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How do smartphones distract shoppers? 

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Smartphones distract shoppers through increased purchases, altered shopping behaviors, and cognitive impacts. Research shows that in-store mobile phone use leads to more time spent in stores, deviation from typical shopping patterns, and heightened product examination, ultimately resulting in increased purchases . Additionally, smartphone use during shopping tasks can impair cognitive function, slowing responses and reducing attention levels . Furthermore, shopping-unrelated mobile phone use negatively affects consumers' ability to stick to their shopping plans, leading to more unplanned purchases, especially among individuals highly dependent on their phones . Overall, smartphones distract shoppers by altering attention, decision-making processes, and cognitive abilities, influencing their in-store behaviors and purchase outcomes.

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Smartphones distract shoppers through shopping-unrelated use, leading to deviations from shopping plans and increased unplanned purchases, especially for those highly dependent on their phones.
Smartphones distract shoppers by interfering with meaningfulness and self-identity, impacting attention and actions crucial for shopping decisions. (27 words)
Smartphones distract shoppers by increasing cognitive distraction, leading to more unplanned purchases, omitted planned items, and reduced ability to recall in-store stimuli.
Smartphones distract shoppers by diverting them from their usual shopping patterns, leading to increased time spent in-store, examining products, and ultimately making more purchases due to distraction.

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