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How does ethnicity influence the utilization of natural resources? 

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Ethnicity influences the utilization of natural resources in several ways. Firstly, the strength of an ethnic group identity increases when mineral resource exploitation intensifies in that group's historical homeland . This is likely due to feelings of relative deprivation associated with the exploitation of resources . Secondly, ethnic polarization affects the concentration of political power, which in turn affects the expropriation of rents from natural resources by the governing elite . This reduces the productive use of resources and leads to poor economic performance . Additionally, ethnic diversity increases the concentration of political power, reduces income per capita, and increases income inequality in resource-rich economies . Therefore, ethnicity plays a significant role in shaping the utilization of natural resources, impacting economic outcomes and the distribution of benefits.

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The paper does not directly address how ethnicity influences the utilization of natural resources.
The paper states that ethnicity influences the levels of dependence on different livelihood sources, such as non-timber forest products and field crops, and also affects the cooperation among villagers of different ethnicities in sustainable forest resource management.
The paper does not directly address how ethnicity influences the utilization of natural resources. It focuses on the impact of natural resource exploitation on the strength of ethnic identities.
The paper states that ethnic polarization affects the concentration of political power, which in turn affects the expropriation of rents from natural resources. However, it does not explicitly mention how ethnicity influences the utilization of natural resources.
The provided paper does not directly address how ethnicity influences the utilization of natural resources.

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