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How do students cope the risk of ai? 

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Students cope with the risk of AI by developing coping mechanisms to navigate challenges in academic integrity, emotional reactions, and educational access. They experience stress and anxiety when facing AI-related issues, with some finding the process threatening and demotivating . To adapt to the digital age, students need to reframe their perception of AI as a companion rather than a shortcut, utilizing tools like automatic text summarization for efficient information gathering . Additionally, students in the IT field employ coping behaviors like time management, self-determination, and engaging in activities like mobile games to manage stress and adapt to the new normal in education . Furthermore, enhancing AI education at primary and secondary levels can help students develop intellectual competency and cope with the challenges posed by AI . Strengthening ideological values and risk prevention mechanisms in college students is crucial in the era of mobile Internet of things to address complex challenges .

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College students cope with AI risks through strengthening ideological values, enhancing responsibility, and developing prevention mechanisms in the mobile Internet era to safeguard against ideological threats and moral challenges.
Students cope with the risk of academic integrity breaches through emotional reactions, stress, unintentional justifications, and adaptive coping strategies, aiming to re-engage with effective self-regulatory learning strategies.
Not addressed in the paper.
Students cope with AI risks by reframing AI as a companion, not a shortcut, and educators play a crucial role in promoting AI literacy to enhance resourcefulness and integrity in academic work.

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