication security.

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