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How does herbivory impact the flow of energy within ecosystems? 

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Herbivory plays a crucial role in shaping energy flow within ecosystems. Herbivores compete for plant biomass, impacting primary productivity. While herbivory is often viewed as destructive, it can enhance ecosystem resilience, nutrient cycling, and plant regeneration, maintaining primary productivity near carrying capacity. In high-latitude ecosystems, herbivory influences greenhouse gas fluxes, with grazing affecting soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes through changes in microbial communities and abiotic factors. Large wild herbivores' removal can significantly alter ecosystem functions, with varied effects on carbon cycling, highlighting the complexity of herbivore impacts on energy flow within ecosystems. Herbivore impact on plant biomass is influenced by plant quality, particularly phosphorus availability, suggesting that different resources can modulate herbivore effects on energy transfer within food webs.

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Herbivory impacts energy flow by being influenced by plant quality, particularly phosphorus (P) content, rather than nitrogen (N), and varying with rainfall levels in the Serengeti ecosystem.
Herbivory impacts energy flow within ecosystems by influencing ecosystem functions like carbon cycling, nutrient cycling, and primary productivity, with variable effects on individual components and overall system resilience.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2022
2 Citations
Herbivory impacts energy flow by maintaining primary productivity, reducing host dominance, and accelerating nutrient cycling, essential for ecosystem function and productivity near carrying capacity.
Herbivory influences soil microbial communities and greenhouse gas fluxes, potentially enhancing soil carbon losses, which could mediate carbon-climate feedbacks in high-latitude ecosystems.
Herbivory disrupts energy flow by reducing dead vegetation available for detritivores like termites, especially in ecosystems lacking predator regulation, as seen in dryland ecosystems with irrupted herbivore populations.

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